Constitution of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, September 1945
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(3) (2) Upon acceptance, the applicant shall be notified by the Secretary; (3) All members shall be entitled to run for office, vote in all elections, receive official publications, participate in activities, use the name and emblem of the Federation on stationary or in any other honorable way; (a) The exception to the right to hold office shall be that no minor may hold he post of Secretary-Treasurer, who must be bonded. (4) Any member failing to pay dues and/or vote in at least one election during the year shall automatically be dropped from the rolls after due notice, except members of the Armed Forces who are serving outside the boundaries of their country; (a) It shall reside within the powers of the Secretary-Treasurer to extend special consideration were circumstances warrant such action, subject to the review of the Directorate; (5) Membership shall be subject to revocation for cause, by the Directorate. Article V. Elections. (A) Annual elections of officers of the Federation shall be held the first of November of each year; and all ballots, to be counted, must be in the hands of duly appointed tellers not later than December 10th of the same year; (1) Names of the candidates and their platforms shall be printed in the October issue of the official organ, said issue to be in the mails by October 10th. (a) Any member desiring to qualify as a candidate for any office shall submit to the Secretary-Treasurer the signatures of two (2) other members endorsing his candidacy, together with a short platform stating in general his policies if elected; (b) Nominating petitions and platforms must been the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer by October 1st, with copies minus the endorsing signatures in the hands of the official editor by the same date; (c) The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the newly-elected officials not later than December 20th, and they shall assume office on January 1st of the following year, which shall constitute the beginning of the fiscal year of the Federation; (d) No member may hold two (2) elective offices at the same time; (e) Elective officers shall be eligible to succeed themselves once; (f) Candidates, to be elected, must receive a plurality of the votes cast in that election for that office; (g) In the event of a tie vote, the encumbent Directorate shall cast the deciding vote;
(3) (2) Upon acceptance, the applicant shall be notified by the Secretary; (3) All members shall be entitled to run for office, vote in all elections, receive official publications, participate in activities, use the name and emblem of the Federation on stationary or in any other honorable way; (a) The exception to the right to hold office shall be that no minor may hold he post of Secretary-Treasurer, who must be bonded. (4) Any member failing to pay dues and/or vote in at least one election during the year shall automatically be dropped from the rolls after due notice, except members of the Armed Forces who are serving outside the boundaries of their country; (a) It shall reside within the powers of the Secretary-Treasurer to extend special consideration were circumstances warrant such action, subject to the review of the Directorate; (5) Membership shall be subject to revocation for cause, by the Directorate. Article V. Elections. (A) Annual elections of officers of the Federation shall be held the first of November of each year; and all ballots, to be counted, must be in the hands of duly appointed tellers not later than December 10th of the same year; (1) Names of the candidates and their platforms shall be printed in the October issue of the official organ, said issue to be in the mails by October 10th. (a) Any member desiring to qualify as a candidate for any office shall submit to the Secretary-Treasurer the signatures of two (2) other members endorsing his candidacy, together with a short platform stating in general his policies if elected; (b) Nominating petitions and platforms must been the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer by October 1st, with copies minus the endorsing signatures in the hands of the official editor by the same date; (c) The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the newly-elected officials not later than December 20th, and they shall assume office on January 1st of the following year, which shall constitute the beginning of the fiscal year of the Federation; (d) No member may hold two (2) elective offices at the same time; (e) Elective officers shall be eligible to succeed themselves once; (f) Candidates, to be elected, must receive a plurality of the votes cast in that election for that office; (g) In the event of a tie vote, the encumbent Directorate shall cast the deciding vote;
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