Fantascience Digest, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 12, January-February 1940
Page 37
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 37 THE READER COMMENTS Dear Mr. Madle:-We have a copy of youy July-August-September 1939 issue of FANTASCIENCE DIGEST. We find, on page 12, a reference to Street & Smith which is untrue, and, being so, is libelous. We wish to say most emphatically that this corporation is not in the hands of receivers, is not up for sale. We have no financial difficulties, owe no money to banks, and pay our bills promptly, day by day. If the author of the scurrilous article, Donald A. Wollheim, was sufficiently well-informed in regard to the American publishing industry, he would know that there is not the slightest basis in fact for his libelous reference to Street & Smith. We are informed that it is a criminal offense to make libelous statements that are calculated to injure the financial standing of any person or corporation. We are going to give you an opportunity to retract the statement objected to, which retraction must be full and complete, without reservation. Kindly let us hear from you as to what you intend to do.--H.W. Ralston, Vice-President, Street & Smith Publications, Inc. ________________________________________ As I mentioned in my answer to the above letter, FANTASCIENCE DIGEST herewith retracts the statement objected to, and is sorry ever to have published it. Obviously, Mr. Ralston is more aware of the financial business of S&S than is Mr. Wollheim, andhis word is enough for me--(Editor) _______________________________________ HAROLD F. BENSON: About your magazine: less fiction, more articles, such as those by Fischer, more news of coming stories in the pro magazines. Put more stress on the "Weird angle", that is, more of the "fantasy" type and cut some of the "science". And I repeat, less fiction. _______________________________________ Apparently Mr. Benson doesn't care for amateur fiction. However, if he'll read Lee Gregor's "The Musician" in the current issue and Alexander M. Phillips' "Dream's End" in a forthcoming issue, I'm positive he'll change his mind. FD will continue to publish at least one short story each issue, but rest assured it'll be the best obtainable by amateur magazines. As to the weird angle, news and items of this type is very difficult to obtain, although we always have previews of WT. Perhaps Mr. Benson would care to submit something of the "fantasy" type?--The Editor. _______________________________________ HENRY D. GOLDMAN: Your mag is certainly one of the top-ranking fan mags going today. Even though it is usually late, it's worth waiting for. Outside of enlarging the readers' department, I can't think of anything to improve it. ARTHUR L. WIDNER, JR: The issue was very good, and I'm looking forward to the second anniversary number. I rat the contents as follows: Dawn of Death. Not bad, although the ending was easily foreseen, it was different. --8
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 37 THE READER COMMENTS Dear Mr. Madle:-We have a copy of youy July-August-September 1939 issue of FANTASCIENCE DIGEST. We find, on page 12, a reference to Street & Smith which is untrue, and, being so, is libelous. We wish to say most emphatically that this corporation is not in the hands of receivers, is not up for sale. We have no financial difficulties, owe no money to banks, and pay our bills promptly, day by day. If the author of the scurrilous article, Donald A. Wollheim, was sufficiently well-informed in regard to the American publishing industry, he would know that there is not the slightest basis in fact for his libelous reference to Street & Smith. We are informed that it is a criminal offense to make libelous statements that are calculated to injure the financial standing of any person or corporation. We are going to give you an opportunity to retract the statement objected to, which retraction must be full and complete, without reservation. Kindly let us hear from you as to what you intend to do.--H.W. Ralston, Vice-President, Street & Smith Publications, Inc. ________________________________________ As I mentioned in my answer to the above letter, FANTASCIENCE DIGEST herewith retracts the statement objected to, and is sorry ever to have published it. Obviously, Mr. Ralston is more aware of the financial business of S&S than is Mr. Wollheim, andhis word is enough for me--(Editor) _______________________________________ HAROLD F. BENSON: About your magazine: less fiction, more articles, such as those by Fischer, more news of coming stories in the pro magazines. Put more stress on the "Weird angle", that is, more of the "fantasy" type and cut some of the "science". And I repeat, less fiction. _______________________________________ Apparently Mr. Benson doesn't care for amateur fiction. However, if he'll read Lee Gregor's "The Musician" in the current issue and Alexander M. Phillips' "Dream's End" in a forthcoming issue, I'm positive he'll change his mind. FD will continue to publish at least one short story each issue, but rest assured it'll be the best obtainable by amateur magazines. As to the weird angle, news and items of this type is very difficult to obtain, although we always have previews of WT. Perhaps Mr. Benson would care to submit something of the "fantasy" type?--The Editor. _______________________________________ HENRY D. GOLDMAN: Your mag is certainly one of the top-ranking fan mags going today. Even though it is usually late, it's worth waiting for. Outside of enlarging the readers' department, I can't think of anything to improve it. ARTHUR L. WIDNER, JR: The issue was very good, and I'm looking forward to the second anniversary number. I rat the contents as follows: Dawn of Death. Not bad, although the ending was easily foreseen, it was different. --8
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