Fanfare, v. 1, issue 4, October 1940
Page 22
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22 FANFARE [centered] LOOKING OVER THE FANMAGS ALCHEMIST--#3. Hah! Here's something really good. Mimeod, 72 pages of interesting stuff, providing you don't know it already, with front and back covers by Bok, extra good woodcut in the middle and all sorts of things too numerous to mention. The nice fellow that dispenses the bargain is Lew Martin, 1258 Race St., Denver, Colorado. 10c, 3 for a quarter, or four for 35c. A quarterly. FRONTIER--#1. By Donn Brazier, bi-monthly at 3031 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official organ of the FRONTIER SOCIETY. If you dopes ever get serious about anything, you ought to join this thing, and help them guys collect their data about stuff science hasn't solved yet. Idea is good, I think. I belong to it, so it doesn't take any brains or money. I haven't the second issue here, but I perused it at the Chicon, and it's a whamdoodle, with excellent hektoing, and excellent material, and more coming. Climp aboard, you dopes. I'm tellin' ya. .10c, 3 4 25c. PSEUDO-SCIENCE ROMANCER--#1. That dope Wollheim again. This is the really [underlined] compact fanmag. It has everything on two small size pages. It's an annual, and sells for 1c. I'm sending DAW a ten-year subscription, as I wouldn't want to miss the next one. Particularly good, is the feature article - WILL L. SPRAGUE DECAMP EVER REPLACE THE HORSE? FUTURE FANTASIA--#4. Ray Bradbury, 3054 1/2 W. 12th St., Los Angeles. Beautiful cover lithograph by Bok, and several interiors by the same. Excellent stories, articles, and other features. Otherwise, it stinks. A dime a throw, irregularly. POLARIS--#4. Paul Freehafer, Box 234, Payette, Idaho. 10c, 3 for 25c. Absolutely tops in fan fiction. Nothing more need to be said. Just go ahead and buy it, and no back talk. VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION--#8. 4SJ Ackerman & Morojo, Box 6475, Metropolitan Station, LosAngeles (some state out west, I believe). Made up ntryly of letrs from famous fans. I dont need 2 sl it 2 U. Just by 1 copy, and Ur sold 4 lyf. 10c str8. DETOURS--#3. LR Chauvenet, Tallwood Plantation, Esmont, Va. 5c 6 4 25c If you dopes pass up this one, you don't know what you're missing. It must be another MUST on your list. (Costing you dopes a lotta dough, aint I?) This one has an article on the editor's bicycle trip all over the eastern part of the country, and you can learn no end of stuff about bicycling and fans from it. He also corralled H.C. Koenig's super-column, THEIR OWN PETARD, which helped put over [underlined] SF Weekly so well. LEVOMBITEUR--#35. LOWNDES, Ivory Tower. No one can say he doesn't get his money's worth out of this one, because it's FRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WHO'S WHO IN FANDOM--15c. This is put out especially for dopes that don't know nothing at all, and contains biographies of all important fans except me. But don't let that stop you. Get it from Ted Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Ft. Wayne, Indiana. ESCAPE--#7. Dick Wilson, Ivory Tower. This thing escapes from his mimeo every so often, usually 8 months late, but somehow manages to keep surprisingly fresh in the interim. If you're not broke by now, buy now! Heheh! (joke) Harramphh! (Use your hankerchief, Art.--es) SPACEWAYS--#15. Harry Warner Jr., 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland. If you [underlined] are broke by now, you'll have to go out and beg, borrow, or pilfer another dime, in order to get this magazine, because in the poll, it rates NUMBER ONE, by a wide margin. The mimeoing is excellent, the art work is tops, the articles are ditto, and it contains the most popular column in fandom, STARDUST. Why, you just [underlined] gotta have it! Fans that don't read SPACEWAYS are ostracised! Don't be a dope!
22 FANFARE [centered] LOOKING OVER THE FANMAGS ALCHEMIST--#3. Hah! Here's something really good. Mimeod, 72 pages of interesting stuff, providing you don't know it already, with front and back covers by Bok, extra good woodcut in the middle and all sorts of things too numerous to mention. The nice fellow that dispenses the bargain is Lew Martin, 1258 Race St., Denver, Colorado. 10c, 3 for a quarter, or four for 35c. A quarterly. FRONTIER--#1. By Donn Brazier, bi-monthly at 3031 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official organ of the FRONTIER SOCIETY. If you dopes ever get serious about anything, you ought to join this thing, and help them guys collect their data about stuff science hasn't solved yet. Idea is good, I think. I belong to it, so it doesn't take any brains or money. I haven't the second issue here, but I perused it at the Chicon, and it's a whamdoodle, with excellent hektoing, and excellent material, and more coming. Climp aboard, you dopes. I'm tellin' ya. .10c, 3 4 25c. PSEUDO-SCIENCE ROMANCER--#1. That dope Wollheim again. This is the really [underlined] compact fanmag. It has everything on two small size pages. It's an annual, and sells for 1c. I'm sending DAW a ten-year subscription, as I wouldn't want to miss the next one. Particularly good, is the feature article - WILL L. SPRAGUE DECAMP EVER REPLACE THE HORSE? FUTURE FANTASIA--#4. Ray Bradbury, 3054 1/2 W. 12th St., Los Angeles. Beautiful cover lithograph by Bok, and several interiors by the same. Excellent stories, articles, and other features. Otherwise, it stinks. A dime a throw, irregularly. POLARIS--#4. Paul Freehafer, Box 234, Payette, Idaho. 10c, 3 for 25c. Absolutely tops in fan fiction. Nothing more need to be said. Just go ahead and buy it, and no back talk. VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION--#8. 4SJ Ackerman & Morojo, Box 6475, Metropolitan Station, LosAngeles (some state out west, I believe). Made up ntryly of letrs from famous fans. I dont need 2 sl it 2 U. Just by 1 copy, and Ur sold 4 lyf. 10c str8. DETOURS--#3. LR Chauvenet, Tallwood Plantation, Esmont, Va. 5c 6 4 25c If you dopes pass up this one, you don't know what you're missing. It must be another MUST on your list. (Costing you dopes a lotta dough, aint I?) This one has an article on the editor's bicycle trip all over the eastern part of the country, and you can learn no end of stuff about bicycling and fans from it. He also corralled H.C. Koenig's super-column, THEIR OWN PETARD, which helped put over [underlined] SF Weekly so well. LEVOMBITEUR--#35. LOWNDES, Ivory Tower. No one can say he doesn't get his money's worth out of this one, because it's FRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WHO'S WHO IN FANDOM--15c. This is put out especially for dopes that don't know nothing at all, and contains biographies of all important fans except me. But don't let that stop you. Get it from Ted Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Ft. Wayne, Indiana. ESCAPE--#7. Dick Wilson, Ivory Tower. This thing escapes from his mimeo every so often, usually 8 months late, but somehow manages to keep surprisingly fresh in the interim. If you're not broke by now, buy now! Heheh! (joke) Harramphh! (Use your hankerchief, Art.--es) SPACEWAYS--#15. Harry Warner Jr., 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland. If you [underlined] are broke by now, you'll have to go out and beg, borrow, or pilfer another dime, in order to get this magazine, because in the poll, it rates NUMBER ONE, by a wide margin. The mimeoing is excellent, the art work is tops, the articles are ditto, and it contains the most popular column in fandom, STARDUST. Why, you just [underlined] gotta have it! Fans that don't read SPACEWAYS are ostracised! Don't be a dope!
Hevelin Fanzines