Fantasy-News, v. 6, issue 18, whole no. 150, May 18, 1941
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Page Four SECOND NEWS SECTION FANTASY NEWS QUEENS SFL Cont'd: Amendment No. 1 of the Queens SFL by-laws by the required two-thirds vote. Two overwhelming majority votes and two two-thirds votes prove beyond doubt that this motion represents the will of the Queens Science Fiction League. A motion to create a bulletin board and to post this amendment on it was carried. The follwoing is a condensed copy of Feldman's and Tiger's treasury report: Debit: Balance after Nov mtg $17.15 Rec'd at Dec mtg 2.15 AJBurke pd at Jan mtg .10 Total rcts thru Jan 19.40 Credit: Dec rent $ 1.00 Jan rent(larger room) 2.00 Xmas cards, 35 @ 5¢ 1.75 Xmas seals 1.65 Xmas card stamps .70 Dec mtg announcements .85 Jan mtg announcement .90 Thumb tacks .05 loose leaf record book .20 5 paper refills .25 4 bxs reinforcements .20 Typewriter ribbon .40 App.250 envelopes, lg.size .85 App. 1 ream paper .40 Travelling expenses 1.20 Telephone calls 3.05 Personal invitations 1.66 Personal replies .53 Other correspondence .53 Total disbursements thru Jan 18.17 Treasury Balance 1.23 Cash to present Sec'y-Tr. 1.05 Deficit .18 Sam Moskowitz purchased several fan mags from the club's collection. The remainder will be raffled off at the June meeting. Charles Hidley, well know contributor to readers' columns and several times prize winner in PLANET'S letter contest, was elected to membership. After general discussion, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:30 P.M. at which time several members retired to the bar for a "meeting after the meeting". GET A PRESS CARD!BE A FN REPORTER! [column break] QUEENS S F L INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE MEETS MAY 13 AT THE HOME OF JULIUS UNGER Meeting at the home of Julius Unger, prominent science fiction dealer, the Queens Science Fiction League Investigating Committee met to discuss and act on the treasury report submitted by former Director Hyman Tiger, and former Secretary Scott Feldman, which was rejected at the regular meeting of M ay 4th. Present were Julius Unger, Chairman, Mrs. W. Sykora, Sec'y-Treas. of the Queens SFL, Melvin Hendriken, Will Sykora, committee members, and Charl[overtyped]esHidley and Kay Brickman, guests. Mrs. Unger served fruit and chocolates. After due discussion it was decided that definite action be taken to recover a fair proportion of the Queens SFL's property, and to endeavor to obtain a financial settlement without legal means if possible. The Secretary-Treasurer was, however, empowered to use legal means to recover, as a last resort and provide the expense could be kept at a minimum. The committee regretted the necessity to take any such steps, but the attitude of Scott Feldman at interviews during which QSFL representatives went far out their way to be fair made firmer action necessary. [horizontal line] HARRY WALTON ON STAFF OF 'POP.SCIENCE' Harry Walton, popular member of the Queens SFL, has accepted a position on the editorial staff of POPULAR SCIENCE Monthly. Mr. Walton has sold numerous articles on home mechanics and construction to this and similar magazines. He also has stories coming up in ASTOUNDING, THRILLING WONDER, PLANET, and SUPER SCIENCE Stories. [horizontal lines] STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES, in its June 1941 number, reprinted Dr. D. H. Keller's "The Moon Artist" from Louis Kuslan's fan magazine Cosmic Tales. "ForbiddenBBooks", poem by Wilfred Owen Morley, was actually by R.W. Lowndes, from a 1937 fan mag.
Page Four SECOND NEWS SECTION FANTASY NEWS QUEENS SFL Cont'd: Amendment No. 1 of the Queens SFL by-laws by the required two-thirds vote. Two overwhelming majority votes and two two-thirds votes prove beyond doubt that this motion represents the will of the Queens Science Fiction League. A motion to create a bulletin board and to post this amendment on it was carried. The follwoing is a condensed copy of Feldman's and Tiger's treasury report: Debit: Balance after Nov mtg $17.15 Rec'd at Dec mtg 2.15 AJBurke pd at Jan mtg .10 Total rcts thru Jan 19.40 Credit: Dec rent $ 1.00 Jan rent(larger room) 2.00 Xmas cards, 35 @ 5¢ 1.75 Xmas seals 1.65 Xmas card stamps .70 Dec mtg announcements .85 Jan mtg announcement .90 Thumb tacks .05 loose leaf record book .20 5 paper refills .25 4 bxs reinforcements .20 Typewriter ribbon .40 App.250 envelopes, lg.size .85 App. 1 ream paper .40 Travelling expenses 1.20 Telephone calls 3.05 Personal invitations 1.66 Personal replies .53 Other correspondence .53 Total disbursements thru Jan 18.17 Treasury Balance 1.23 Cash to present Sec'y-Tr. 1.05 Deficit .18 Sam Moskowitz purchased several fan mags from the club's collection. The remainder will be raffled off at the June meeting. Charles Hidley, well know contributor to readers' columns and several times prize winner in PLANET'S letter contest, was elected to membership. After general discussion, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:30 P.M. at which time several members retired to the bar for a "meeting after the meeting". GET A PRESS CARD!BE A FN REPORTER! [column break] QUEENS S F L INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE MEETS MAY 13 AT THE HOME OF JULIUS UNGER Meeting at the home of Julius Unger, prominent science fiction dealer, the Queens Science Fiction League Investigating Committee met to discuss and act on the treasury report submitted by former Director Hyman Tiger, and former Secretary Scott Feldman, which was rejected at the regular meeting of M ay 4th. Present were Julius Unger, Chairman, Mrs. W. Sykora, Sec'y-Treas. of the Queens SFL, Melvin Hendriken, Will Sykora, committee members, and Charl[overtyped]esHidley and Kay Brickman, guests. Mrs. Unger served fruit and chocolates. After due discussion it was decided that definite action be taken to recover a fair proportion of the Queens SFL's property, and to endeavor to obtain a financial settlement without legal means if possible. The Secretary-Treasurer was, however, empowered to use legal means to recover, as a last resort and provide the expense could be kept at a minimum. The committee regretted the necessity to take any such steps, but the attitude of Scott Feldman at interviews during which QSFL representatives went far out their way to be fair made firmer action necessary. [horizontal line] HARRY WALTON ON STAFF OF 'POP.SCIENCE' Harry Walton, popular member of the Queens SFL, has accepted a position on the editorial staff of POPULAR SCIENCE Monthly. Mr. Walton has sold numerous articles on home mechanics and construction to this and similar magazines. He also has stories coming up in ASTOUNDING, THRILLING WONDER, PLANET, and SUPER SCIENCE Stories. [horizontal lines] STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES, in its June 1941 number, reprinted Dr. D. H. Keller's "The Moon Artist" from Louis Kuslan's fan magazine Cosmic Tales. "ForbiddenBBooks", poem by Wilfred Owen Morley, was actually by R.W. Lowndes, from a 1937 fan mag.
Hevelin Fanzines