Fandango, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 7, Winter 1944
Page 6
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SARDONYX. A wealth of excellent essays make this issue #1 discussion mag of the current mailing, and one of the best I've yet seen in FAPA. Best seemed, The World of JBS, Racial Equality, and Aspects of Human Nautre....The suggested ethics are offered for criticism and revision, and I should like to dig this a bit. In the first place, the very first point, banning "abuse in emotional language", seems rather silly. For one thing, this is certainly not important enough to be the first point--it isn't a tenth as important as the points covering "Hospitality" (in connection with which EEE's "kitty" suggestion should be incorporated and "putting other fans to inconvenience or embarressment". As a matter of fact, if my "guttersnipe" remarks are of sufficient importance to be covered at all, they logically fall under "inconvenience and embarressment as a minor point. I am willing to admit that my personalities directed at various people have probably injured the causes I was advocating, but I am disgusted to see that they did. After all, if I am to be banned from the sterile and pseudo-intellectual ranks of fandom merely for attempting to inject a bit of bluster and excitement into the dry-as-dust maunderings of Speer and others, it is a sad commentary on fans as a group. To me, it is more than a little pathetic to see all these little geniuses, scared to death of their own emotional reactions, hiding from the world in a fog of fanzines, repressed as a bunch of star Sunday school addicts, and yet prating about the "brave new world". I got my paddy-paws slapped for saying once what fandom needed; I still think that a good shot of that prescription would do a lot of us some good. To my dying day, I'll never see why so many fans seem to wish us to consider them as disembodied brains, giving forth with tripe and drivel and considering it to be of little less import than if it were writ by the finger of god. Oh yes, anticlimactically, I wonder why LRC wishes to ban gossip and slander. I'll grant that other things (such as fantasy itself) are far more worthy of space, but what greater sport than to dish dirt, a la the old backyard fence. I get a bang out of hearing the peculiar things that happen to us all, and I can't help hoping thatthere are others of us who are not so far removed from the world as to be above the gossip and such. One thing, I'll back the LASFS against the best DAR chapter in the world as a bunch of gossip mongers. And boy, is it fun! ----oo0oo---- BANSHEE. Large, ambitious, and quite good. In the comment section, two of the kiddies rather burned me up with their comments on me, and I should like to take a mild rebuttal at Messrs. Spencer and Wilimczyk. Spencer's remarks were particularly offensive to me. Earlier in the issue I covered a good deal of his blasting under the heading, "Is Laney a Heel?". I shall ignore his remarks about teehee, gigglegaggle--tho not without a grimace of disgust--and request him to list, objectively and factually, the actual reasons why I am a "menace to fandom". There is no danger of my getting a mailing banned; I'm watching that. But if the free exposition of principles of what might be loosely temmed "bohemian" or, better, decadent life--such as obtains in most most cultured and intellectual circles (writers, artists, actors, musicians) is a menace to fandom, then fandom in its present form needs "menacing". I hope that PFC Spencer may at some time be stationed around LA; I believe that an evening's objective discussion with me would, if not converting him to more civilized precepts, at least disillusion the lad no end.......I should also be interested in Wilimczyk's definitions of "normal" persons. One thing for sure, either he or I are abnormal as the devil. At least the San Center as I outlined it would have been thoroughly "normal" in any circles I've ever moved in......I hope that both you fellows will follow up your initial attacks on me; maybe we can have an argument! --6--
SARDONYX. A wealth of excellent essays make this issue #1 discussion mag of the current mailing, and one of the best I've yet seen in FAPA. Best seemed, The World of JBS, Racial Equality, and Aspects of Human Nautre....The suggested ethics are offered for criticism and revision, and I should like to dig this a bit. In the first place, the very first point, banning "abuse in emotional language", seems rather silly. For one thing, this is certainly not important enough to be the first point--it isn't a tenth as important as the points covering "Hospitality" (in connection with which EEE's "kitty" suggestion should be incorporated and "putting other fans to inconvenience or embarressment". As a matter of fact, if my "guttersnipe" remarks are of sufficient importance to be covered at all, they logically fall under "inconvenience and embarressment as a minor point. I am willing to admit that my personalities directed at various people have probably injured the causes I was advocating, but I am disgusted to see that they did. After all, if I am to be banned from the sterile and pseudo-intellectual ranks of fandom merely for attempting to inject a bit of bluster and excitement into the dry-as-dust maunderings of Speer and others, it is a sad commentary on fans as a group. To me, it is more than a little pathetic to see all these little geniuses, scared to death of their own emotional reactions, hiding from the world in a fog of fanzines, repressed as a bunch of star Sunday school addicts, and yet prating about the "brave new world". I got my paddy-paws slapped for saying once what fandom needed; I still think that a good shot of that prescription would do a lot of us some good. To my dying day, I'll never see why so many fans seem to wish us to consider them as disembodied brains, giving forth with tripe and drivel and considering it to be of little less import than if it were writ by the finger of god. Oh yes, anticlimactically, I wonder why LRC wishes to ban gossip and slander. I'll grant that other things (such as fantasy itself) are far more worthy of space, but what greater sport than to dish dirt, a la the old backyard fence. I get a bang out of hearing the peculiar things that happen to us all, and I can't help hoping thatthere are others of us who are not so far removed from the world as to be above the gossip and such. One thing, I'll back the LASFS against the best DAR chapter in the world as a bunch of gossip mongers. And boy, is it fun! ----oo0oo---- BANSHEE. Large, ambitious, and quite good. In the comment section, two of the kiddies rather burned me up with their comments on me, and I should like to take a mild rebuttal at Messrs. Spencer and Wilimczyk. Spencer's remarks were particularly offensive to me. Earlier in the issue I covered a good deal of his blasting under the heading, "Is Laney a Heel?". I shall ignore his remarks about teehee, gigglegaggle--tho not without a grimace of disgust--and request him to list, objectively and factually, the actual reasons why I am a "menace to fandom". There is no danger of my getting a mailing banned; I'm watching that. But if the free exposition of principles of what might be loosely temmed "bohemian" or, better, decadent life--such as obtains in most most cultured and intellectual circles (writers, artists, actors, musicians) is a menace to fandom, then fandom in its present form needs "menacing". I hope that PFC Spencer may at some time be stationed around LA; I believe that an evening's objective discussion with me would, if not converting him to more civilized precepts, at least disillusion the lad no end.......I should also be interested in Wilimczyk's definitions of "normal" persons. One thing for sure, either he or I are abnormal as the devil. At least the San Center as I outlined it would have been thoroughly "normal" in any circles I've ever moved in......I hope that both you fellows will follow up your initial attacks on me; maybe we can have an argument! --6--
Hevelin Fanzines