Vampire, whole no. 7, September 1946
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Amid the Inkspots To tell the truth, there ARE other fanmags besides Vamp... ......................................... Ah, peace! Joe Hensley's Apollo is back from the wars, and to our bleary eyes, looks better than ever. The fifth issue is dedicated to H. P. Lovecraft and features book reviews and other straight material, relieved by a somewhat humorous editorial and a weird story by Thomas Mallory. Editor Hensley hasn't spared the mimeo ink, as this issue's profusion of colors will attest. Only price is a letter of comment, so it's well worth looking into. The address is 411 S. Fess St., Bloomington, Indiana. STFFM is the name, believe it or not. The editor is Harley Sachs, of 208 1/2 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Indiana. This is a hekto zine with the screwiest format you ever saw (size about 4 x 5", 22 pages). The current issue, number 4, is rather heavy on fiction, all by the editor. A dittoed cover and some interior pages courtesy of John Cockroft do much to boost the mag's appearance. Looks like something from fandom's early days -- and somehow we like it. Spaceling is another hektographed newfanmag, now in its 4th issue, and noteworthy mainly for the neat cartoons and illustrations of its editor, Howard G. Allen, 119 Woodland Ave., Coatesville, Pa. The current number contains material by John Stadler, Weinstein, and Streiff. A dime will get you a year's subscription (four issues) -- so what can you lose? Has been regular in appearance so far. The hektograph must be coming into its own again, we do believe. For a slight change, here's a dittoed mag -- Rick Sneary's GG (Gripes and Groans), apparently a successor to Fanzine Reader's Review. The fact that typing and duplication are handled by the altruistic Crockroft aids greatly in helping this junior version of VoM attain a fairly high level of readability. First issue is all letters, plus an article by George Wetzel advocating a Lovecraft society, and a space poem by Jim Love. 5 cents from 2962 Santa Ana, South Gate, Calif. Despite what the name might lead you to believe, The Cosmic News Letter is NOT a Degler publication. CNL happens to be a new weekly sheet published at 5 cents a throw by James V. Taurasi, 10102 Northern Blvd., Corona, N.Y. News includes information for collectors, science briefs, and reports on (of all things) fantasy in the comic books. Lacks representative coverage, but is nonetheless interesting. Head for the monasteries folks -- here's still another hekto mag. 'Tis Algis Budry's Slantasy, a general fanzine of a few sheets, issued occasionally but often. Fiction and comments account for most of the contents. This from Box 155, Dorothy, N.J. -23-
Amid the Inkspots To tell the truth, there ARE other fanmags besides Vamp... ......................................... Ah, peace! Joe Hensley's Apollo is back from the wars, and to our bleary eyes, looks better than ever. The fifth issue is dedicated to H. P. Lovecraft and features book reviews and other straight material, relieved by a somewhat humorous editorial and a weird story by Thomas Mallory. Editor Hensley hasn't spared the mimeo ink, as this issue's profusion of colors will attest. Only price is a letter of comment, so it's well worth looking into. The address is 411 S. Fess St., Bloomington, Indiana. STFFM is the name, believe it or not. The editor is Harley Sachs, of 208 1/2 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Indiana. This is a hekto zine with the screwiest format you ever saw (size about 4 x 5", 22 pages). The current issue, number 4, is rather heavy on fiction, all by the editor. A dittoed cover and some interior pages courtesy of John Cockroft do much to boost the mag's appearance. Looks like something from fandom's early days -- and somehow we like it. Spaceling is another hektographed newfanmag, now in its 4th issue, and noteworthy mainly for the neat cartoons and illustrations of its editor, Howard G. Allen, 119 Woodland Ave., Coatesville, Pa. The current number contains material by John Stadler, Weinstein, and Streiff. A dime will get you a year's subscription (four issues) -- so what can you lose? Has been regular in appearance so far. The hektograph must be coming into its own again, we do believe. For a slight change, here's a dittoed mag -- Rick Sneary's GG (Gripes and Groans), apparently a successor to Fanzine Reader's Review. The fact that typing and duplication are handled by the altruistic Crockroft aids greatly in helping this junior version of VoM attain a fairly high level of readability. First issue is all letters, plus an article by George Wetzel advocating a Lovecraft society, and a space poem by Jim Love. 5 cents from 2962 Santa Ana, South Gate, Calif. Despite what the name might lead you to believe, The Cosmic News Letter is NOT a Degler publication. CNL happens to be a new weekly sheet published at 5 cents a throw by James V. Taurasi, 10102 Northern Blvd., Corona, N.Y. News includes information for collectors, science briefs, and reports on (of all things) fantasy in the comic books. Lacks representative coverage, but is nonetheless interesting. Head for the monasteries folks -- here's still another hekto mag. 'Tis Algis Budry's Slantasy, a general fanzine of a few sheets, issued occasionally but often. Fiction and comments account for most of the contents. This from Box 155, Dorothy, N.J. -23-
Hevelin Fanzines