Fantasy News, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 53, June 25, 1939
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Onward with Science Fiction by Sam Moskowitz Another year has been recorded in the treasured album of science fiction. It's influence will be felt in science-fiction down the endless corridor of time. The past year of fantasy has been indelibly inscribed as science fiction has never been recorded before. For one revolution of the Earth around the sun is the exact age of fantasy's greatest chronicler--Fantasy News. June 26, 1938 will be remembered in the annals of fandom as the date when Fantasy news made it's first, temerous appearance. To the short-sighted onlooker, there was nothing in the makeup or presentation of "Fantasy News" that boded such possibility for the future. They took the paper for granted. All they saw was what had been set before their eyes, a two paged, hastily assembled mimeographed sheet with a not-too-important selection of news items. What decided them even more against the possibilities of the publication, was the cryptic statement by the editor, that the chief purpose in producing this new news weekly was to fill out unexpired subscriptions to a previous publication of this, "Cosmic Tales" Unfortunately, most people were not capable of reading signs or circumstances. They did not take into consideration the price of the sheet 3 & 1/3 cents a copy, which meant that it was within the reach of all. They overlooked the significance of the mimeographed format (unusual in a day when hektographed publications were the rule), which made possible a national circulation of thousands. They overlooked the fact that the publisher of the paper was deriving a great deal of pleasure from its issuance, and that he needed but a modicum of encouragement to continue the magazine indefinitely. And most important of all they overlooked the friends of the publisher, whose contacts were such that they could easily keep a weekly fan magazine alive and ascending. From the first issue of "Fantasy News" faithfully recorded every scrap of fantastic information it could find. The first five issues were almost entirely the product of the editor. Headlines of the first issue of "Fantasy News" read: "Astounding to change Publication Date!", "Next Helios to be large Size", "Next Jeddara to have Club Photo", "First issue of "The Nucleus" Lost in the Mails!" "Humorous Science-Fiction Hit on Last Night's First Nighter's Program". Certainly it was not an amazing batch of scoops. With few exceptions the items were of little or no importance and rated but a line or two. There was, however, one meaningful phrase, "Come To The World's Convention in 1939. The second issue appeared carrying the news that Sam Moskowitz and Alex Osheroff, of Newark, had been refused admission to the Greater New York Chapter of the SFL, thru the personal animosities of a few unpopular fans. This presaged a series of battles of unequaled (Continued on Page 21)
Onward with Science Fiction by Sam Moskowitz Another year has been recorded in the treasured album of science fiction. It's influence will be felt in science-fiction down the endless corridor of time. The past year of fantasy has been indelibly inscribed as science fiction has never been recorded before. For one revolution of the Earth around the sun is the exact age of fantasy's greatest chronicler--Fantasy News. June 26, 1938 will be remembered in the annals of fandom as the date when Fantasy news made it's first, temerous appearance. To the short-sighted onlooker, there was nothing in the makeup or presentation of "Fantasy News" that boded such possibility for the future. They took the paper for granted. All they saw was what had been set before their eyes, a two paged, hastily assembled mimeographed sheet with a not-too-important selection of news items. What decided them even more against the possibilities of the publication, was the cryptic statement by the editor, that the chief purpose in producing this new news weekly was to fill out unexpired subscriptions to a previous publication of this, "Cosmic Tales" Unfortunately, most people were not capable of reading signs or circumstances. They did not take into consideration the price of the sheet 3 & 1/3 cents a copy, which meant that it was within the reach of all. They overlooked the significance of the mimeographed format (unusual in a day when hektographed publications were the rule), which made possible a national circulation of thousands. They overlooked the fact that the publisher of the paper was deriving a great deal of pleasure from its issuance, and that he needed but a modicum of encouragement to continue the magazine indefinitely. And most important of all they overlooked the friends of the publisher, whose contacts were such that they could easily keep a weekly fan magazine alive and ascending. From the first issue of "Fantasy News" faithfully recorded every scrap of fantastic information it could find. The first five issues were almost entirely the product of the editor. Headlines of the first issue of "Fantasy News" read: "Astounding to change Publication Date!", "Next Helios to be large Size", "Next Jeddara to have Club Photo", "First issue of "The Nucleus" Lost in the Mails!" "Humorous Science-Fiction Hit on Last Night's First Nighter's Program". Certainly it was not an amazing batch of scoops. With few exceptions the items were of little or no importance and rated but a line or two. There was, however, one meaningful phrase, "Come To The World's Convention in 1939. The second issue appeared carrying the news that Sam Moskowitz and Alex Osheroff, of Newark, had been refused admission to the Greater New York Chapter of the SFL, thru the personal animosities of a few unpopular fans. This presaged a series of battles of unequaled (Continued on Page 21)
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