Fantasy Aspects, issue 2, November 1947
Page 21
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Continued from Page 6. SNOW USE by Tom Jewett FROM FAPARATION #1 ----------------------------- of space ships can clear the fields...Rocket travel is at a standstill; no ship can land, none can take off. It's a mess, ain't it! Newton and the Futuremen are stranded on Earth, but Cap and the Brain work feverishly in a laboratory. After weeks of ceaseless activity and after consuming forty-two cases of No-Nod, they set up their device on a mountaintop. Turning on the power, a hyper-magnetic force bends several million cubic feet of air into a gigantic lens, which concentrates the awful heat of the sun on a rocket field, melting all the unnatural snow and ice. Soon all the fields are clear, the cult rounded up, and the Futuremen hunt for new adventures. FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, with a Finlay cover of course, would have a try at the "lost world" theme. Like This: A dictapator propagates the third world war, not by atomic bombs, but by artificially-produced snows, freezing crops and starving people by the millions. The Dictapator rubs his hands in glee and orders the freezing destruction ceased. But his joy turns to fear as he learns that the oceans of the world are freezing because of the reversed scorched-earth policy. Soon the lands of Earth freeze, and glaciers creep down from the frozen North and cover lands down to the equator. ((The editor presumes that a similar process occurs below the equator also. Ed.)) Finally only small, isolated segments of the human race are living, and the future is very black indeed. Now we focus our spot-lite on a man and, naturally, a woman. The last in their tiny settlement, they bravely face frozen death searching for other humans. But in vein. Finally, exhausted, the two take refuge in Mammoth Cave, expecting to die there. Providentially, on the page before the last a fiery comet passes close by the Earth and its heat defrosts everything, and the man and woman come from the cave and look upon a Bright New Earth! In Astounding SCIENCE-FICTION it'd go like this. (We of course would deal with the sociological aspects of the plot): A synthetic-food manufacturer creates snow above the numerous sites of hydroponics companies in the hopes of driving them out of business. The snow raises hob with the liquored-up plants and kills every single solitary vegetable. So until the hydroponics engineers can get into production again, the synth-food manufacturer has one helluva time at the expense of the food-eating people, which includes practically everyone. Money rolls in by the car load, and the synthe-food manufacturer plans to snow out the hydroponics companies continuously. Finally one of the hydroponics engineers gets tanked up and goes out and shoots the synth-food manufacturer right in the -- ahem, where it hurts. So the two rival industries square off, gather their forces, and go beat the bujunior outa each other. And while the bat- ----(Page 21)----
Continued from Page 6. SNOW USE by Tom Jewett FROM FAPARATION #1 ----------------------------- of space ships can clear the fields...Rocket travel is at a standstill; no ship can land, none can take off. It's a mess, ain't it! Newton and the Futuremen are stranded on Earth, but Cap and the Brain work feverishly in a laboratory. After weeks of ceaseless activity and after consuming forty-two cases of No-Nod, they set up their device on a mountaintop. Turning on the power, a hyper-magnetic force bends several million cubic feet of air into a gigantic lens, which concentrates the awful heat of the sun on a rocket field, melting all the unnatural snow and ice. Soon all the fields are clear, the cult rounded up, and the Futuremen hunt for new adventures. FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, with a Finlay cover of course, would have a try at the "lost world" theme. Like This: A dictapator propagates the third world war, not by atomic bombs, but by artificially-produced snows, freezing crops and starving people by the millions. The Dictapator rubs his hands in glee and orders the freezing destruction ceased. But his joy turns to fear as he learns that the oceans of the world are freezing because of the reversed scorched-earth policy. Soon the lands of Earth freeze, and glaciers creep down from the frozen North and cover lands down to the equator. ((The editor presumes that a similar process occurs below the equator also. Ed.)) Finally only small, isolated segments of the human race are living, and the future is very black indeed. Now we focus our spot-lite on a man and, naturally, a woman. The last in their tiny settlement, they bravely face frozen death searching for other humans. But in vein. Finally, exhausted, the two take refuge in Mammoth Cave, expecting to die there. Providentially, on the page before the last a fiery comet passes close by the Earth and its heat defrosts everything, and the man and woman come from the cave and look upon a Bright New Earth! In Astounding SCIENCE-FICTION it'd go like this. (We of course would deal with the sociological aspects of the plot): A synthetic-food manufacturer creates snow above the numerous sites of hydroponics companies in the hopes of driving them out of business. The snow raises hob with the liquored-up plants and kills every single solitary vegetable. So until the hydroponics engineers can get into production again, the synth-food manufacturer has one helluva time at the expense of the food-eating people, which includes practically everyone. Money rolls in by the car load, and the synthe-food manufacturer plans to snow out the hydroponics companies continuously. Finally one of the hydroponics engineers gets tanked up and goes out and shoots the synth-food manufacturer right in the -- ahem, where it hurts. So the two rival industries square off, gather their forces, and go beat the bujunior outa each other. And while the bat- ----(Page 21)----
Hevelin Fanzines