Fantasy-News, v. 6, issue 18, whole no. 150, May 18, 1941
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FANTASY NEWS SECOND NEWS SECTION Page Three [return to two-column] COMET LINE-UP Cont'd: RAY VAN HOUTEN SELLS FIRST STORY! Ray Van Houten, publisher, editor, and author of fandom's most unique fan sheet Van Houten Says, has clicked for the first time in a pro mag with his 7500 word short titled "The Legend of Mars". Says Editor Tremaine the yarn is "very good". Ray is an old timer in fandom having been the managing sec'y of the SFAA, and is the present secretary of NEW FANDOM. "The Legend of Mars" will appear in the August number of COMET. The feature of COMET's August issue will be Nat Schanchner's 15,000 word short novel titled, Vanished Universe". Robert O. Lewis will have a 7300 worder called "The Imaginative Genius". Clifford D. Simak and Carl Jacobi have clicked in rapid order with their 6000 word short "The Cat Had Nine Lives". Tremaine also has under consideration Henry J. Kostkos' "The Kiss Of Death". Kostkos will be remembered as the author who batted 1.000 on acceptances not so long ago. Further details of the August number will appear in our next or following issues. EDITORIAL Cont'd: almost like an author privately publishing his own works at his own expense and then trying to sell them. To the general science fiction reader, it makes little difference who writes, buys, or sells the yarns. It is the entertainment that counts. Hawk Carse was one of the most popular of all science fiction heroes, and would probably still be so today. To the free lance author, however, it is an entirely different story for he is more or less left out in the cold in favor of the cheaper but steadier staff writer. And even this may operate to the reader's detriment because they conceiveably are deprived of the usual refreshingly different work of the independent writer. [column break] QUEENS SFL Cont'd: Miss Frances Sykora, Pearl Moskowitz, Charles Hidley, Alex Osheroff, Melvin Hendriksen, Fred Claasen. The minutes of the April 4th meeting were read and accepted. Copies of the treasury report submitted by former Director Hyman Tiger and former Secy-Treasurer Scott Feldman were distributed and examined with interest. After due discussion, a motion to accept the report was rejected by a large majority. A motion to appoint a committe to investigate the report with the power to collect all moneys due the Queens Chapter, (This committee may also undertake to investigate the money held by Robert W. Lowndes as Secretary-Treasurer of the original Queens SFL, later the Greater N.Y. SFL which was disbanded in 1938 by Leo Margulies.) was carried. The committee consists of Julius Unger, Melvin Hendriksen, Sam Moskowitz, and Mrs.W. Sykora. A motion for the ejection of gate crashers and other unwelcome visitors was carried without a dissenting vote. The motion states that:"If any member objects to the presence of a visitor, that member shall file a private protest with the chairman, who shall instruct the secretary to inform the visitor in question that his presence at the meeting has been objected to and to request him to leave the hall. If he refuses to leave, he shall be given the alternative of a vote on his admission or ejection to be taken as the immediate next order of business." An amendment to this motion was also carried without a dissenting vote. The amendment states: "If two or more members object to the visitor's presence as a result of this vote, the visitor shall be ejected." It was then suggested that the motion be made part of the by-laws, but since no previous notice had been given,of an amendment to the by-laws, it became necessary to suspend the by-laws. This was done by the usual two-thirds vote. The motion was then made (Page Four)
FANTASY NEWS SECOND NEWS SECTION Page Three [return to two-column] COMET LINE-UP Cont'd: RAY VAN HOUTEN SELLS FIRST STORY! Ray Van Houten, publisher, editor, and author of fandom's most unique fan sheet Van Houten Says, has clicked for the first time in a pro mag with his 7500 word short titled "The Legend of Mars". Says Editor Tremaine the yarn is "very good". Ray is an old timer in fandom having been the managing sec'y of the SFAA, and is the present secretary of NEW FANDOM. "The Legend of Mars" will appear in the August number of COMET. The feature of COMET's August issue will be Nat Schanchner's 15,000 word short novel titled, Vanished Universe". Robert O. Lewis will have a 7300 worder called "The Imaginative Genius". Clifford D. Simak and Carl Jacobi have clicked in rapid order with their 6000 word short "The Cat Had Nine Lives". Tremaine also has under consideration Henry J. Kostkos' "The Kiss Of Death". Kostkos will be remembered as the author who batted 1.000 on acceptances not so long ago. Further details of the August number will appear in our next or following issues. EDITORIAL Cont'd: almost like an author privately publishing his own works at his own expense and then trying to sell them. To the general science fiction reader, it makes little difference who writes, buys, or sells the yarns. It is the entertainment that counts. Hawk Carse was one of the most popular of all science fiction heroes, and would probably still be so today. To the free lance author, however, it is an entirely different story for he is more or less left out in the cold in favor of the cheaper but steadier staff writer. And even this may operate to the reader's detriment because they conceiveably are deprived of the usual refreshingly different work of the independent writer. [column break] QUEENS SFL Cont'd: Miss Frances Sykora, Pearl Moskowitz, Charles Hidley, Alex Osheroff, Melvin Hendriksen, Fred Claasen. The minutes of the April 4th meeting were read and accepted. Copies of the treasury report submitted by former Director Hyman Tiger and former Secy-Treasurer Scott Feldman were distributed and examined with interest. After due discussion, a motion to accept the report was rejected by a large majority. A motion to appoint a committe to investigate the report with the power to collect all moneys due the Queens Chapter, (This committee may also undertake to investigate the money held by Robert W. Lowndes as Secretary-Treasurer of the original Queens SFL, later the Greater N.Y. SFL which was disbanded in 1938 by Leo Margulies.) was carried. The committee consists of Julius Unger, Melvin Hendriksen, Sam Moskowitz, and Mrs.W. Sykora. A motion for the ejection of gate crashers and other unwelcome visitors was carried without a dissenting vote. The motion states that:"If any member objects to the presence of a visitor, that member shall file a private protest with the chairman, who shall instruct the secretary to inform the visitor in question that his presence at the meeting has been objected to and to request him to leave the hall. If he refuses to leave, he shall be given the alternative of a vote on his admission or ejection to be taken as the immediate next order of business." An amendment to this motion was also carried without a dissenting vote. The amendment states: "If two or more members object to the visitor's presence as a result of this vote, the visitor shall be ejected." It was then suggested that the motion be made part of the by-laws, but since no previous notice had been given,of an amendment to the by-laws, it became necessary to suspend the by-laws. This was done by the usual two-thirds vote. The motion was then made (Page Four)
Hevelin Fanzines