Fantasy Aspects, issue 2, November 1947
Page 32
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fairly fresh, however. (See The Adaptive Ultimate, by Stanley Weinbaum under the pseud. of J. Jessel.) The plot path, though old, is still one of the best for suspense; that is starting with an unimportant, trivial, incident that grows, grows inexorably until it ultimately destroys the world. Moore's handling of an atmosphere of sinisterness that develops unbeknownst to the characters is very nice. He shows a fair amount of imagination in the devices that his characters use in battling the grass. There are several methods I would have tried, such as cutting off the grass's supply of oxygen, or smothering it in its own waste matter; but as Moore shows in his story, by the time such methods would have achieved any recognition, it would have been too late to use them. All through the story, the air of "too little -- too late" runs. If we had but used this method that we are using now, earlier, it would have done the job. Several places in the story, one of the characters will mention space travel as symbolizing the height of foolishness in speculation. If Mr. Moore had but asked any competent physicist or scientist, how would he have seen that space flight is not such a far-off dream of wide-eyed crack-pots. Indeed, interplanetary flight is one of the top research projects in the US Army's experiments with rocket missiles. The ending of Greener Than You Think is good. Here Moore shows that he does not mean to compromise the story -- no "wake-up-and-find-its-a-dream" ending, or such poppy-cock as is often inserted in hard-cover fantasy to make it "palatable" for the more mundane readers mars this story! Taken as a pure fantasy, and compared to the other "classics" of this field, Greener Than You Think stands up well. We can give you no higher recommendation than to say without a doubt that eventually this story will be reprinted in FFM. Don't wait for this, however, for you'll be missing a great treat in the meantime. -------------------------------- SUPPORT THE N. F. F. F. BOOK PUBLISHING COMMITTEE! Order Now The First N F F F Book --- D A V I D H. K E L L E R ' S Gorgeous "Off-Trail" Novel THE SIGN OF THE BURNING HEAT Cloth-bound -- Limited to 500 copies Use of a special low-cost printing process, plus Dr. Keller's kindness in waiving payment, enables the NFFF to offer this choice collector's item for only $1.50 to NFFF Members $2.00 to nonmembers Be sure of obtaining your copy -- get your advance order in NOW! Rush check or Money order to K. MARTIN CARLSON, 1028 THIRD AVE. SO, MOORHEAD, MINN. ------------------------------------- ----(Page 32)----
fairly fresh, however. (See The Adaptive Ultimate, by Stanley Weinbaum under the pseud. of J. Jessel.) The plot path, though old, is still one of the best for suspense; that is starting with an unimportant, trivial, incident that grows, grows inexorably until it ultimately destroys the world. Moore's handling of an atmosphere of sinisterness that develops unbeknownst to the characters is very nice. He shows a fair amount of imagination in the devices that his characters use in battling the grass. There are several methods I would have tried, such as cutting off the grass's supply of oxygen, or smothering it in its own waste matter; but as Moore shows in his story, by the time such methods would have achieved any recognition, it would have been too late to use them. All through the story, the air of "too little -- too late" runs. If we had but used this method that we are using now, earlier, it would have done the job. Several places in the story, one of the characters will mention space travel as symbolizing the height of foolishness in speculation. If Mr. Moore had but asked any competent physicist or scientist, how would he have seen that space flight is not such a far-off dream of wide-eyed crack-pots. Indeed, interplanetary flight is one of the top research projects in the US Army's experiments with rocket missiles. The ending of Greener Than You Think is good. Here Moore shows that he does not mean to compromise the story -- no "wake-up-and-find-its-a-dream" ending, or such poppy-cock as is often inserted in hard-cover fantasy to make it "palatable" for the more mundane readers mars this story! Taken as a pure fantasy, and compared to the other "classics" of this field, Greener Than You Think stands up well. We can give you no higher recommendation than to say without a doubt that eventually this story will be reprinted in FFM. Don't wait for this, however, for you'll be missing a great treat in the meantime. -------------------------------- SUPPORT THE N. F. F. F. BOOK PUBLISHING COMMITTEE! Order Now The First N F F F Book --- D A V I D H. K E L L E R ' S Gorgeous "Off-Trail" Novel THE SIGN OF THE BURNING HEAT Cloth-bound -- Limited to 500 copies Use of a special low-cost printing process, plus Dr. Keller's kindness in waiving payment, enables the NFFF to offer this choice collector's item for only $1.50 to NFFF Members $2.00 to nonmembers Be sure of obtaining your copy -- get your advance order in NOW! Rush check or Money order to K. MARTIN CARLSON, 1028 THIRD AVE. SO, MOORHEAD, MINN. ------------------------------------- ----(Page 32)----
Hevelin Fanzines