Constitution of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, September 1945
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(1) Constitution of the National Fantasy Fan Federation (Adopted July 31, 1945) Article I. Name. The name of this organization shall be the National Fantasy Fan Federation. Article II. Purpose. The purpose of the National Fan Federation shall be: To encourage the reading and collecting of fantasy and science-fiction literature; greater creative expression in amateur journalism; fuller dissemination of all phases of fantasy information; and to enlarge, co-ordinate and preserve fantasy culture in general. Article III. Administration. The Administration of the Federation shall consist of two (2) branches: the Executive, and the Directorate. (A) The Executive branch shall consist of the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary-Treasurer. (1) The President shall: (a) Act in an executive capacity; direct the activities of the Federation; act as official voice of the Federation; appoint committee chairmen and special officers; call special elections when necessary; nominate members to fill vacated offices; and act in a co-ordinative capacity im promulgating fantasy fan activities; (b) Have the power to veto decisions of the Directorate; (c) Have the power to act in emergencies not specifically covered by this Constitution or subsequent amendments thereto subject to the review of the Directorate. (2) The Vice President shall; (a) Assume the office of the President, or Secretary-Treasurer, in the event either shall be vacated, or restrained by the Directorate; (b) Advise and assist the President in his duties; (c) Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie in the Directorate. (3) The Secretary-Treasurer shall: (a) Keep the permanent records of the Federation; (b) Prepare ballots for annual or special elections;
(1) Constitution of the National Fantasy Fan Federation (Adopted July 31, 1945) Article I. Name. The name of this organization shall be the National Fantasy Fan Federation. Article II. Purpose. The purpose of the National Fan Federation shall be: To encourage the reading and collecting of fantasy and science-fiction literature; greater creative expression in amateur journalism; fuller dissemination of all phases of fantasy information; and to enlarge, co-ordinate and preserve fantasy culture in general. Article III. Administration. The Administration of the Federation shall consist of two (2) branches: the Executive, and the Directorate. (A) The Executive branch shall consist of the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary-Treasurer. (1) The President shall: (a) Act in an executive capacity; direct the activities of the Federation; act as official voice of the Federation; appoint committee chairmen and special officers; call special elections when necessary; nominate members to fill vacated offices; and act in a co-ordinative capacity im promulgating fantasy fan activities; (b) Have the power to veto decisions of the Directorate; (c) Have the power to act in emergencies not specifically covered by this Constitution or subsequent amendments thereto subject to the review of the Directorate. (2) The Vice President shall; (a) Assume the office of the President, or Secretary-Treasurer, in the event either shall be vacated, or restrained by the Directorate; (b) Advise and assist the President in his duties; (c) Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie in the Directorate. (3) The Secretary-Treasurer shall: (a) Keep the permanent records of the Federation; (b) Prepare ballots for annual or special elections;
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