Spacewarp, v. 5, issue 2, whole no. 26, May 1949
Page 13
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the sun, and rapped ashes from his pipe against a post. "Hell, there's only one place that mimeo can be," he murmured disgustedly, "in that damned store-house out back." It should be mentioned here that this fellow with the pipe is one of the curious breed known as STF fans. He publishes a fanzine, and, as a consequence, has to have some place to shove back issues. Hence the store-house. He has not dared face the place for months. He is afraid of it. He just opens the door a crack and flings off crud in and does his best to forget about it. But today he has to face it. He has to go in and hunt a beat-up, broken-down, Montgomery-Ward mimeo. His fanzine is behind schedule again. And is he going to be surprised when he finds the mimeo! For there in the dark recesses of this fantasy-frightened shack, nestled beside the mimeo and partially covered with fannish junk, lies a long, low, gleaming object. It is an object of precision and beauty, a thing to gladden the heart of any fan. It is, in a word, von Heine's space ship. And who is going to discover this coveted object? You guessed it. The editor of SPACEWARP -- Arthur H. Rapp! - END OF PART V - ---------------------------------- ((Honest, this is none of my doing! In fact, I just about blue-penciled that scene! I shudder to think of what happens next month in Part VI of "STF Broadcasts Again!")) At the time this is being stenciled, it's too early to tell whether anyone guessed correctly the identity of Part IV's author. But we rather doubt it. It was quite a change, wasn't it, from the usual style and subject-matter of that frequent WARP-contributor and this month's cover artist: WILLIAM JAMES ------------------------------------- THE GLEEFUL CADAVER Oh I am the merriest corpse in the morgue, / I leap from slab to slab / The ice water trickles on down by back / But there's nobody here to blab -- / Ha! Ha! There's nobody here to blab! RAY NELSON ------------------------------------- "From a structural point of view, postulates or definitions or assumptions must be considered as those relational or multi-dimensional order structural assumptions which establish, conjointly with the undefined terms, the structure of a given language. Obviously, to find the structure of a language we must work out the given language to a system of postulates and find the minimum of its (never unique) undefined terms." -- Korzybski
the sun, and rapped ashes from his pipe against a post. "Hell, there's only one place that mimeo can be," he murmured disgustedly, "in that damned store-house out back." It should be mentioned here that this fellow with the pipe is one of the curious breed known as STF fans. He publishes a fanzine, and, as a consequence, has to have some place to shove back issues. Hence the store-house. He has not dared face the place for months. He is afraid of it. He just opens the door a crack and flings off crud in and does his best to forget about it. But today he has to face it. He has to go in and hunt a beat-up, broken-down, Montgomery-Ward mimeo. His fanzine is behind schedule again. And is he going to be surprised when he finds the mimeo! For there in the dark recesses of this fantasy-frightened shack, nestled beside the mimeo and partially covered with fannish junk, lies a long, low, gleaming object. It is an object of precision and beauty, a thing to gladden the heart of any fan. It is, in a word, von Heine's space ship. And who is going to discover this coveted object? You guessed it. The editor of SPACEWARP -- Arthur H. Rapp! - END OF PART V - ---------------------------------- ((Honest, this is none of my doing! In fact, I just about blue-penciled that scene! I shudder to think of what happens next month in Part VI of "STF Broadcasts Again!")) At the time this is being stenciled, it's too early to tell whether anyone guessed correctly the identity of Part IV's author. But we rather doubt it. It was quite a change, wasn't it, from the usual style and subject-matter of that frequent WARP-contributor and this month's cover artist: WILLIAM JAMES ------------------------------------- THE GLEEFUL CADAVER Oh I am the merriest corpse in the morgue, / I leap from slab to slab / The ice water trickles on down by back / But there's nobody here to blab -- / Ha! Ha! There's nobody here to blab! RAY NELSON ------------------------------------- "From a structural point of view, postulates or definitions or assumptions must be considered as those relational or multi-dimensional order structural assumptions which establish, conjointly with the undefined terms, the structure of a given language. Obviously, to find the structure of a language we must work out the given language to a system of postulates and find the minimum of its (never unique) undefined terms." -- Korzybski
Hevelin Fanzines