Variant, v. 1, issue 3, September 1947
Page 24
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Apparently a person who thought this was a scientific publication is doomed to disappointment. Or perhaps it is the fault of my school teachers, who didn't ever tell me that science included crystal gazing and yoga. In an article on "Immortality" we finally reach some philosophical depths. (And I do mean depths.) We begin by reading, "The great universe of which this world is an infinitely small part, is governed by Cosmic Laws which are inexorable, and from whose ultimate design and purpose there can be no turning......the great law which man is learning on the long road from all eternity to all eternity is that of Cause and Effect, by which alone, through experience, the soul of man learns to conform and grow." We go on to find that the individual ego, or real self, never dies, but is projected into endless steps in existance. It would be most interesting to know how this Universal Law was discovered. I could write my thesis on it. We skip over a few papers on subjects of less world shattering interest, and go on to what seems to be the meat of this sterling publication. Perhaps now we shall learn about the innermost secrets of the atom. For we come upon a paper entitled, "The Hydrogen Molecule" by Harry LaVerne Twining, B.A. The editorial note states that, "It would appear that a problem which has bothered scientists for many years has been solved in the accompanying article by Professor Twining." The paper turns out to be no less than a mathematical and mechanical analysis of the hydrogen molecule which is composed of two hydrogen atoms. All of this is accomplished in five pages of "mathematics" which is quite eonomical, since Pauling and Wilson's Quantum Mechanics spends about 50 pages on the same subject, and I cannot notice any problem which bothers them, which Professor Twining has solved. The picture which the man drew of the hydrogen molecule is quite novel. In the diagram above, M and M' are the two protons, while m and m' are the two electrons, fixed at the corners of the square, attractive & repulsive forces are shown, while entire business spins about the axis marked AB. The mathematics which accompanies this diagram is quite interesting. As an example of the technique used in this piece of research, we have the following gem: "Since the attractive forces take place along the sides of the square, and there are four of them, we have: F=4e(exponent 2)|s(exponent 2) Unfortunately, they told me in school (and what is more important, I demonstrated it by experiment.) that you don't just add forces as if they were plain numbers. You have to take their direction into account. On account of this I fear greatly that this kind of mathematics isn't going to work. There are a great many gems of unscientific knowledge in this paper, such as this one, 'What is inertia? Inertia is a force. It is the force of opposition of gravitational energy to an acceleration." I suppose that to the uninitiated this sounds like it might makes sens. However, [[illustration text, clockwise from top]] A M' m' B M m The Hydrogen Molecule [[end illustration text]] (24)
Apparently a person who thought this was a scientific publication is doomed to disappointment. Or perhaps it is the fault of my school teachers, who didn't ever tell me that science included crystal gazing and yoga. In an article on "Immortality" we finally reach some philosophical depths. (And I do mean depths.) We begin by reading, "The great universe of which this world is an infinitely small part, is governed by Cosmic Laws which are inexorable, and from whose ultimate design and purpose there can be no turning......the great law which man is learning on the long road from all eternity to all eternity is that of Cause and Effect, by which alone, through experience, the soul of man learns to conform and grow." We go on to find that the individual ego, or real self, never dies, but is projected into endless steps in existance. It would be most interesting to know how this Universal Law was discovered. I could write my thesis on it. We skip over a few papers on subjects of less world shattering interest, and go on to what seems to be the meat of this sterling publication. Perhaps now we shall learn about the innermost secrets of the atom. For we come upon a paper entitled, "The Hydrogen Molecule" by Harry LaVerne Twining, B.A. The editorial note states that, "It would appear that a problem which has bothered scientists for many years has been solved in the accompanying article by Professor Twining." The paper turns out to be no less than a mathematical and mechanical analysis of the hydrogen molecule which is composed of two hydrogen atoms. All of this is accomplished in five pages of "mathematics" which is quite eonomical, since Pauling and Wilson's Quantum Mechanics spends about 50 pages on the same subject, and I cannot notice any problem which bothers them, which Professor Twining has solved. The picture which the man drew of the hydrogen molecule is quite novel. In the diagram above, M and M' are the two protons, while m and m' are the two electrons, fixed at the corners of the square, attractive & repulsive forces are shown, while entire business spins about the axis marked AB. The mathematics which accompanies this diagram is quite interesting. As an example of the technique used in this piece of research, we have the following gem: "Since the attractive forces take place along the sides of the square, and there are four of them, we have: F=4e(exponent 2)|s(exponent 2) Unfortunately, they told me in school (and what is more important, I demonstrated it by experiment.) that you don't just add forces as if they were plain numbers. You have to take their direction into account. On account of this I fear greatly that this kind of mathematics isn't going to work. There are a great many gems of unscientific knowledge in this paper, such as this one, 'What is inertia? Inertia is a force. It is the force of opposition of gravitational energy to an acceleration." I suppose that to the uninitiated this sounds like it might makes sens. However, [[illustration text, clockwise from top]] A M' m' B M m The Hydrogen Molecule [[end illustration text]] (24)
Hevelin Fanzines