Fanfare, v. 1, issue 5, December 1940
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fans have long realised the need for it, and admit it's a find idea, and they're all for it, but those to whom I have talked personally, and via correspondence since the ides was broached by Damon Knight in the proceed to give me a hatful of reasons why it won't work. And yet, only one fan so far has refused to co-operate! So I think it will work. If it doesn't -- "oh well, try again later." If it does, we've got something a lot sooner than we would have otherwise had. Why not look at things that way? So I'm asking for a little more than co-operation on just another fan project. I'm asking for another mode of thinking, to replace one that is erratic at best. When we get that, we'll get the NFFF, and a lot of other things, and the roads will roll where they never rolled before. -- Art Widner Jr MINUTES OF THE STRANGER CLUB MEETING The October 13th meeting took place at Earl SIngleton's. Present were: John Bell, Oliver Smith, Dr. and Mrs. R.D. Swisher and daughter, Al Lopez, Art Widner, Earl Singleton, and Frederick Weiner. The minutes of the last meeting were read by SIngleton. He next read the Treasurer's Report. An Election was then held, and the club decided to retain the same officers; namely: Art Widner as Director, Earl Singleton as Vice-Director and Treasurer, and Frederick Weiner as Secretary. A resume of the last few meetings was given by Widner, who mentioned that not much was accomplished during the summer months. "They mostly ate," observed Mrs. Swisher. Widner then popped with, "By the way, could you let me have the recipe for those pecan buns?" Weiner asked the members if they wished the minutes to be long or short, in order to be suitable for publication. Singleton's caustic reply was: "Write 'em up long, Fred, and I'll cut 'em down." A pep talk was given in which it was mentioned that everyone should periodically write an article for FANFARE. Widner asked for an extra meeting of the club on October 27th, as some fans from New York might possibly attend. Then it was decided to hold an official meeting once each month, and informal meetings every other week. Weiner mentioned that the club has to its credit one illustrious member, namely, Al Lopez, who, it will be remembered, won first prize in the AMAZING STORIES contest on The Time Wise Guy. NIce going Al! (Lopez just copped first place in the AMAZING error-story contest. - Ed) Singleton made a motion that the club put a quarter page complimentary ad in SPACEWAYS anniversary issue. The motion was approved. The club then proceded to a discussion of material submitted for FANFARE, and spent a great deal of time reading, appraising, accepting, rejecting, and shelving various contributions. Weiner made a plea to the club to select material on a basis of merit, and not because it might happen to be written by any well-known or popular fan. It was decided that material would in the future be read without announcing the author's name. By this time it was 4:30, and your reporter regretfully announced that he would have to wend his way. It was then decided to have an informal meeting on the 27th, two weeks ahead. ANd so with this, your reporter winds up another Jurgen's Journal...He'll be back in a flash with some hash next month. Adios. -- Frederick Weiner
fans have long realised the need for it, and admit it's a find idea, and they're all for it, but those to whom I have talked personally, and via correspondence since the ides was broached by Damon Knight in the proceed to give me a hatful of reasons why it won't work. And yet, only one fan so far has refused to co-operate! So I think it will work. If it doesn't -- "oh well, try again later." If it does, we've got something a lot sooner than we would have otherwise had. Why not look at things that way? So I'm asking for a little more than co-operation on just another fan project. I'm asking for another mode of thinking, to replace one that is erratic at best. When we get that, we'll get the NFFF, and a lot of other things, and the roads will roll where they never rolled before. -- Art Widner Jr MINUTES OF THE STRANGER CLUB MEETING The October 13th meeting took place at Earl SIngleton's. Present were: John Bell, Oliver Smith, Dr. and Mrs. R.D. Swisher and daughter, Al Lopez, Art Widner, Earl Singleton, and Frederick Weiner. The minutes of the last meeting were read by SIngleton. He next read the Treasurer's Report. An Election was then held, and the club decided to retain the same officers; namely: Art Widner as Director, Earl Singleton as Vice-Director and Treasurer, and Frederick Weiner as Secretary. A resume of the last few meetings was given by Widner, who mentioned that not much was accomplished during the summer months. "They mostly ate," observed Mrs. Swisher. Widner then popped with, "By the way, could you let me have the recipe for those pecan buns?" Weiner asked the members if they wished the minutes to be long or short, in order to be suitable for publication. Singleton's caustic reply was: "Write 'em up long, Fred, and I'll cut 'em down." A pep talk was given in which it was mentioned that everyone should periodically write an article for FANFARE. Widner asked for an extra meeting of the club on October 27th, as some fans from New York might possibly attend. Then it was decided to hold an official meeting once each month, and informal meetings every other week. Weiner mentioned that the club has to its credit one illustrious member, namely, Al Lopez, who, it will be remembered, won first prize in the AMAZING STORIES contest on The Time Wise Guy. NIce going Al! (Lopez just copped first place in the AMAZING error-story contest. - Ed) Singleton made a motion that the club put a quarter page complimentary ad in SPACEWAYS anniversary issue. The motion was approved. The club then proceded to a discussion of material submitted for FANFARE, and spent a great deal of time reading, appraising, accepting, rejecting, and shelving various contributions. Weiner made a plea to the club to select material on a basis of merit, and not because it might happen to be written by any well-known or popular fan. It was decided that material would in the future be read without announcing the author's name. By this time it was 4:30, and your reporter regretfully announced that he would have to wend his way. It was then decided to have an informal meeting on the 27th, two weeks ahead. ANd so with this, your reporter winds up another Jurgen's Journal...He'll be back in a flash with some hash next month. Adios. -- Frederick Weiner
Hevelin Fanzines