Amazing Wonder Tales, v. 1, issue 1, August 1938
Page 6
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"I am sorry sir." He answered with a sound of remorse in his voice and with his head bent. "Allright!Allright!" I said putting an end to the scolding for, I liked him and because he was one of my best pilot. "Let's get to work putting that wheel back so that we can be on our way again." While searching for the wheel, we were terrified by a blood-curdling scream as from a soul from tormented in Hell. A swish overhead made us look up and we saw two forms flying swiftly. I should not say flying for they were going faster than any earthly object. I thought I was seeing an illusion, for one of them was as red as blood. In reality it seemed like the devil himself. (At that time I wondered if it wasn't him. Nor I know.) I forced a laugh through my lips. Haa!Haaaaaa....! How could it be, the devil couldn't be seen. Haaa! I must be dreaming. I looked at the pilot and he looked at me. I could see he was shivering, and mumbling to himself. "[My?] God! It was the devil himself! I swear it was him...." I could not understand the rest. "Then," I asked him, "you saw him also?" "Yes..yes, I saw him, it was the devil the devil, dev...." He repeated, his face as white as chalk. (Mine wasn't so colorful either.) I comfored him as best as I could, telling him it was just an illusion, and at same time trying to lie to myself that it didn't happen. But try as I would I could not dismiss the apperition. We returned to our search for the wwheel. At last I found it. It was lying a little to what [seemed?] an entrance to a cave. We were about to go back to put the wheel in place, when curiosity prompted me to explore the cave. "Come!" I said. "Let's take a look at whats inside." "But Colonel Farray, wouldn't it be be better to fix the wheel and be on our way towards San-Francisco? It will be getting dark in less than an hour sir." He suggested and stood where he was. That reminds me that up to now I have not told you my name yet. My pilot has mentioned my second name, but I will tell you all. My name is Tom Farray, once colonel in the United States Army. Now a [illegible] of the secret [service?] plus, as a cover up job I have attained a position. I am chief pilot of the [In4 Zornational?] Ocean Air-Liners Co. Inc. Of course I am only known as Colonel Farray. My pilot is First Leuitanant Gerry Pazzerr. he is one of my most trusted men. That is why I chose him to pilot me on my trip from New York to San-Francisco. "It will not take more than a quarter of an hour to look the cave through. Come on!" "Allright sir!" He answered as we started for the entrance. I had to bend a little to get in. When wer were inside, I gasped in astonishment. From the ceiling four columns of stactilites were hanging down that gave a soft radiance to the walls, which in turn reflected the light, illuminating the whole cave, with a mellow glow, and at the time a weird light. At the other end of the cave was a corridor which led to another but smaller entrance. To my surprise I saw a lighted candle atop a small wooden table, with other signs of habitation. Proving that someone, some human being was living there. I called out but received no answer. I ordered my pilot to search the cave while I went into the other one. There I found nothing but a small cot, and the niches in the walls revealed nothing also. My mind linked this new mystery with the one I saw outside. First seeing the devil shooting heavenward clutching a screaming body and now this cave with signs of habitation, but without a living soul. It was definately proved that there was some sort of connection between the two. My thoughts were interrupted by the pilot, who called me. "Sir! Look at what I found beneath the table under some papers." He handed me what seemed to be a manuscript. I unrolled it and read it. Quite awhile later, when I had finished reading the manuscript, I was asking myself if it could have true been. For I was [shocked?] at what I had read. "What is it sir?" Asked the pilot. "Oh nothing Gerry," I answered, "just some piece of paper." (* The devil is supposedly to inhabit the middle of [illegible]th Hell! But is there any reason for him to be anywhere but on Earth, excepting for superstition and legends. ED.)
"I am sorry sir." He answered with a sound of remorse in his voice and with his head bent. "Allright!Allright!" I said putting an end to the scolding for, I liked him and because he was one of my best pilot. "Let's get to work putting that wheel back so that we can be on our way again." While searching for the wheel, we were terrified by a blood-curdling scream as from a soul from tormented in Hell. A swish overhead made us look up and we saw two forms flying swiftly. I should not say flying for they were going faster than any earthly object. I thought I was seeing an illusion, for one of them was as red as blood. In reality it seemed like the devil himself. (At that time I wondered if it wasn't him. Nor I know.) I forced a laugh through my lips. Haa!Haaaaaa....! How could it be, the devil couldn't be seen. Haaa! I must be dreaming. I looked at the pilot and he looked at me. I could see he was shivering, and mumbling to himself. "[My?] God! It was the devil himself! I swear it was him...." I could not understand the rest. "Then," I asked him, "you saw him also?" "Yes..yes, I saw him, it was the devil the devil, dev...." He repeated, his face as white as chalk. (Mine wasn't so colorful either.) I comfored him as best as I could, telling him it was just an illusion, and at same time trying to lie to myself that it didn't happen. But try as I would I could not dismiss the apperition. We returned to our search for the wwheel. At last I found it. It was lying a little to what [seemed?] an entrance to a cave. We were about to go back to put the wheel in place, when curiosity prompted me to explore the cave. "Come!" I said. "Let's take a look at whats inside." "But Colonel Farray, wouldn't it be be better to fix the wheel and be on our way towards San-Francisco? It will be getting dark in less than an hour sir." He suggested and stood where he was. That reminds me that up to now I have not told you my name yet. My pilot has mentioned my second name, but I will tell you all. My name is Tom Farray, once colonel in the United States Army. Now a [illegible] of the secret [service?] plus, as a cover up job I have attained a position. I am chief pilot of the [In4 Zornational?] Ocean Air-Liners Co. Inc. Of course I am only known as Colonel Farray. My pilot is First Leuitanant Gerry Pazzerr. he is one of my most trusted men. That is why I chose him to pilot me on my trip from New York to San-Francisco. "It will not take more than a quarter of an hour to look the cave through. Come on!" "Allright sir!" He answered as we started for the entrance. I had to bend a little to get in. When wer were inside, I gasped in astonishment. From the ceiling four columns of stactilites were hanging down that gave a soft radiance to the walls, which in turn reflected the light, illuminating the whole cave, with a mellow glow, and at the time a weird light. At the other end of the cave was a corridor which led to another but smaller entrance. To my surprise I saw a lighted candle atop a small wooden table, with other signs of habitation. Proving that someone, some human being was living there. I called out but received no answer. I ordered my pilot to search the cave while I went into the other one. There I found nothing but a small cot, and the niches in the walls revealed nothing also. My mind linked this new mystery with the one I saw outside. First seeing the devil shooting heavenward clutching a screaming body and now this cave with signs of habitation, but without a living soul. It was definately proved that there was some sort of connection between the two. My thoughts were interrupted by the pilot, who called me. "Sir! Look at what I found beneath the table under some papers." He handed me what seemed to be a manuscript. I unrolled it and read it. Quite awhile later, when I had finished reading the manuscript, I was asking myself if it could have true been. For I was [shocked?] at what I had read. "What is it sir?" Asked the pilot. "Oh nothing Gerry," I answered, "just some piece of paper." (* The devil is supposedly to inhabit the middle of [illegible]th Hell! But is there any reason for him to be anywhere but on Earth, excepting for superstition and legends. ED.)
Hevelin Fanzines