Fantasy Aspects, issue 2, November 1947
Page 30
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Dear Harold: --- I thought you did an excellent job on the first issue of the publication. It is something that has a definite place in the fan field -- if the number of fanzines I receive continue to decline it may turn into the principal source of fan writings for me, in fact. --- Yours From Thyril L. Ladd of 33 Cuyler Ave., Albany 2, N. Y. Dear Harold: Today's mail brought me the copy of "Fantasy Aspects" #1 and I desire to hasten to salute you, for putting out an attractive and interesting magazine. This issue is well worth the 15c, if only for E. H. Price's fine article. I have his long article on Wright in "The Ghost" this is most excellent as coincidental to it. The index of Fantasy magazines is a valuable item, as a checklist for those who go in for collecting Fantasy Magazines in their entirety. As you are aware, personally, I excerpt tales from them, and have them bound. If my count is correct, I have somewhere around 70 of these bound "mag" volumes, of varying thickness, -- and maybe 20 or 50 more away being bound. The last lot to arrive were 5 volumes of all "Weird Tales" material, which I believe gives me a dozen or better of stuff from that magazine alone -- mostly older issues. I have one I'm especially interested in away, being bound, -- an all "W. T." affair -- called "ALMURIC and OTHERS" by Robt. E. Howard, a great masterpiece. I think, myself, that Derleth erred in omitting this from "Skull-Face and Others" -- but A. D. always avoids action, as much as he can, preferring atmosphere and mood. ((Well, perhaps "Almuric" is a little more fantastic than Tarzan, but ---- Ed.)) ----------------------------------- Our thanks go out to the following who also wrote in swell letters telling what they didn't or did like about Fantasy Aspects. How about one from you? Joe Kennedy Sam Moskowitz Norman Stanley Alastair Cameron Len J. Moffatt J. P. Guinon D. B. Thompson Joe Schaumburger Harley Sachs Art Rapp Ned McGeown F. B. Anderson Guerry Brown Don Bratton Lin Carter Walt Dunkelberger D. C. Richardson Rick Sneary Joe Kirschnick W. S. Houston Paul Spencer Tom Jewett M. Diner John E. Koestner R. R. Reed K. M. Carlson D. A. MacInnes Boff Perry L. Averbach Lloyd Alpaugh, Jr. Richard Frank Gerry Fordyce Delbert Grant L. Hudson Cee Peterzen Stanely Skirven Paul A. Doerr Rickey Slavin John Nitka Raymond Isadore M. F. Smith D. Hutchison Richard Sair Don Ringler Lawrence Weller Phil Froeder Beak Taylor Gary Fordyce Ed Lavery A. F. Lopez David Miller H. Spelman III Charles Lucas Hugh F. Henry ----(Page 30)----
Dear Harold: --- I thought you did an excellent job on the first issue of the publication. It is something that has a definite place in the fan field -- if the number of fanzines I receive continue to decline it may turn into the principal source of fan writings for me, in fact. --- Yours From Thyril L. Ladd of 33 Cuyler Ave., Albany 2, N. Y. Dear Harold: Today's mail brought me the copy of "Fantasy Aspects" #1 and I desire to hasten to salute you, for putting out an attractive and interesting magazine. This issue is well worth the 15c, if only for E. H. Price's fine article. I have his long article on Wright in "The Ghost" this is most excellent as coincidental to it. The index of Fantasy magazines is a valuable item, as a checklist for those who go in for collecting Fantasy Magazines in their entirety. As you are aware, personally, I excerpt tales from them, and have them bound. If my count is correct, I have somewhere around 70 of these bound "mag" volumes, of varying thickness, -- and maybe 20 or 50 more away being bound. The last lot to arrive were 5 volumes of all "Weird Tales" material, which I believe gives me a dozen or better of stuff from that magazine alone -- mostly older issues. I have one I'm especially interested in away, being bound, -- an all "W. T." affair -- called "ALMURIC and OTHERS" by Robt. E. Howard, a great masterpiece. I think, myself, that Derleth erred in omitting this from "Skull-Face and Others" -- but A. D. always avoids action, as much as he can, preferring atmosphere and mood. ((Well, perhaps "Almuric" is a little more fantastic than Tarzan, but ---- Ed.)) ----------------------------------- Our thanks go out to the following who also wrote in swell letters telling what they didn't or did like about Fantasy Aspects. How about one from you? Joe Kennedy Sam Moskowitz Norman Stanley Alastair Cameron Len J. Moffatt J. P. Guinon D. B. Thompson Joe Schaumburger Harley Sachs Art Rapp Ned McGeown F. B. Anderson Guerry Brown Don Bratton Lin Carter Walt Dunkelberger D. C. Richardson Rick Sneary Joe Kirschnick W. S. Houston Paul Spencer Tom Jewett M. Diner John E. Koestner R. R. Reed K. M. Carlson D. A. MacInnes Boff Perry L. Averbach Lloyd Alpaugh, Jr. Richard Frank Gerry Fordyce Delbert Grant L. Hudson Cee Peterzen Stanely Skirven Paul A. Doerr Rickey Slavin John Nitka Raymond Isadore M. F. Smith D. Hutchison Richard Sair Don Ringler Lawrence Weller Phil Froeder Beak Taylor Gary Fordyce Ed Lavery A. F. Lopez David Miller H. Spelman III Charles Lucas Hugh F. Henry ----(Page 30)----
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