Nucleus, v. 3, issue 1, Septermber 1941
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OF THINGS AND SUCH We are getting quite tired of FAPA members who do not vote. We think that something dramatic should be done, and done immediately. Thru the postmarks on the even elopes of the recent ballots and the many signatures and return addresses, we have a rather accurate list of who voted and who did not. The results are quite appalling. Many of our so-called "famous" fans made no effort whatsoever to vote. Others recently admitted to membership did not have interest enuf to send a ballot either. What's the use of an organization if it can't be a live-wire one? What's the sense of just carrying excess dead wood? In spite of all these who did not vote, the number of ballots cast was still heavier than formerly. Which is a good thing. But why can't every eligible member vote? If he just doesn't care, if he doesn't have enuf interest in the FAPA , then what, in the name of God, is he doing here?! Either we should do something to awaken his interest, or we should ease him gently out. But something, something, surely! Everyone must be made to vote. Another pet peeve we have are those fanzine editors who emphatically declare they love fandom, who insist that they are doing their utmost for it and the FAPA, and who contribute almost nothing (if that!) to the mailings. They are too deeply absorbed in the more lucrative pursuit of subscription fan mags, -- and insisting all the while that they are indeed monstrously famous fans-- they issue a one sheet affair which is not worth the paper it is printed on! The one truly outstanding exception to this is Warner, of course. Of course. One can always depend on Warner. He issues an excellent fanzine-- as fanzines go-- and a very good FAPA mag, and the FAPA effort can go hang for all they care. Oh, they do their bit, oh yes. They magnanimously toss in the one sheet thing with the air of a great contributor, and incidentally of course, they keep their activity rating. But, oh, they love the FAPA, oh, indeed! They're famous fans! But why do they persist in the belief that the mailing is nothing but a scrap heap to which they toss they're most wretched pieces? It is not a scrap heap, is it? We regret very much that we are not artistic, that we do not possess manual dexterity. All our mimeo'd efforts seem destined to fall far short of perfection. That is a thing which annoys us greatly. But we are looking forward to a new assistant-- in the person of Paul H. Spencer who is to attend Yale soon-- who, we feel sure, will prove invaluable. Not only can he turn out a good article, but he should learn to mimeo in a very short time! And we shall desperately try to make all the mailings from now on. CONCERNING CABELL-- Continued from page 7 and (certain outstanding chapters) The Silver Stallion. Of his non-fantasies, Domnei is probably the finest. "Branch Cabell" has published a trilogy of fantastic novels: Smirt, Smith, and Smire. For a list of the books making up the Biography, arranged in their proper order, see Carl Van Doren's excellent book "James Franch Cabell". THE NUCLEUS is published for the FAPA by LuGerKus, 170 Washington Avenue, West Haven, Connecticut. .We have lost track of the issues, but we think that this is Vol 3, #1. If you have something vitriolic to say, please let us publish it. Controversial material is relished.
OF THINGS AND SUCH We are getting quite tired of FAPA members who do not vote. We think that something dramatic should be done, and done immediately. Thru the postmarks on the even elopes of the recent ballots and the many signatures and return addresses, we have a rather accurate list of who voted and who did not. The results are quite appalling. Many of our so-called "famous" fans made no effort whatsoever to vote. Others recently admitted to membership did not have interest enuf to send a ballot either. What's the use of an organization if it can't be a live-wire one? What's the sense of just carrying excess dead wood? In spite of all these who did not vote, the number of ballots cast was still heavier than formerly. Which is a good thing. But why can't every eligible member vote? If he just doesn't care, if he doesn't have enuf interest in the FAPA , then what, in the name of God, is he doing here?! Either we should do something to awaken his interest, or we should ease him gently out. But something, something, surely! Everyone must be made to vote. Another pet peeve we have are those fanzine editors who emphatically declare they love fandom, who insist that they are doing their utmost for it and the FAPA, and who contribute almost nothing (if that!) to the mailings. They are too deeply absorbed in the more lucrative pursuit of subscription fan mags, -- and insisting all the while that they are indeed monstrously famous fans-- they issue a one sheet affair which is not worth the paper it is printed on! The one truly outstanding exception to this is Warner, of course. Of course. One can always depend on Warner. He issues an excellent fanzine-- as fanzines go-- and a very good FAPA mag, and the FAPA effort can go hang for all they care. Oh, they do their bit, oh yes. They magnanimously toss in the one sheet thing with the air of a great contributor, and incidentally of course, they keep their activity rating. But, oh, they love the FAPA, oh, indeed! They're famous fans! But why do they persist in the belief that the mailing is nothing but a scrap heap to which they toss they're most wretched pieces? It is not a scrap heap, is it? We regret very much that we are not artistic, that we do not possess manual dexterity. All our mimeo'd efforts seem destined to fall far short of perfection. That is a thing which annoys us greatly. But we are looking forward to a new assistant-- in the person of Paul H. Spencer who is to attend Yale soon-- who, we feel sure, will prove invaluable. Not only can he turn out a good article, but he should learn to mimeo in a very short time! And we shall desperately try to make all the mailings from now on. CONCERNING CABELL-- Continued from page 7 and (certain outstanding chapters) The Silver Stallion. Of his non-fantasies, Domnei is probably the finest. "Branch Cabell" has published a trilogy of fantastic novels: Smirt, Smith, and Smire. For a list of the books making up the Biography, arranged in their proper order, see Carl Van Doren's excellent book "James Franch Cabell". THE NUCLEUS is published for the FAPA by LuGerKus, 170 Washington Avenue, West Haven, Connecticut. .We have lost track of the issues, but we think that this is Vol 3, #1. If you have something vitriolic to say, please let us publish it. Controversial material is relished.
Hevelin Fanzines