Fanfare, v. 1, issue 4, October 1940
Page 21
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FANFARE 21 [centered] LOOKING OVER THE FANMAGS by "Yhos" For some strange reason, this department which started out as filler until we could get something better, seems to be fairly well liked, and rated better than some of the oter stuff last issue. So we're going to continue it until you get goddam good and sick of it, and start hollering for mercy. We've a cartload of junk on hand to tell you about this time, so you're likely to get an overdose. If you still like it, there's nothing I can do except keep on writing the dam' thing..... HORIZONS--This is Harry Warner's "other" mag, and if you don't know his address by this time you're a first class dope, and will have to wait for the SPACEWAYS review. This HORIZONS thing ain't too bad, being hektoad, and featuring all fan fiction. Snazzy cover by Marconette, and the feature story by some guy named Albert Woodward (probably Warner or Lowndes) is all right, except where HW spoiled it by leaving out a few lines. Oh yeh, it's quarterly, two copies for 15c. STARDUST-Nos. 4 & 5. This high-class, slick, printed semi-pro has now gone small size and comes down to 15c a nudge. About time, too. Bill Hamling of 2609 Argyle St., Chicago, (Don't ask me what state Chicago is in) puts it out, and it's really beautiful, and worth fifteen of anybody's pezozeees, but it looks like the poor yap is trying to make money on the thing, so it's degenerating into a pro altogether. Mostly fiction, which is fair, with a few good fan articles thrown in to pacify jeeps like me. Oh well . . . SCIENTI-COMICS--Nos. 1 & 2. Put out by Phil Bronson, 224 W. 6th St., Hastings, Minn. Now, why Phil wants to compete with all the pro crap on the stands that goes under the name of "comics: is beyond me, but if you'd like to get a look at some good hekto work, and be in on the ground floor when the thing improves, shoot him a dime for one ish or 25c for 3. #1 is made up of one story called the ROBOT DOOM, (yi!) and two cartoon which are quite funny. #2 profusely illustrates Robert Lowndes' WHEN STHANEE AWAKES recently acclaimed in SPACEWAYS as one of the better pieces of fan fiction, but I can't see it. Don't takemy word for it, tho. It's well known that I'm a dope. There's a lot of other stuff in it too, including cartoons that are a dam' site funnier than AMAZING'S, and a couple of other stories you can save for the next blizzard when you're snowed in and haven't got much to read. FANCIFUL TALES--#1. This is a small size, printed pub with several excellent short stories in it by Lovecraft, Keller, Howard, et al, and is a dime's worth in any man's gab. Don't get excited, tho, kiddies, it isn't knew. It was just left over from '36, and we picked it up at the Chicon. If you missed it, however, I imagine you can get it from Wollheim at the Ivory Tower. He may have a few left, and if you don't get it for your collection, I'll call you a dope. PHANTAGRAPH--#32. Oldest fanmag in existence, still publishing. Some of the Ivory Tower boys' work. 10c, 3 for 25c, 6 for 50c and the dopes won't accept any subs over half a slug. It contains all kinds of interesting drivel on crappy orange paper. Mimeod, small size, 18 pages. I buy it, I don't see why you shouldn't. Wollheim, Lowndes, & Michel type and turn the crank at 2475 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., for the benefit of any dopes (who said that?) in the audience. SUNSPOTS--#9. Done by the Solaroid CLub, at 31 Bogert pl., Westwood, NJ. I've only got this line left, or I'd say more than "it's a good club organ." Large size, 12 mimeod pages, 5c, 6 for 25c. Yngvi is a louse.
FANFARE 21 [centered] LOOKING OVER THE FANMAGS by "Yhos" For some strange reason, this department which started out as filler until we could get something better, seems to be fairly well liked, and rated better than some of the oter stuff last issue. So we're going to continue it until you get goddam good and sick of it, and start hollering for mercy. We've a cartload of junk on hand to tell you about this time, so you're likely to get an overdose. If you still like it, there's nothing I can do except keep on writing the dam' thing..... HORIZONS--This is Harry Warner's "other" mag, and if you don't know his address by this time you're a first class dope, and will have to wait for the SPACEWAYS review. This HORIZONS thing ain't too bad, being hektoad, and featuring all fan fiction. Snazzy cover by Marconette, and the feature story by some guy named Albert Woodward (probably Warner or Lowndes) is all right, except where HW spoiled it by leaving out a few lines. Oh yeh, it's quarterly, two copies for 15c. STARDUST-Nos. 4 & 5. This high-class, slick, printed semi-pro has now gone small size and comes down to 15c a nudge. About time, too. Bill Hamling of 2609 Argyle St., Chicago, (Don't ask me what state Chicago is in) puts it out, and it's really beautiful, and worth fifteen of anybody's pezozeees, but it looks like the poor yap is trying to make money on the thing, so it's degenerating into a pro altogether. Mostly fiction, which is fair, with a few good fan articles thrown in to pacify jeeps like me. Oh well . . . SCIENTI-COMICS--Nos. 1 & 2. Put out by Phil Bronson, 224 W. 6th St., Hastings, Minn. Now, why Phil wants to compete with all the pro crap on the stands that goes under the name of "comics: is beyond me, but if you'd like to get a look at some good hekto work, and be in on the ground floor when the thing improves, shoot him a dime for one ish or 25c for 3. #1 is made up of one story called the ROBOT DOOM, (yi!) and two cartoon which are quite funny. #2 profusely illustrates Robert Lowndes' WHEN STHANEE AWAKES recently acclaimed in SPACEWAYS as one of the better pieces of fan fiction, but I can't see it. Don't takemy word for it, tho. It's well known that I'm a dope. There's a lot of other stuff in it too, including cartoons that are a dam' site funnier than AMAZING'S, and a couple of other stories you can save for the next blizzard when you're snowed in and haven't got much to read. FANCIFUL TALES--#1. This is a small size, printed pub with several excellent short stories in it by Lovecraft, Keller, Howard, et al, and is a dime's worth in any man's gab. Don't get excited, tho, kiddies, it isn't knew. It was just left over from '36, and we picked it up at the Chicon. If you missed it, however, I imagine you can get it from Wollheim at the Ivory Tower. He may have a few left, and if you don't get it for your collection, I'll call you a dope. PHANTAGRAPH--#32. Oldest fanmag in existence, still publishing. Some of the Ivory Tower boys' work. 10c, 3 for 25c, 6 for 50c and the dopes won't accept any subs over half a slug. It contains all kinds of interesting drivel on crappy orange paper. Mimeod, small size, 18 pages. I buy it, I don't see why you shouldn't. Wollheim, Lowndes, & Michel type and turn the crank at 2475 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., for the benefit of any dopes (who said that?) in the audience. SUNSPOTS--#9. Done by the Solaroid CLub, at 31 Bogert pl., Westwood, NJ. I've only got this line left, or I'd say more than "it's a good club organ." Large size, 12 mimeod pages, 5c, 6 for 25c. Yngvi is a louse.
Hevelin Fanzines