Milty's Mag, September 1941
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MILTY'S MAG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sept. [September] 1941 Milton A. Rothman 1730 P, NW, Washington, DC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This moment being a crucial one, certain decisions are to be made and various uncertainties must be faced. My draft number comes up, and so this, or the next issue of MM may be the last. If the physical exam casts me aside, then Milty's Mag continues -- but economically. If the army takes me, I will try to keep in touch with you people through other fanmags and by means of chain letters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff about Rockets . . . . . Since the days of the ISA, fan interest in practical rocketry seems to have lagged. The American Rocket Society has kept plugging along, and the California Rocket Society has been formed. Astronautics continues to publish the experimental results of the ARS every three months. But science fiction fans in general don't talk much about rockets. It is taken too much for granted. They forget that somebody has to be doing the scientific work right now if we are going to have interplanetary travel later. It was an extremely hot day, and we were let out of work at one thirty. I walked down to the new Library of Congress annex, which is delightfully air-conditioned, and took a look in their catalogue to see what they had on rockets. The astonishing list which follows this piece was what I found. I then asked where I could find Astronautics and was sent around to the Aeronautics room, where a very nice man showed me the WPA Bibliography of Aeronautics which contained an entire volume on rockets, and told me that the Library itself kept an up-to-date index on all articles appearing on aeronautical subjects, which, of course, included rockets. If I find myself simultaneously with the time and the inclination, I may try my hand at translating portions of the German items, and maybe somebody with a receptive fanmag will publish them. It's as good a way as any of keeping my German in practice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books on Rockets -- Library of Congress Catalogue Newell, Peter. The Rocket Book. 1912 (?) Baumgarten-Crusius, Artur. Die rakate als Weltfriedenstaube. 1931. Harbau, Thea von. The Rocket to the Moon. 1930 Biermann, Gerd. Weltraumschiffart? 1931. Brugal, Werner. Manner der rekete. 1933. Cleator, P.E. Rockets Through Space. 1936. Esnault-Pelterie, Robert. L'Astronautique. 1930 " " " L'Exploration par fusees de la tres haute atmosphere et la possibilite des voyages interplanetaires. 1928.
MILTY'S MAG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sept. [September] 1941 Milton A. Rothman 1730 P, NW, Washington, DC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This moment being a crucial one, certain decisions are to be made and various uncertainties must be faced. My draft number comes up, and so this, or the next issue of MM may be the last. If the physical exam casts me aside, then Milty's Mag continues -- but economically. If the army takes me, I will try to keep in touch with you people through other fanmags and by means of chain letters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff about Rockets . . . . . Since the days of the ISA, fan interest in practical rocketry seems to have lagged. The American Rocket Society has kept plugging along, and the California Rocket Society has been formed. Astronautics continues to publish the experimental results of the ARS every three months. But science fiction fans in general don't talk much about rockets. It is taken too much for granted. They forget that somebody has to be doing the scientific work right now if we are going to have interplanetary travel later. It was an extremely hot day, and we were let out of work at one thirty. I walked down to the new Library of Congress annex, which is delightfully air-conditioned, and took a look in their catalogue to see what they had on rockets. The astonishing list which follows this piece was what I found. I then asked where I could find Astronautics and was sent around to the Aeronautics room, where a very nice man showed me the WPA Bibliography of Aeronautics which contained an entire volume on rockets, and told me that the Library itself kept an up-to-date index on all articles appearing on aeronautical subjects, which, of course, included rockets. If I find myself simultaneously with the time and the inclination, I may try my hand at translating portions of the German items, and maybe somebody with a receptive fanmag will publish them. It's as good a way as any of keeping my German in practice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books on Rockets -- Library of Congress Catalogue Newell, Peter. The Rocket Book. 1912 (?) Baumgarten-Crusius, Artur. Die rakate als Weltfriedenstaube. 1931. Harbau, Thea von. The Rocket to the Moon. 1930 Biermann, Gerd. Weltraumschiffart? 1931. Brugal, Werner. Manner der rekete. 1933. Cleator, P.E. Rockets Through Space. 1936. Esnault-Pelterie, Robert. L'Astronautique. 1930 " " " L'Exploration par fusees de la tres haute atmosphere et la possibilite des voyages interplanetaires. 1928.
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