Spacewarp, v. 5, issue 2, whole no. 26, May 1949
Page 18
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THE NEW REPUBLIC EYES US. A writeup of the fantasy field which so far has escaped mention in the fan press -- so far as I know -- is a four-page discussion titled "Imagination Runs Wild" in the New Republic for 17 Jan. 1949. (NR must surely have a low circulation among denizens of the supposedly liberal-inhabited stfield? However, Bob Stein has uncovered this writeup, and an interesting, mostly favorable one it is, too. Tracing the development of fantasy, mostly from material in Pilgrims in Space and Time, the article stresses the "prophetic" angle of stf, but finds time to consider weird fiction and the Howard Phelps Lovecraft school. Fandom gets a prominent mention, although the fanzines listed are all old ones, long since folded, except for Fantasy Commentator and Fan-Dang (sic!) From the titles listed, it seems that whoever briefed the author, Richard B. Gehman, on this phase, has been inactive in fandom since 1945. All in all, however, it is a worthy writeup which deserves preservation in your miscellaneous file, along with "Little Superman, What Now?". FANTASY TIMES, PLEASE CHECK! Jimmy, please check with Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Fantasy Reader editor, to confirm or deny the hot rumor that no more of C.L. Moore's yarns will appear in AFR -- or in other reprint sources. Seems Catherine has had a change of heart and ordered DAW to desist from bringing Northwest Smith back to prominence. Also, find out about the reprint of The Fox Woman, which Avon will publish in the fall, along with some other Merritt yarns possibly with "The White Road," the last fragment which has not seen print before. PROPHET WITHOUT HONOR. "...By July 1, 1944, no square foot on the surface of the earth was free of ice -- except spots about some of the hot geysers in the Yellowstone National Park...By mid-September the oceans were frozen over." -- Warner Van Lorne, "Winter on the Planet," Astounding, April 1937. NEWS -- AS SPACE WILL ALLOW. "Eternity Lost," upcoming Simak story in Astounding, may inaugurate a new series. In this story Simak takes a slant on human immortality which is almost exactly the opposite of that taken by Dr. Keller in "Life Everlasting". # Henry Elsner, Jr., once fandom's most outspoken advocate of Technocracy, is no longer one of Howard Scott's "loyal men". # The waiting list of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association is shorter than it has been in many months, and applicants may expect to enter FAPA as a full member by the end of October if they apply now. Membership requirements and further information may be obtained from the secretary, who is also your obdt. file clerk, address at the head of this column. (If it isn't there, your editor, Mr. Rapp, has fouled up again, drat him!) OPPOSITES REACT! Next File 13, perhaps, I shall inaugurate a letterbox, devoted to comments and indignant yells from readers of this pillar. With Mistah Rapp discouraging letters, and urging subbers to write to contributors rather than to the editor, I'm offering you bustards a chance for egoboo, as well as steam-letting in this department. If you've got arguments or -- praise be! -- some supporting comments for my side of the debate, I'll be glad to receive them. Address up there at the head of this column -- Art, you bemused editor, you did put it there, didn't you? My mailbox is now bomb-proofed, but any naked razor-blades will be ignored, or better yet, merely used for the purpose for which they were manufactured. Keep your comments trenchant, if you want 'em quoted -- and you can bet that they'll be quoted, with your name appended, if I feel in the mood. Nothing is off the record when you write to -- File 13. - END - 18
THE NEW REPUBLIC EYES US. A writeup of the fantasy field which so far has escaped mention in the fan press -- so far as I know -- is a four-page discussion titled "Imagination Runs Wild" in the New Republic for 17 Jan. 1949. (NR must surely have a low circulation among denizens of the supposedly liberal-inhabited stfield? However, Bob Stein has uncovered this writeup, and an interesting, mostly favorable one it is, too. Tracing the development of fantasy, mostly from material in Pilgrims in Space and Time, the article stresses the "prophetic" angle of stf, but finds time to consider weird fiction and the Howard Phelps Lovecraft school. Fandom gets a prominent mention, although the fanzines listed are all old ones, long since folded, except for Fantasy Commentator and Fan-Dang (sic!) From the titles listed, it seems that whoever briefed the author, Richard B. Gehman, on this phase, has been inactive in fandom since 1945. All in all, however, it is a worthy writeup which deserves preservation in your miscellaneous file, along with "Little Superman, What Now?". FANTASY TIMES, PLEASE CHECK! Jimmy, please check with Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Fantasy Reader editor, to confirm or deny the hot rumor that no more of C.L. Moore's yarns will appear in AFR -- or in other reprint sources. Seems Catherine has had a change of heart and ordered DAW to desist from bringing Northwest Smith back to prominence. Also, find out about the reprint of The Fox Woman, which Avon will publish in the fall, along with some other Merritt yarns possibly with "The White Road," the last fragment which has not seen print before. PROPHET WITHOUT HONOR. "...By July 1, 1944, no square foot on the surface of the earth was free of ice -- except spots about some of the hot geysers in the Yellowstone National Park...By mid-September the oceans were frozen over." -- Warner Van Lorne, "Winter on the Planet," Astounding, April 1937. NEWS -- AS SPACE WILL ALLOW. "Eternity Lost," upcoming Simak story in Astounding, may inaugurate a new series. In this story Simak takes a slant on human immortality which is almost exactly the opposite of that taken by Dr. Keller in "Life Everlasting". # Henry Elsner, Jr., once fandom's most outspoken advocate of Technocracy, is no longer one of Howard Scott's "loyal men". # The waiting list of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association is shorter than it has been in many months, and applicants may expect to enter FAPA as a full member by the end of October if they apply now. Membership requirements and further information may be obtained from the secretary, who is also your obdt. file clerk, address at the head of this column. (If it isn't there, your editor, Mr. Rapp, has fouled up again, drat him!) OPPOSITES REACT! Next File 13, perhaps, I shall inaugurate a letterbox, devoted to comments and indignant yells from readers of this pillar. With Mistah Rapp discouraging letters, and urging subbers to write to contributors rather than to the editor, I'm offering you bustards a chance for egoboo, as well as steam-letting in this department. If you've got arguments or -- praise be! -- some supporting comments for my side of the debate, I'll be glad to receive them. Address up there at the head of this column -- Art, you bemused editor, you did put it there, didn't you? My mailbox is now bomb-proofed, but any naked razor-blades will be ignored, or better yet, merely used for the purpose for which they were manufactured. Keep your comments trenchant, if you want 'em quoted -- and you can bet that they'll be quoted, with your name appended, if I feel in the mood. Nothing is off the record when you write to -- File 13. - END - 18
Hevelin Fanzines