Constitution of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, September 1945
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(2) (c) Maintain an up-to-date census of the names and address of all members, and submit a list of changes and additions thereto to the Official Editor one week before publication date of the Official Organ; (d) Collect, record, and disburse all monies of the Federation, upon order of the President, or an order signed by at least four (4) members of the Directorate; (1) Shall be bonded in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), fee for such bond to be paid by the Federation; (e) Submit a detailed report of accounts twice yearly for inclusion in the January and July issues of the official organ, and make a monthly statement of balance to the President and Official Editor. (B) The Directorate shall consist of five (5) duly elected members, the member receiving the most votes shall be declared Chairman. (1) The Directorate shall: (a) Grant membership upon proper application, and revoke membership for just cause; (b) Approve or disapprove the President' s appointments for officers and committee chairmen; (c) Act in advisory capacity to the Executive Branch; (d) Have the power to override a Presidential veto of their decisions by a vote of reconsideration having not more than one (1) dissenting vote; (e) Have the power to issue upon any member of the Executive Branch, Minor Offiial or Committee Chairman or Member, and Order of Restraint and Temporary Suspension of Power, for considered cause. Such action shall be taken when any individual shall be deemed guilty of misappropriation of funds; assumption of powers beyond those delegated; errors of judgement and performance of acts deemed deleterious to the Federation and/or the best interests of the Fandom as a whole. If such said acts are not immediately corrected to the satisfaction of the Directorate, it shall be mandatory upon the Directorate to institute impeachment proceedings. (f) Decisions of the Directorate shall be by majority vote, unless otherwise directed herein, Article IV. Membership. (A) Any person interested in any of the facets fo Fantasy Fandom may, upon proper application and acceptance, become a member of the Federation; (1) Applications shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer, accompanied by the first year's dues; (a) Applicants for membership filing application between July 1 and December 31 need send only one-half year's due with application.
(2) (c) Maintain an up-to-date census of the names and address of all members, and submit a list of changes and additions thereto to the Official Editor one week before publication date of the Official Organ; (d) Collect, record, and disburse all monies of the Federation, upon order of the President, or an order signed by at least four (4) members of the Directorate; (1) Shall be bonded in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), fee for such bond to be paid by the Federation; (e) Submit a detailed report of accounts twice yearly for inclusion in the January and July issues of the official organ, and make a monthly statement of balance to the President and Official Editor. (B) The Directorate shall consist of five (5) duly elected members, the member receiving the most votes shall be declared Chairman. (1) The Directorate shall: (a) Grant membership upon proper application, and revoke membership for just cause; (b) Approve or disapprove the President' s appointments for officers and committee chairmen; (c) Act in advisory capacity to the Executive Branch; (d) Have the power to override a Presidential veto of their decisions by a vote of reconsideration having not more than one (1) dissenting vote; (e) Have the power to issue upon any member of the Executive Branch, Minor Offiial or Committee Chairman or Member, and Order of Restraint and Temporary Suspension of Power, for considered cause. Such action shall be taken when any individual shall be deemed guilty of misappropriation of funds; assumption of powers beyond those delegated; errors of judgement and performance of acts deemed deleterious to the Federation and/or the best interests of the Fandom as a whole. If such said acts are not immediately corrected to the satisfaction of the Directorate, it shall be mandatory upon the Directorate to institute impeachment proceedings. (f) Decisions of the Directorate shall be by majority vote, unless otherwise directed herein, Article IV. Membership. (A) Any person interested in any of the facets fo Fantasy Fandom may, upon proper application and acceptance, become a member of the Federation; (1) Applications shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer, accompanied by the first year's dues; (a) Applicants for membership filing application between July 1 and December 31 need send only one-half year's due with application.
Hevelin Fanzines