Vampire, whole no. 7, September 1946
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sells it. That's all. He can make it as simple or as elaborate as possible. The ethics of fanzine publishing as it pertains to sex, religion, etc. need apply. ((We wonder if he means "need not apply"...?)) If it is advertised honestly as to contents, it will be snapped up by the fen who want that sort of publication. These books can be collections of art, verse, humor, articles, fiction. A book can be all one type of material, or it can be a collection of all types. It can be 12 pages or 50 pages. So I ask, who's going to pioneer in this field of fan publishing? -------------------------- New-fan DON WILSON, of Banning, Calif., has a lot of opinions here, and although we can't agree with all of them, we think you'll find them of interest.,, ------------------------- Shaver's article contains nothing that has not been said a hundred times a day by RAP. It seems to be that it is high time RAP quit publishing a lot of stories that I doubt if even the crackpots like, and started either publishing some attempt at proof of the Shaver mystery or junk the whole thing. Ever since March 1945 we have been patiently wading thru reams of letters from crackpots, listening to RAP shouting, "The Shaver stories are EXCELLENT, fast-moving, swell science fiction adventure stories, and, in addition, they give a vital message to for all mankind"; that the infamous "Quest of Brain" was "almost lyrical, far ahead of the ability of Shaver in his first three stories -- maybe it ain't by Shaver at all, maybe it is by dero, tero, gods, or something"; and so forth. "Maybe Rev. Whitehead knew more than he said."..."Maybe the de Courcys are right", etc. "'Agharti' was a classic." "Agharti" was no stf, and should have been printed in Redbook orArgosy. Of course, Amazing was on its last legs anyway, and needed something to pep up interest, so it went from stfans to crackpots. And it ain't coming back, either. Even Sergeant Saturn is contemplating a change. He has a poll in the current SS concerning the elimination of the Sarge and return to serious comment in the lettercols. He also says that "everything is changing, and stf should be no exception." Nuts! TWS has been the only bright spot in a world of gloomy stf. Unless you prefer Astounding, as I do; but Wonder is now, with the possible exception of Planet, the only straight stf mag on the market. Startling is going to fantasy, ASF is specialized, Astonishing, the best mag ever, is defunct...and they want to change the only mag we've got left. It's a crime. You talk about Popular Pubs ruining Argosy. Well, we can and are getting along with A., but the sad part of it is they ruined FFM as well. The utterly stupid policy of the publishers against reprints has destroyed FFM... ...The only bright spot on the Popular horizon is that they use Lawrence instead of Finlay. Yes, believe it or not, I utterly detest V.F. Lawrence is infinitely superior to Finlay and Bok. The only ones that equal him -- or the only ONE -- is Paul, and he no longer draws interiors anyway. Lawrence's covers aren't so hot, but his interiors are really swell. (This missive is undoubt- -27-
sells it. That's all. He can make it as simple or as elaborate as possible. The ethics of fanzine publishing as it pertains to sex, religion, etc. need apply. ((We wonder if he means "need not apply"...?)) If it is advertised honestly as to contents, it will be snapped up by the fen who want that sort of publication. These books can be collections of art, verse, humor, articles, fiction. A book can be all one type of material, or it can be a collection of all types. It can be 12 pages or 50 pages. So I ask, who's going to pioneer in this field of fan publishing? -------------------------- New-fan DON WILSON, of Banning, Calif., has a lot of opinions here, and although we can't agree with all of them, we think you'll find them of interest.,, ------------------------- Shaver's article contains nothing that has not been said a hundred times a day by RAP. It seems to be that it is high time RAP quit publishing a lot of stories that I doubt if even the crackpots like, and started either publishing some attempt at proof of the Shaver mystery or junk the whole thing. Ever since March 1945 we have been patiently wading thru reams of letters from crackpots, listening to RAP shouting, "The Shaver stories are EXCELLENT, fast-moving, swell science fiction adventure stories, and, in addition, they give a vital message to for all mankind"; that the infamous "Quest of Brain" was "almost lyrical, far ahead of the ability of Shaver in his first three stories -- maybe it ain't by Shaver at all, maybe it is by dero, tero, gods, or something"; and so forth. "Maybe Rev. Whitehead knew more than he said."..."Maybe the de Courcys are right", etc. "'Agharti' was a classic." "Agharti" was no stf, and should have been printed in Redbook orArgosy. Of course, Amazing was on its last legs anyway, and needed something to pep up interest, so it went from stfans to crackpots. And it ain't coming back, either. Even Sergeant Saturn is contemplating a change. He has a poll in the current SS concerning the elimination of the Sarge and return to serious comment in the lettercols. He also says that "everything is changing, and stf should be no exception." Nuts! TWS has been the only bright spot in a world of gloomy stf. Unless you prefer Astounding, as I do; but Wonder is now, with the possible exception of Planet, the only straight stf mag on the market. Startling is going to fantasy, ASF is specialized, Astonishing, the best mag ever, is defunct...and they want to change the only mag we've got left. It's a crime. You talk about Popular Pubs ruining Argosy. Well, we can and are getting along with A., but the sad part of it is they ruined FFM as well. The utterly stupid policy of the publishers against reprints has destroyed FFM... ...The only bright spot on the Popular horizon is that they use Lawrence instead of Finlay. Yes, believe it or not, I utterly detest V.F. Lawrence is infinitely superior to Finlay and Bok. The only ones that equal him -- or the only ONE -- is Paul, and he no longer draws interiors anyway. Lawrence's covers aren't so hot, but his interiors are really swell. (This missive is undoubt- -27-
Hevelin Fanzines