Spaceways, v. 3, issue 5, June 1941
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2 SPACEWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF SPACEWAYS SHORT STORIES The Dark Beasts Bill Stolze 11 Heathen! J. Edward Davis 12 Paradise Joseph Gilbert 15 ARTICLES To Mr. Fort Chris E. Mulrain,Jr. 4 How To Be a Hack Pumphandle J. Short, III 5 Dese Fans in de South Harry Jenkins, Jr. 10 Designers Wanted Tom Wright 16 An Ack Dote Forrest J Ackerman 23 POETRY We're Off for Mars N. Willmorth 10 In October: T Chloris Earl Singleton 16 Derelict Philip A. Schumann 17 REGULAR FEATURES Front Cover Phil Bronson 1 From the Control Room Editorial 3 Beacon Light S.F. Cynic 13 What They Are About J. Michael Rosenblum 17 The Readers Always Write Letters and Poll Results 18 Back Cover Bob Jones 26 Advertisements 23, 24, 25 ................................................................................ Editor: Harry Warner, Jr., 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland Associate Editor James S. Avery, 55 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Maine ................................................................................. Spaceways: vol. 3, no. 5, whole number 21. Published eight times a year, twice every three months. Price: 10c a copy; three issues for 25c. In England and Australia: 1/3 for three issues; no smaller foreign subscriptions accepted. Britishers wishing to subscribe or renew should remit to our English. representative, J. Michael Rosenblum, 4, Grange Terrace, Chapeltown, Leeds, 7, England. Spaceways will exchange subscriptions with other fan publications. Ad rates: quarter-page: 35c; half page: 60c; full page $1. Smaller ads: 2 1-2c per full length line. Ads to appear next issue must reach the Editor not later than July 5. Remit via well-wrapped coins, stamps of 3c or smaller denominations, money-order, or check made payable to the Editor. Opinions expressed herein are those of contributors, except in editorial matter. This magazine is amateur and non-profit, and no payment is made for published material. Please do no submit material of political, religious, or similarly controversial nature; neither can we accept fiction at this time. Notify promptly of change of address. Subscription expiration notice will be found on page 11. No other notice is included, and no more issues will be sent until renewal is received. Many back issues are available; prices will be sent upon request. The next issue will appear Aug 1.
2 SPACEWAYS IN THIS ISSUE OF SPACEWAYS SHORT STORIES The Dark Beasts Bill Stolze 11 Heathen! J. Edward Davis 12 Paradise Joseph Gilbert 15 ARTICLES To Mr. Fort Chris E. Mulrain,Jr. 4 How To Be a Hack Pumphandle J. Short, III 5 Dese Fans in de South Harry Jenkins, Jr. 10 Designers Wanted Tom Wright 16 An Ack Dote Forrest J Ackerman 23 POETRY We're Off for Mars N. Willmorth 10 In October: T Chloris Earl Singleton 16 Derelict Philip A. Schumann 17 REGULAR FEATURES Front Cover Phil Bronson 1 From the Control Room Editorial 3 Beacon Light S.F. Cynic 13 What They Are About J. Michael Rosenblum 17 The Readers Always Write Letters and Poll Results 18 Back Cover Bob Jones 26 Advertisements 23, 24, 25 ................................................................................ Editor: Harry Warner, Jr., 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Maryland Associate Editor James S. Avery, 55 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Maine ................................................................................. Spaceways: vol. 3, no. 5, whole number 21. Published eight times a year, twice every three months. Price: 10c a copy; three issues for 25c. In England and Australia: 1/3 for three issues; no smaller foreign subscriptions accepted. Britishers wishing to subscribe or renew should remit to our English. representative, J. Michael Rosenblum, 4, Grange Terrace, Chapeltown, Leeds, 7, England. Spaceways will exchange subscriptions with other fan publications. Ad rates: quarter-page: 35c; half page: 60c; full page $1. Smaller ads: 2 1-2c per full length line. Ads to appear next issue must reach the Editor not later than July 5. Remit via well-wrapped coins, stamps of 3c or smaller denominations, money-order, or check made payable to the Editor. Opinions expressed herein are those of contributors, except in editorial matter. This magazine is amateur and non-profit, and no payment is made for published material. Please do no submit material of political, religious, or similarly controversial nature; neither can we accept fiction at this time. Notify promptly of change of address. Subscription expiration notice will be found on page 11. No other notice is included, and no more issues will be sent until renewal is received. Many back issues are available; prices will be sent upon request. The next issue will appear Aug 1.
Hevelin Fanzines