Fantasy-News, v. 6, issue 9, whole no. 140, March 2, 1941
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FANTASY - NEWS the science fiction weekly newspaper. NEWS WHILE IT'S HOT! PRICE: THREE ISSUES TEN CENTS. VOLUME 6, NUMBER 9 SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1941 WHOLE NUMBER 140 [[two columns]] [[right column]] -IN MEMORIAM [[underline]] EARL SINGLETON [[/underline]] [[double underline]] A GREAT STFAN - [[/double underline]] This issues of [[underline]] FANTASY NEWS [[/underline]] is respectfully dedicated to the memory of [[underline]] Earl Singleton [[/underline]] who died recently. He is said to have taken his life in a fit of despondency. Singleton was well known as a publisher of [[underline]] Nepenthe [[/underline]], a magazine of fantastic verse, and a co-editor of [[underline]] Fanfare [[/underline]] well known stfan mag and official organ of [[underline]] The Stranger Club [[/underline]] of Boston, Mass. This incident cast a shadow of gloom upon the Boskone, (The Boston Eastern Science Fiction Conference) which was to have been a joyous meeting of Eastern fans of February 16 in Cambridge, Mass. All business was suspended and arrivals simply talked in hushed whispers. Only general discussion was attempted. We shall remember Earl Singleton as we have remembered J. Francis Hatch, David R. Daniels, Robert E. Howard, and others who took "The Far Way". Requiescat in pace. ---------------------------------- [[underline]] ODD ITEMS [[/underline]] by [[underline]] FN [[/underline]] Reporters. "Devil Asteroid", the story by Manly Wade Wellman begun in the 1st issue of Charles Beling's fan mag, [[underline]] Fan-Attic [[/underline]], will see print in its entirety in the fifth issues of F. Orlin Tromiane's COMET...Wilfred Owen Morley, author of poems in STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES, is really Robert W. Lowndes...A full page ad for COMET appears upon the back cover of AMAZING-MAN COMICS...A new comic book just out is SUB-MARINER. [[/right column]] [[left column]] NAT SCHACHNER WRITES BEST SELLER? Nat Schachner, well-known stf author, has a book just coming off the press which has already sold 5000 advance copies. The publishers believe it may prove to be a best seller. John W. Campbell, Jr. Editor of ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN, has been holding a series of short yarns by Schachner waiting for a chance to cash in on the publicity the book would produce. Schachner has written several yarns concerning the adventures of a space-lawyer. __________________________ [[uderline]] THRILLING WONDER GOES BIMONTHLY! THRILLING WONDER STORIES [[/underline]], the second oldest science fiction magazine, will go bi-monthly again after one year and four months of regular monthly appearances. Circulation complaints were voiced by Leo Margulies, Editorial Director, as far back as June 1940. THRILLING WONDER has for years been one of the "Big Three", the league-leaders of the science fiction professional field. With this move, TWS appears to have relinquished its long battle to stay up at the top with the leaders. There have never been more than three leading monthlies in stf and apparently there is not room for more than three. What magazine will step into the big three competition to replace TWS? ____________________ [[underline]] MORE ODD ITEMS [[/underline]] : L. Sprague deCamp's new book, "Lest Darkness Fall" has been reviewed in a recent inssue of The Herald Tribune, a N.Y. newspaper...Molecules one 75-thousandth of an inch long have been revealed by the new electron microscope. Though ordinarily forming in ert, dead crystals they become alive when placed in living tissue. [[/left column]]
FANTASY - NEWS the science fiction weekly newspaper. NEWS WHILE IT'S HOT! PRICE: THREE ISSUES TEN CENTS. VOLUME 6, NUMBER 9 SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1941 WHOLE NUMBER 140 [[two columns]] [[right column]] -IN MEMORIAM [[underline]] EARL SINGLETON [[/underline]] [[double underline]] A GREAT STFAN - [[/double underline]] This issues of [[underline]] FANTASY NEWS [[/underline]] is respectfully dedicated to the memory of [[underline]] Earl Singleton [[/underline]] who died recently. He is said to have taken his life in a fit of despondency. Singleton was well known as a publisher of [[underline]] Nepenthe [[/underline]], a magazine of fantastic verse, and a co-editor of [[underline]] Fanfare [[/underline]] well known stfan mag and official organ of [[underline]] The Stranger Club [[/underline]] of Boston, Mass. This incident cast a shadow of gloom upon the Boskone, (The Boston Eastern Science Fiction Conference) which was to have been a joyous meeting of Eastern fans of February 16 in Cambridge, Mass. All business was suspended and arrivals simply talked in hushed whispers. Only general discussion was attempted. We shall remember Earl Singleton as we have remembered J. Francis Hatch, David R. Daniels, Robert E. Howard, and others who took "The Far Way". Requiescat in pace. ---------------------------------- [[underline]] ODD ITEMS [[/underline]] by [[underline]] FN [[/underline]] Reporters. "Devil Asteroid", the story by Manly Wade Wellman begun in the 1st issue of Charles Beling's fan mag, [[underline]] Fan-Attic [[/underline]], will see print in its entirety in the fifth issues of F. Orlin Tromiane's COMET...Wilfred Owen Morley, author of poems in STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES, is really Robert W. Lowndes...A full page ad for COMET appears upon the back cover of AMAZING-MAN COMICS...A new comic book just out is SUB-MARINER. [[/right column]] [[left column]] NAT SCHACHNER WRITES BEST SELLER? Nat Schachner, well-known stf author, has a book just coming off the press which has already sold 5000 advance copies. The publishers believe it may prove to be a best seller. John W. Campbell, Jr. Editor of ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN, has been holding a series of short yarns by Schachner waiting for a chance to cash in on the publicity the book would produce. Schachner has written several yarns concerning the adventures of a space-lawyer. __________________________ [[uderline]] THRILLING WONDER GOES BIMONTHLY! THRILLING WONDER STORIES [[/underline]], the second oldest science fiction magazine, will go bi-monthly again after one year and four months of regular monthly appearances. Circulation complaints were voiced by Leo Margulies, Editorial Director, as far back as June 1940. THRILLING WONDER has for years been one of the "Big Three", the league-leaders of the science fiction professional field. With this move, TWS appears to have relinquished its long battle to stay up at the top with the leaders. There have never been more than three leading monthlies in stf and apparently there is not room for more than three. What magazine will step into the big three competition to replace TWS? ____________________ [[underline]] MORE ODD ITEMS [[/underline]] : L. Sprague deCamp's new book, "Lest Darkness Fall" has been reviewed in a recent inssue of The Herald Tribune, a N.Y. newspaper...Molecules one 75-thousandth of an inch long have been revealed by the new electron microscope. Though ordinarily forming in ert, dead crystals they become alive when placed in living tissue. [[/left column]]
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