Fantasy News, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 53, June 25, 1939
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The Future Of Science Fiction by CHARLES D HORNING WW KNOW that all science-fiction fans are interested in the future. But does it work both ways? That is, will the future be interested in science-fiction? First we'll have to find a passable definition of science-fiction.Suppose we say that a science-fiction story is one with an atmosphere of fantasy, based on sound science, propounding some logical theory or development for the purpose of stimulating the imagination of the reader, to awe him a little of science-fiction make the mistake---as an outgrowth of their enthusiasm --- of claming that science-fiction is a great educational force and teaches its readers all about science. This is a false and very misleading argument. Science-fiction can spread throughout the world as a great; forceful literature only by presenting it in its true value --- and this value is not itsa ability to educate. The bulk of science-fiction stories today is published in pulp-paper magazines. In order to succed, the stories must be thrilling yarns of vivid action and daring adventure. The science in them should be camoflaged into short and shappy, but understandable and believable explanations. There should be no long-winded discourded on the technicalities of the science involved. If it is not the purpose of science-fiction to educate --- what then is its value --- why should it be rated above other type of pulp fiction? How is it superior to the western story, the love story and the detective yarn. These questions can be answered in one hyphenated word --- "thought -stimulation." Unfortunately the majority of people do not possess sufficient imagination to have their thoughts stimulated very far above every day, mundane affairs -- and we can therefore not expect science-fiction to be universally accepted until the world becomes filled with thinkers. We can hardly hope for that within our time. However, it is my belief that there are many millions of persons in the world today who would be enthusiasts of science-fiction if they were awars of its existence --- and it is our duty to reach these persons through the publicizing of science-fiction by means of the various professional and fan magazines in this field, correspondence, and personal contact. Getting back to the real value of science-fiction -- "thought-stimulation -- we will have to decide just what types of thoughts are stimulated, and wherein lies their value. A good science-fiction story will present some wonder of possibility that will provoke the reader to think: "It can be done!" Science-fiction stimulates thoughts--serious thinking -- about the mechanical marvels of unborn earns and the super-civilizations of Mankind's future! This interest in the future --- this belief in the unlimited possibilites of progress -- inspires many young minds and encourages them to delve deeply into the various science that will build this future --- sciences that will allow man to conquer Nature! so we see that science-fiction, although it does (Continued on P 24)
The Future Of Science Fiction by CHARLES D HORNING WW KNOW that all science-fiction fans are interested in the future. But does it work both ways? That is, will the future be interested in science-fiction? First we'll have to find a passable definition of science-fiction.Suppose we say that a science-fiction story is one with an atmosphere of fantasy, based on sound science, propounding some logical theory or development for the purpose of stimulating the imagination of the reader, to awe him a little of science-fiction make the mistake---as an outgrowth of their enthusiasm --- of claming that science-fiction is a great educational force and teaches its readers all about science. This is a false and very misleading argument. Science-fiction can spread throughout the world as a great; forceful literature only by presenting it in its true value --- and this value is not itsa ability to educate. The bulk of science-fiction stories today is published in pulp-paper magazines. In order to succed, the stories must be thrilling yarns of vivid action and daring adventure. The science in them should be camoflaged into short and shappy, but understandable and believable explanations. There should be no long-winded discourded on the technicalities of the science involved. If it is not the purpose of science-fiction to educate --- what then is its value --- why should it be rated above other type of pulp fiction? How is it superior to the western story, the love story and the detective yarn. These questions can be answered in one hyphenated word --- "thought -stimulation." Unfortunately the majority of people do not possess sufficient imagination to have their thoughts stimulated very far above every day, mundane affairs -- and we can therefore not expect science-fiction to be universally accepted until the world becomes filled with thinkers. We can hardly hope for that within our time. However, it is my belief that there are many millions of persons in the world today who would be enthusiasts of science-fiction if they were awars of its existence --- and it is our duty to reach these persons through the publicizing of science-fiction by means of the various professional and fan magazines in this field, correspondence, and personal contact. Getting back to the real value of science-fiction -- "thought-stimulation -- we will have to decide just what types of thoughts are stimulated, and wherein lies their value. A good science-fiction story will present some wonder of possibility that will provoke the reader to think: "It can be done!" Science-fiction stimulates thoughts--serious thinking -- about the mechanical marvels of unborn earns and the super-civilizations of Mankind's future! This interest in the future --- this belief in the unlimited possibilites of progress -- inspires many young minds and encourages them to delve deeply into the various science that will build this future --- sciences that will allow man to conquer Nature! so we see that science-fiction, although it does (Continued on P 24)
Hevelin Fanzines