Fantasy News, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 53, June 25, 1939
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FANTASY NEWS FIRST ANNIVERSARY ISSUE PAGE (17) ----------------------------------------------------- holding a copy of ---- you know what paper--- for the alluring naked girl to read! Won't that be a boost for his sheet!" Campbell: Well, that has it's points. But wait till you hear mine. I accepted a story from Hoy Ping Pong yesterday in which a newspaper plays a very important part. Now, Pong called it "Pong's Pantagraph", but I will change the title to --- well, you know. And then, Unknown will do it's part, too. I'll devote [a?] full page to his sheet and have Wesso draw a picture of it. I am gonna use the picture on every page in the issue! Top that!" A hubub, and then the five split up. One by one they sidled out of doors windows, until only a dying puddle of beer was left on the table. Then down from the rafters slipped a silent figure, and silently slipped out thru a crack in the wall. This figure hopped a bus, then a subway, and wasTaurasi playing marbles in the front yard. The traveller gave a secret signal, an unheard whistle. Taurasi at once quite the game and went into a session with the mysterious figure. Whisper------buzz----buzz buzz------ssst------whisper. Taurasi: "WHAT! Pong, you don't mean it! Do you mean that Palmer is go-ing to print a replica of Fantasy News on the back cover of Fantastic, and that Weisinger is devoting the entire review column to Fantasy News, and that Wright is going to run and ad for Fantasy News on the next cover and that Erisman is going to have an eye-filling naked girl reading a copy of Fantasy News on the next cover of Marvel, and that Campbell is going to change your story so that the newspaper mentioned in it will be Fantasy News, and that he is going to run a full page ad in Unknown and have a Wesso cut of Fantasy News on every page, a;; because it's Fantasy News' anniversary!? Yippee!" More Buzzing whispering. Taurasi: "Yes, your right. Of course you are! In some way I must repay all this kindness, this free advertising. I must show those editors that I appreciate their thoughtfulness.........lemme see.....what can I do??? Eureka! Cosmic-golly! I got it! I know what I will do! Beginning with the Anniversary issue I will SPELL EVERY WORD RIGHT! That will show them that I am worthy of their efforts, won't it?" Pong: "Yes. That will be ASTOUNDING! But will your readers be able to with stand the shock?"
FANTASY NEWS FIRST ANNIVERSARY ISSUE PAGE (17) ----------------------------------------------------- holding a copy of ---- you know what paper--- for the alluring naked girl to read! Won't that be a boost for his sheet!" Campbell: Well, that has it's points. But wait till you hear mine. I accepted a story from Hoy Ping Pong yesterday in which a newspaper plays a very important part. Now, Pong called it "Pong's Pantagraph", but I will change the title to --- well, you know. And then, Unknown will do it's part, too. I'll devote [a?] full page to his sheet and have Wesso draw a picture of it. I am gonna use the picture on every page in the issue! Top that!" A hubub, and then the five split up. One by one they sidled out of doors windows, until only a dying puddle of beer was left on the table. Then down from the rafters slipped a silent figure, and silently slipped out thru a crack in the wall. This figure hopped a bus, then a subway, and wasTaurasi playing marbles in the front yard. The traveller gave a secret signal, an unheard whistle. Taurasi at once quite the game and went into a session with the mysterious figure. Whisper------buzz----buzz buzz------ssst------whisper. Taurasi: "WHAT! Pong, you don't mean it! Do you mean that Palmer is go-ing to print a replica of Fantasy News on the back cover of Fantastic, and that Weisinger is devoting the entire review column to Fantasy News, and that Wright is going to run and ad for Fantasy News on the next cover and that Erisman is going to have an eye-filling naked girl reading a copy of Fantasy News on the next cover of Marvel, and that Campbell is going to change your story so that the newspaper mentioned in it will be Fantasy News, and that he is going to run a full page ad in Unknown and have a Wesso cut of Fantasy News on every page, a;; because it's Fantasy News' anniversary!? Yippee!" More Buzzing whispering. Taurasi: "Yes, your right. Of course you are! In some way I must repay all this kindness, this free advertising. I must show those editors that I appreciate their thoughtfulness.........lemme see.....what can I do??? Eureka! Cosmic-golly! I got it! I know what I will do! Beginning with the Anniversary issue I will SPELL EVERY WORD RIGHT! That will show them that I am worthy of their efforts, won't it?" Pong: "Yes. That will be ASTOUNDING! But will your readers be able to with stand the shock?"
Hevelin Fanzines