Fanfare, v. 1, issue 1, December 1939
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June-- 1.) Astounding 2.) Wonder 3.) Amazing. July-- Astounding and Wonder tie for first, Amazing close behind both Aug.-- Astounding best, with Wonder and Amazing tie and close behind Sept.-- All three about the same. Oct.-- Astounding very far in the lead. Wonder and Amazing pretty [poor?] Nov.-- Astounding and Wonder about the same. Amazing poor. Dec.-- Astounding best, Amazing not far behind, Wonder not so hot. 1935 Jan.-- Wonder best, Astounding extremely close, Amazing pretty poor Feb.-- Wonder and Astounding about tie, advantage, if any, to the letter, Amazing not so hot. Mar.-- Wonder best, Astounding close, Amazing almost as good as the latter. April-- Astounding distinctly best, Amazing second, Wonder close. May-- Astounding distinctly the best, Amazing second, Wonder close June-- All three about the same, advantage, if any to Astounding July-- All three nearly tie and all three pretty punk. Astounding may have the slight advantage because of quantity alone. Aug.-- All three in absolute tie. Sept.-- Astounding slightly the best Oct.-- Astounding distinctly the best. From here on mags are judged on bi-monthly basis. Dec.-- All three nearly tie, Amazing slightly behind. 1936 Feb.-- Wonder miles ahead of other two, Astound and Amazing vie for booby prize, advantage to Astounding for instigating smooth edges. Apr.-- All three about tie, very slight difference. June.-- Astounding best of two but not by much. Wonder did not appear. Aug.-- Amazing the best, Astounding close, Thrilling Wonder lousy Oct.-- Amazing best, Astounding pretty punk, Thrilling Wonder worse Dec.-- Amazing best best, Astounding very close with exceptional Dec. issue. Thrilling Wonder shows much improvement. 1937 Feb.-- Amazing and Wonder about tie and both pretty punk. Thrilling Wonder close. Apr.-- Amazing very good. Thrilling Wonder tremendously improved. (fill in Astounding) The article ended at this point. It was one of the first five written by Sam Moskowitz and it was accepted by Morris S. Dollons for use in his "Science Fiction Collector" in Feb. 1937. When Dollons gave up the "Collector" he turned over his material to Wiggins who was running the "Science Fiction Fan". The article was not printed there because it was already out of date. Moskowitz traced the article to Wiggins and had it returned to him. Not a word has been changed from the original hand-written version, an addenda by Sam Moskowitz follows: ADDENDA: When I first had this article returned it held little more than a bit of sentimental attachment to me, being one of the first I ever turned out. I consider it no masterpiece of writing, but [thought?] basis idea was very sound and the article deserved publishing on that promise alone. To the fans today, who already have seen the light, this article tells little that is new, but at the time it should have been published it would have been sensational and pro-
June-- 1.) Astounding 2.) Wonder 3.) Amazing. July-- Astounding and Wonder tie for first, Amazing close behind both Aug.-- Astounding best, with Wonder and Amazing tie and close behind Sept.-- All three about the same. Oct.-- Astounding very far in the lead. Wonder and Amazing pretty [poor?] Nov.-- Astounding and Wonder about the same. Amazing poor. Dec.-- Astounding best, Amazing not far behind, Wonder not so hot. 1935 Jan.-- Wonder best, Astounding extremely close, Amazing pretty poor Feb.-- Wonder and Astounding about tie, advantage, if any, to the letter, Amazing not so hot. Mar.-- Wonder best, Astounding close, Amazing almost as good as the latter. April-- Astounding distinctly best, Amazing second, Wonder close. May-- Astounding distinctly the best, Amazing second, Wonder close June-- All three about the same, advantage, if any to Astounding July-- All three nearly tie and all three pretty punk. Astounding may have the slight advantage because of quantity alone. Aug.-- All three in absolute tie. Sept.-- Astounding slightly the best Oct.-- Astounding distinctly the best. From here on mags are judged on bi-monthly basis. Dec.-- All three nearly tie, Amazing slightly behind. 1936 Feb.-- Wonder miles ahead of other two, Astound and Amazing vie for booby prize, advantage to Astounding for instigating smooth edges. Apr.-- All three about tie, very slight difference. June.-- Astounding best of two but not by much. Wonder did not appear. Aug.-- Amazing the best, Astounding close, Thrilling Wonder lousy Oct.-- Amazing best, Astounding pretty punk, Thrilling Wonder worse Dec.-- Amazing best best, Astounding very close with exceptional Dec. issue. Thrilling Wonder shows much improvement. 1937 Feb.-- Amazing and Wonder about tie and both pretty punk. Thrilling Wonder close. Apr.-- Amazing very good. Thrilling Wonder tremendously improved. (fill in Astounding) The article ended at this point. It was one of the first five written by Sam Moskowitz and it was accepted by Morris S. Dollons for use in his "Science Fiction Collector" in Feb. 1937. When Dollons gave up the "Collector" he turned over his material to Wiggins who was running the "Science Fiction Fan". The article was not printed there because it was already out of date. Moskowitz traced the article to Wiggins and had it returned to him. Not a word has been changed from the original hand-written version, an addenda by Sam Moskowitz follows: ADDENDA: When I first had this article returned it held little more than a bit of sentimental attachment to me, being one of the first I ever turned out. I consider it no masterpiece of writing, but [thought?] basis idea was very sound and the article deserved publishing on that promise alone. To the fans today, who already have seen the light, this article tells little that is new, but at the time it should have been published it would have been sensational and pro-
Hevelin Fanzines