Fanfare, v. 1, issue 5, December 1940
Page 24
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FANFARE STRANGE LITERATURE contained much meat; altho the funny thing is; he missed the point of my letter to ASTONISHING completely! I wasn't speaking of house names at all, as he apparently assumes -- no no no, I was asking for the pen-names of the very editors themselves" ARSteber and Morris J Steele are Palmer; Derwin Less is Hornig; Stuart and Campen are Campbell; and I still believe a part of Will Garth is Weisinger. Come on now, admit it- wouldn't it be bombastic to pick up a copy of STARTLING, and find in it yarns by Campbell, Weisinger, Hornig, Palmer, McIlwraith, Gnadeinger and Pohl? OH BABY! CLASSIFIED STINKS by Don Thompson Thanks for the splendid reply to my letter re your Galluping activities. Sending me the whole mag, FANFARE, was more than I could have expected, even in my most optimistic moments. (Yeah, I know, you want my 2 bits, but I STILL appreciate the mag.) ****Fanfare is a little differant from any of the other fanags (Why are such publications classed as "nags", anyway? Is it because they run so strong to the plugs?) (Manely, although some do indulge a bit in horseplay-- the Philly phans--eds)...The difference is due in part, no doubt, to the fact that I have seen only a few of them, and possibly the fact that it is different from the others. To start at the beginning, I like the cover very much, the only one I have seen so far that beats it being the Bokover on FUTURIA FANTASIA #4, which is, of course, an extra-special example of professional work, as far as quality goes. But to get back to FANFARE'S cover,--it is a type well adapted to hectographing, and it really does convey the intended concept of "outsideness." The contents page is neat informative, and slightly humorous. It might rate higher, only, in order to find out how much the mag cost, I had to read RAJOGZ'S letter. Suppose he hadn't mentioned it! THE STRANGERS SAY--Huinel's YNGVI? (Yehudi's brother--awjr) STARDUST may not be a fanag--it may even be that Hamling is scurrilously tring to make a profit--but in one respect, there's an awful kink in Singleton's orbit. RMWilliams' stories in STARDUST are so much better than those he writes for Z-D, that it is hard to believe the same guy wrote them. Far from being too good for AMAZING they are too good, from a literary standpoint at least. But don't get the idea the I criticize Williams for writing for AS; far from it.The circulation of AS proves rather conclusively that readers in general don't agree with fans as to what should appear in an s-f mag.OUTSIDE--not a new idea, but well presented. Anyway, Moskowitz, at various points in his article, indicates pretty well what the reception of such a story would be. ****SaM deserves a paragraph to himself. Generally, if I agree with part of what a guy says and disagree with another part, there is a considerable of it that comes between and excites neither violent approval nor does it excite violent disapproval. That is in accord with the findings of psychological research. But SaM belongs only on the ends of the normal distribution curve. I ALWAYS either disagree violently with what he says, or agree completely. This article is no exception. Half of it is OK, the other half, ALL TRIPE! Well, I presume he affects others that way, too. But because I recently received my first neatly engraved check from a favorite promag, for a story which will be comign up one of these days. ***JPG and his wimmin get 85. I know a femfan who reads all the pros, and many of the fanags, who I think will soon be contributing considerably toward filling the need Joe
FANFARE STRANGE LITERATURE contained much meat; altho the funny thing is; he missed the point of my letter to ASTONISHING completely! I wasn't speaking of house names at all, as he apparently assumes -- no no no, I was asking for the pen-names of the very editors themselves" ARSteber and Morris J Steele are Palmer; Derwin Less is Hornig; Stuart and Campen are Campbell; and I still believe a part of Will Garth is Weisinger. Come on now, admit it- wouldn't it be bombastic to pick up a copy of STARTLING, and find in it yarns by Campbell, Weisinger, Hornig, Palmer, McIlwraith, Gnadeinger and Pohl? OH BABY! CLASSIFIED STINKS by Don Thompson Thanks for the splendid reply to my letter re your Galluping activities. Sending me the whole mag, FANFARE, was more than I could have expected, even in my most optimistic moments. (Yeah, I know, you want my 2 bits, but I STILL appreciate the mag.) ****Fanfare is a little differant from any of the other fanags (Why are such publications classed as "nags", anyway? Is it because they run so strong to the plugs?) (Manely, although some do indulge a bit in horseplay-- the Philly phans--eds)...The difference is due in part, no doubt, to the fact that I have seen only a few of them, and possibly the fact that it is different from the others. To start at the beginning, I like the cover very much, the only one I have seen so far that beats it being the Bokover on FUTURIA FANTASIA #4, which is, of course, an extra-special example of professional work, as far as quality goes. But to get back to FANFARE'S cover,--it is a type well adapted to hectographing, and it really does convey the intended concept of "outsideness." The contents page is neat informative, and slightly humorous. It might rate higher, only, in order to find out how much the mag cost, I had to read RAJOGZ'S letter. Suppose he hadn't mentioned it! THE STRANGERS SAY--Huinel's YNGVI? (Yehudi's brother--awjr) STARDUST may not be a fanag--it may even be that Hamling is scurrilously tring to make a profit--but in one respect, there's an awful kink in Singleton's orbit. RMWilliams' stories in STARDUST are so much better than those he writes for Z-D, that it is hard to believe the same guy wrote them. Far from being too good for AMAZING they are too good, from a literary standpoint at least. But don't get the idea the I criticize Williams for writing for AS; far from it.The circulation of AS proves rather conclusively that readers in general don't agree with fans as to what should appear in an s-f mag.OUTSIDE--not a new idea, but well presented. Anyway, Moskowitz, at various points in his article, indicates pretty well what the reception of such a story would be. ****SaM deserves a paragraph to himself. Generally, if I agree with part of what a guy says and disagree with another part, there is a considerable of it that comes between and excites neither violent approval nor does it excite violent disapproval. That is in accord with the findings of psychological research. But SaM belongs only on the ends of the normal distribution curve. I ALWAYS either disagree violently with what he says, or agree completely. This article is no exception. Half of it is OK, the other half, ALL TRIPE! Well, I presume he affects others that way, too. But because I recently received my first neatly engraved check from a favorite promag, for a story which will be comign up one of these days. ***JPG and his wimmin get 85. I know a femfan who reads all the pros, and many of the fanags, who I think will soon be contributing considerably toward filling the need Joe
Hevelin Fanzines