Fantasy News, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 53, June 25, 1939
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SOMETHING NEW IN SCIENTIFICTION Fantasy Circulating Library #.50 per month & postage entitles you to read as many stf books and mags as you wish from one of the largest personal collection in America. ---This offer includes complete sets of the following mags: Amazing, monthly & quarterlies; Wonder, monthlies and Quarterlies; Astounding; Air Wonder; Marvel Tales Miracle Stories; Tales of Wonder; Fantasy; Strange Tales; Scoops; Oriental Stories; Magic Carpet; Science and Invention; Magazine of Mystery; Ghost Stories; Electrical Experimenter; Scientific Detective; Weird Tales; Hundreds of Argosy serials and excerpts and several hundred stf books also obtainable any of the current stf mags such as Marvel, Dynamic, Thrilling Wonder, Science Fiction, Unknown, Fantastic Adventures, Strange Stories, Mystery Adventures etc. Just think for only 50¢ a month and postage you can read all that you wish (during that length of time) of such famous stories as Skylark of Space, The Moon Pool, Skylark Three, Human Termits, Ralph 124C41 plus: Paradox, Professor Jameson stories, Comet Doom and all the others you've heard so much about----At the present time only one book or magazine will be loaned out at a time. Everytime you return one you're entitle to another book or mag. It is advisable to ask for a reserved list for special scitifiction classics at no extra charge. This is your best bet to read those stories you've yearned to read for years. Take advantage of this offer and subscribe now. Don't forget the cost is only 50¢ per month & in the scientifiction field. It would cost you (if you get all the popular stf mags now on the stands) $1.35 a month to read them all. So you can see what the advantage of my plan even with the current mags. All new stf books and magazines will be added to the circulation library as they come out. SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND INQUIRIES TO JULIUS UNGER 1349 50 Street Brooklyn, New York
SOMETHING NEW IN SCIENTIFICTION Fantasy Circulating Library #.50 per month & postage entitles you to read as many stf books and mags as you wish from one of the largest personal collection in America. ---This offer includes complete sets of the following mags: Amazing, monthly & quarterlies; Wonder, monthlies and Quarterlies; Astounding; Air Wonder; Marvel Tales Miracle Stories; Tales of Wonder; Fantasy; Strange Tales; Scoops; Oriental Stories; Magic Carpet; Science and Invention; Magazine of Mystery; Ghost Stories; Electrical Experimenter; Scientific Detective; Weird Tales; Hundreds of Argosy serials and excerpts and several hundred stf books also obtainable any of the current stf mags such as Marvel, Dynamic, Thrilling Wonder, Science Fiction, Unknown, Fantastic Adventures, Strange Stories, Mystery Adventures etc. Just think for only 50¢ a month and postage you can read all that you wish (during that length of time) of such famous stories as Skylark of Space, The Moon Pool, Skylark Three, Human Termits, Ralph 124C41 plus: Paradox, Professor Jameson stories, Comet Doom and all the others you've heard so much about----At the present time only one book or magazine will be loaned out at a time. Everytime you return one you're entitle to another book or mag. It is advisable to ask for a reserved list for special scitifiction classics at no extra charge. This is your best bet to read those stories you've yearned to read for years. Take advantage of this offer and subscribe now. Don't forget the cost is only 50¢ per month & in the scientifiction field. It would cost you (if you get all the popular stf mags now on the stands) $1.35 a month to read them all. So you can see what the advantage of my plan even with the current mags. All new stf books and magazines will be added to the circulation library as they come out. SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND INQUIRIES TO JULIUS UNGER 1349 50 Street Brooklyn, New York
Hevelin Fanzines