Vampire, whole no. 7, September 1946
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[[illustration]] THE FANZINE SCOPE VENUS IN '59 VENUSCON COMBOZINE JK [[end illustration]] by Francis T. Laney My plea last issue for assistance in indexing fanzines met with the vociferous response I'd anticipated. Tucker announced some months ago that he was going to index Spaceways, so I broached the matter to him Sunday, during the Pacificon. Since he was a guest in my house, he was unable to react as he would have had he been free and unhampered but he did mumble something about not even having started compiling it, and if I had my copies bound without it I'd regret it. So, apparently, we can have an index of Spaceways any time I bind my set without it, since then Pong would feel free to go ahead. I think I will bind my set, just to see if Tucker will go to all that work . . . Nor did I get a copy of the #1 Vampire out of you people. I'll swap a framed Finlay original for a complete copy in good condition. A hasty run through FFM fails to disclose its source -- anyway, it shows a girl leaping from a window while a bestial face peers out at her. Not the best Finlay by any means, but a pretty good one -- one which Jimmy Kepner once paid $7.50 in cash for. And here I'm willing to swap it for the #1 Vampire! Come on, suckers! *** The mammoth Combozine of the Pacificon inspired me to dig out The Denventioneer and look it over. It is particularly interesting to note that only one fanzine made both issues: VoM. Fantasite is the only other title reasonably familiar to the modern fan, the rest being for the most part great titles of the past gasping their last gasp. Let's run through them and review them. VoM is represented by two two-page issues. The first one carries letters from Ted Carnell (who just resigned from FAPA), Joe Fortier, Charlie Hornig, Vol -11-
[[illustration]] THE FANZINE SCOPE VENUS IN '59 VENUSCON COMBOZINE JK [[end illustration]] by Francis T. Laney My plea last issue for assistance in indexing fanzines met with the vociferous response I'd anticipated. Tucker announced some months ago that he was going to index Spaceways, so I broached the matter to him Sunday, during the Pacificon. Since he was a guest in my house, he was unable to react as he would have had he been free and unhampered but he did mumble something about not even having started compiling it, and if I had my copies bound without it I'd regret it. So, apparently, we can have an index of Spaceways any time I bind my set without it, since then Pong would feel free to go ahead. I think I will bind my set, just to see if Tucker will go to all that work . . . Nor did I get a copy of the #1 Vampire out of you people. I'll swap a framed Finlay original for a complete copy in good condition. A hasty run through FFM fails to disclose its source -- anyway, it shows a girl leaping from a window while a bestial face peers out at her. Not the best Finlay by any means, but a pretty good one -- one which Jimmy Kepner once paid $7.50 in cash for. And here I'm willing to swap it for the #1 Vampire! Come on, suckers! *** The mammoth Combozine of the Pacificon inspired me to dig out The Denventioneer and look it over. It is particularly interesting to note that only one fanzine made both issues: VoM. Fantasite is the only other title reasonably familiar to the modern fan, the rest being for the most part great titles of the past gasping their last gasp. Let's run through them and review them. VoM is represented by two two-page issues. The first one carries letters from Ted Carnell (who just resigned from FAPA), Joe Fortier, Charlie Hornig, Vol -11-
Hevelin Fanzines