Mary Henrietta Peters diary, January 1929-March 1930
1929-01-23 -- 1929-01-26
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his uncle Bob to night him & Aulden went to the dance in Elgin the Deloc light man was here this eve guil Ernst was here evening th Jan 24 A very cold day snowed this after noon Aulden & Lena went to Elgin this morning Russell went to Cedar Rapids to day his school commenced the 28 Ella dident come home this eve stayed to Linnies was to cold for her Fri Jan 25 this has been a very stormy day the snow blew we are drifted in cant get out dident get the mail Ella dident come home this eve was so cold & stormy sat Jan 26 not so bad to day we got our mail to day Ella dident come home to day the men shoveled snow
his uncle Bob to night him & Aulden went to the dance in Elgin the Deloc light man was here this eve guil Ernst was here evening th Jan 24 A very cold day snowed this after noon Aulden & Lena went to Elgin this morning Russell went to Cedar Rapids to day his school commenced the 28 Ella dident come home this eve stayed to Linnies was to cold for her Fri Jan 25 this has been a very stormy day the snow blew we are drifted in cant get out dident get the mail Ella dident come home this eve was so cold & stormy sat Jan 26 not so bad to day we got our mail to day Ella dident come home to day the men shoveled snow
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries