Zizzle Pop, issue 2, November 1944
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ZIZZLE - POP An occasional sheet published for the Fantasy Amateur Press Associat' November 1944--No. 2 The Aimless Press Blame Chauvene OUR BELOVED EDITOR, Larry Shaw, hes promised a November postmailing with news of the special election, etc., and I am consequently getting out this issue of ZIZZLE-POP with the idea of being represented in the same, and simultaneously grinding a few axes on the side. ITEM: Ejection of Degler. I consulted a member of the N. Y. Bar for a legal ruling on Al Ashley's interpretation of our present constitution, and was abashed to be told that said interpretation is quite legitimate as the constitution is at present worded. I stand corrected, and wish humbly to apologize to Messrs, Ashley and Lowndes for my first impression that their laudable zeel to rid one & all of D's presence had led them to distort the constitution. It's QX, boys. ITEM: Special election. I have received Walt Daugherty's 'Cushlamochree' (which I consider a pre-mailing; not a post-mailing!) the LASFS protest, and Doc Lowndes' 'Open Letter,' all most interesting. I feel little sympathy with the second mentioned, since the matters being voted on have been threshed out at length already, and I don't see anything wrong in asking the membership to vote on the questions. As to censorship, its about time some attention was paid to the PI&Rs. Also I agree with Doc that racist propaganda is slanderous. Looking at the chaos unlimited racist propaganda has made of Europe I don't see how anyone can defend letting loose the same virus here, or encouraging or even tolerating its spread. A man does not have the right to burn is house down when it may set his neighbor's houses on fire. So.......I returned my ballot (did you?) voting YES on all 3. ITEM: Voting in elections. I am planning to sponsor an amendment calling for every member to vote in every election, barring an acceptable excuse such as overseas service, sickness, etc. Penalty for not voting will be a fine of 50c and the member will become ineligible to receive further mailings till fine is paid; if fine is not paid member will be dropped. I think members should sign their ballots as I see no purpose to be served by any special veneration of the principle of 'secrecy' in FAPA voting. Doc Lowndes, our revered Prexy, has indicated that he believes the secret ballot an important part of democratic government (the not caring whether his own vote is known or not). I believe that this does not apply to FAPA, where there is no pressure on anyone to vote in any particular way. Besides, consider postmarks, and FAPAfen isolated in a town or state, who would have to go to a lot of trouble if they really wanted to be anonymous. ITEM: (PLEASE NOTE!) I AM NOW TRANSLATING FROM THE FRENCH REGIS MESSAC'S "MICROMEGAS", WHICH IS A COMPILATION OF REFERENCES AND MATERIAL DEALING WITH THE INFINITELY LARGE AND THE INFINITELY SMALL. AT THE PRESENT RATE OF PROGRESS THE TRANSLATION WILL BE COMPLETED IN JANUARY. IF AS MANY AS 12 FAPA MEMBERS WILL DROP ME POSTAL CARDS EXPRESSING SOME INTEREST IN THE PROJECT, I WILL STENCIL AND MIMEOGRAPH THE TRANSLATION FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMER 1945 MAILING. IF LESS THAN 12 EXPRESS INTEREST, I WILL LEND A CARBON OF THE TYPESCRIPT TO THOSE WHO DID SEND ME CARDS IN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE. (SORRY BUT IT HAS TO BE A POSTAL, NOT JUST A NOTE IN YOUR FAPAZINE. - RC. quicksomebodywhatisa geas? MyeducationhasbeenneglectedDrygulchhasme. .
ZIZZLE - POP An occasional sheet published for the Fantasy Amateur Press Associat' November 1944--No. 2 The Aimless Press Blame Chauvene OUR BELOVED EDITOR, Larry Shaw, hes promised a November postmailing with news of the special election, etc., and I am consequently getting out this issue of ZIZZLE-POP with the idea of being represented in the same, and simultaneously grinding a few axes on the side. ITEM: Ejection of Degler. I consulted a member of the N. Y. Bar for a legal ruling on Al Ashley's interpretation of our present constitution, and was abashed to be told that said interpretation is quite legitimate as the constitution is at present worded. I stand corrected, and wish humbly to apologize to Messrs, Ashley and Lowndes for my first impression that their laudable zeel to rid one & all of D's presence had led them to distort the constitution. It's QX, boys. ITEM: Special election. I have received Walt Daugherty's 'Cushlamochree' (which I consider a pre-mailing; not a post-mailing!) the LASFS protest, and Doc Lowndes' 'Open Letter,' all most interesting. I feel little sympathy with the second mentioned, since the matters being voted on have been threshed out at length already, and I don't see anything wrong in asking the membership to vote on the questions. As to censorship, its about time some attention was paid to the PI&Rs. Also I agree with Doc that racist propaganda is slanderous. Looking at the chaos unlimited racist propaganda has made of Europe I don't see how anyone can defend letting loose the same virus here, or encouraging or even tolerating its spread. A man does not have the right to burn is house down when it may set his neighbor's houses on fire. So.......I returned my ballot (did you?) voting YES on all 3. ITEM: Voting in elections. I am planning to sponsor an amendment calling for every member to vote in every election, barring an acceptable excuse such as overseas service, sickness, etc. Penalty for not voting will be a fine of 50c and the member will become ineligible to receive further mailings till fine is paid; if fine is not paid member will be dropped. I think members should sign their ballots as I see no purpose to be served by any special veneration of the principle of 'secrecy' in FAPA voting. Doc Lowndes, our revered Prexy, has indicated that he believes the secret ballot an important part of democratic government (the not caring whether his own vote is known or not). I believe that this does not apply to FAPA, where there is no pressure on anyone to vote in any particular way. Besides, consider postmarks, and FAPAfen isolated in a town or state, who would have to go to a lot of trouble if they really wanted to be anonymous. ITEM: (PLEASE NOTE!) I AM NOW TRANSLATING FROM THE FRENCH REGIS MESSAC'S "MICROMEGAS", WHICH IS A COMPILATION OF REFERENCES AND MATERIAL DEALING WITH THE INFINITELY LARGE AND THE INFINITELY SMALL. AT THE PRESENT RATE OF PROGRESS THE TRANSLATION WILL BE COMPLETED IN JANUARY. IF AS MANY AS 12 FAPA MEMBERS WILL DROP ME POSTAL CARDS EXPRESSING SOME INTEREST IN THE PROJECT, I WILL STENCIL AND MIMEOGRAPH THE TRANSLATION FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMER 1945 MAILING. IF LESS THAN 12 EXPRESS INTEREST, I WILL LEND A CARBON OF THE TYPESCRIPT TO THOSE WHO DID SEND ME CARDS IN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE. (SORRY BUT IT HAS TO BE A POSTAL, NOT JUST A NOTE IN YOUR FAPAZINE. - RC. quicksomebodywhatisa geas? MyeducationhasbeenneglectedDrygulchhasme. .
Hevelin Fanzines