Vampire, whole no. 7, September 1946
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Claude Debussy wrote numerous pieces of music which can be classed as light fantasy. Typical of his work is "La Mer" (Victor 643), which is an interpretation of the sea under various conditions. August Derleth has stated that of all music, he imagines "La Mer" would have appealed to the late Howard Phillips Lovecraft, more than any other. There are many other works which I would class as fantastic, such as Griffes' "Pleasure Dome of Kubla Khan" (Victor 7958); Moussorgsky's "Night on Bare Mountain" (Victor 11448); Ravel's "Bolero" (Victor 552); Rachmaninoff's "Isle of the Dead" (Victor 75) and many, many others. For those who are interested, William H. Evans had a list of hundreds of fantasy musical items in the Fall, 1945 issue of Sun Spots. If you can procure a copy of this issue, it will help you locate a number of more obscure pieces. But you have to listen to the music to enjoy it, and that's what I'd suggest you do for a change -- that is, if you are one of the eighty per cent. --------------------- SUPERMAN? WHO'S HE? Odd John? Never heard of the chap. They must be pikers compared to the gal I just met. Superman had the strength, and John the brains, but this girl has the fate of the race in her hands. No -- you haven't read about her yet. No one has, but you have the chance to. It's all in: STRANGE MATE AND THREE OTHERS by WILSON TUCKER NOW -- only 50 cents pre-publication price. Order your copy from: PEGASUS PUBLICATIONS, 123 Edna Place, Buffalo 8, N.Y. ---advertisement --------------------------- [Illustration of two angry faces surrounding one smiling one looking up at its halo. Artist name is Kessel.] who made the smell in the elevator? -18-
Claude Debussy wrote numerous pieces of music which can be classed as light fantasy. Typical of his work is "La Mer" (Victor 643), which is an interpretation of the sea under various conditions. August Derleth has stated that of all music, he imagines "La Mer" would have appealed to the late Howard Phillips Lovecraft, more than any other. There are many other works which I would class as fantastic, such as Griffes' "Pleasure Dome of Kubla Khan" (Victor 7958); Moussorgsky's "Night on Bare Mountain" (Victor 11448); Ravel's "Bolero" (Victor 552); Rachmaninoff's "Isle of the Dead" (Victor 75) and many, many others. For those who are interested, William H. Evans had a list of hundreds of fantasy musical items in the Fall, 1945 issue of Sun Spots. If you can procure a copy of this issue, it will help you locate a number of more obscure pieces. But you have to listen to the music to enjoy it, and that's what I'd suggest you do for a change -- that is, if you are one of the eighty per cent. --------------------- SUPERMAN? WHO'S HE? Odd John? Never heard of the chap. They must be pikers compared to the gal I just met. Superman had the strength, and John the brains, but this girl has the fate of the race in her hands. No -- you haven't read about her yet. No one has, but you have the chance to. It's all in: STRANGE MATE AND THREE OTHERS by WILSON TUCKER NOW -- only 50 cents pre-publication price. Order your copy from: PEGASUS PUBLICATIONS, 123 Edna Place, Buffalo 8, N.Y. ---advertisement --------------------------- [Illustration of two angry faces surrounding one smiling one looking up at its halo. Artist name is Kessel.] who made the smell in the elevator? -18-
Hevelin Fanzines