Fandango, v. 2, issue 4, whole no. 8, Spring 1945
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least 95% of you, and after Elmer's exposition, I am scared to say anything for fear unintended implications will be read into it, and for fear that a friendly-meant, if caustic, comment will antagonise someone whom I don't wish to antagonise. To hell with it! As far as I am concerned, this is the end of Fan-Dango, as you and I know it. It is also the end, temporarily at least, of my participation in FAPA as an active member. The experiment failed, and I don't feel particularly in the mood to go on with it just to show how bull-headed I can be on occasion. ******************** THE NEW FAN-DANGO If there weren't so many interesting magazines of permanent worth in FAPA mailings, I'd resign from membership, but it is just too easy to stay on the roll and get them all, as compared with the vast amount of trouble it would take to contact the individual editors and make some arrangement with them. So, I've got to go on publishing. I am disgusted to recall my activity in behalf of greater activity requirements! Now I've got to give out with 8 pages a year instead of only two. There are very few possibilities for me to choose from. Of course I could do like one of our more honored Brooklyn members and toss in some crudsheets from my non-FAPA publication now and then, but even I lack the gall to expect mailings in return for anything like that! Fantasy and stf in its various ramifications is something I cannot touch upon in FAPA. Anything I write along these lines will go in Acolyte, and considering the low standards of that magazine (it stinks but it fills up the page!) its rejects would scarcely be worth publishing anywhere. I do not feel that I know enough about most of the brain-trust subjects to write about them. This diffidence does not apply throughout most of our membership, unfortunately, but in my case it precludes any heavy attempts at intellectuality. I'm not particularly "intellectual", and see no reason to try to act as though I were. Matters of fan conduct and fan politics, Fan-Dango's favorite jive, are assuredly out. In the first place, I can see no reason to stencil and mimeograph like mad to reach an audience of 65, when the pages of Shangri L'Affaires and Vom (175 circulation each) are open to me, and don't even make me stencil my own junk. Then too, I'm trying (despite the chip on both shoulders tonight) to get back in your good graces to a certain extent, and my remarks on fan matters are not the sort of thing that will lead to that end. So, in the future, Fan-Dango will be devoted exclusively to jazz and swing. It will probably be an annual of 8 pages, though if I later develope more time I may try to bring it out twice a year. I will sincerely appreciate constructive comments from all of you, because I am going to do my level best to make of it a magazine that will interest everyone, even the ones of you who hate jazz and swing! I would like to know how I do. **************** TO RAYMOND WASHINGTON: I don't feel my attacks on you need any particular justification. I was fighting the Cosmic Circle with everything I had, and you were in the enemy camp. The tac- -- 5 --
least 95% of you, and after Elmer's exposition, I am scared to say anything for fear unintended implications will be read into it, and for fear that a friendly-meant, if caustic, comment will antagonise someone whom I don't wish to antagonise. To hell with it! As far as I am concerned, this is the end of Fan-Dango, as you and I know it. It is also the end, temporarily at least, of my participation in FAPA as an active member. The experiment failed, and I don't feel particularly in the mood to go on with it just to show how bull-headed I can be on occasion. ******************** THE NEW FAN-DANGO If there weren't so many interesting magazines of permanent worth in FAPA mailings, I'd resign from membership, but it is just too easy to stay on the roll and get them all, as compared with the vast amount of trouble it would take to contact the individual editors and make some arrangement with them. So, I've got to go on publishing. I am disgusted to recall my activity in behalf of greater activity requirements! Now I've got to give out with 8 pages a year instead of only two. There are very few possibilities for me to choose from. Of course I could do like one of our more honored Brooklyn members and toss in some crudsheets from my non-FAPA publication now and then, but even I lack the gall to expect mailings in return for anything like that! Fantasy and stf in its various ramifications is something I cannot touch upon in FAPA. Anything I write along these lines will go in Acolyte, and considering the low standards of that magazine (it stinks but it fills up the page!) its rejects would scarcely be worth publishing anywhere. I do not feel that I know enough about most of the brain-trust subjects to write about them. This diffidence does not apply throughout most of our membership, unfortunately, but in my case it precludes any heavy attempts at intellectuality. I'm not particularly "intellectual", and see no reason to try to act as though I were. Matters of fan conduct and fan politics, Fan-Dango's favorite jive, are assuredly out. In the first place, I can see no reason to stencil and mimeograph like mad to reach an audience of 65, when the pages of Shangri L'Affaires and Vom (175 circulation each) are open to me, and don't even make me stencil my own junk. Then too, I'm trying (despite the chip on both shoulders tonight) to get back in your good graces to a certain extent, and my remarks on fan matters are not the sort of thing that will lead to that end. So, in the future, Fan-Dango will be devoted exclusively to jazz and swing. It will probably be an annual of 8 pages, though if I later develope more time I may try to bring it out twice a year. I will sincerely appreciate constructive comments from all of you, because I am going to do my level best to make of it a magazine that will interest everyone, even the ones of you who hate jazz and swing! I would like to know how I do. **************** TO RAYMOND WASHINGTON: I don't feel my attacks on you need any particular justification. I was fighting the Cosmic Circle with everything I had, and you were in the enemy camp. The tac- -- 5 --
Hevelin Fanzines