Milty's Mag, September 1941
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Milty's Mag Page two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gail, Otto Willi. Mit Raketenkraft ins weltenall. 1928. Goddard, Robert Hutchings. Liquid propellant rocket development. (Smithsonian report) 1936. Hohmann, Walter. Die erreichbarkeit der himmelskerper. 1925. Lasser, David. The Conquest of Space. 1931. Ley, Willy. Die Fahrt ins weltell. 1921 " " Grundriss einer geschiechte der rakete. 1932. " " Did Moglichkeit der weltraumfahrt. 1928. Linke, Felix. Das raketenweltraumschiff. 1928. Mandl, Vladimir. Problem mezihvezdne dopravy. 1932 " " Die rakete cuz hohenforschung. 1934 Nebel, Rudolf. Raketenflug. 1932. Noordung, Hermann. Das problem der befahrung des weltraums. 1929. Oberth, Hermann. Wage zur Raumschiffart. 1929. Phlp, Charles G. Stratosphere and rocket flight. 1935. Die Rakete; offizielles organ des Vereins fur Raumschiffart. 1927-29. Roy, Maurice. Recherches theoretiques sur le rendement et les conditions de realisation des systemes motopropulseurs a reaction. Sanger, Eugen. Raketen-flugtechnik. 1933. Scherchevsky, Alexander Boris. Die rakete fur fahrt und flug. 1929. Valier, Max. Raketenfahrt. 1930. " " Der vorstoss in den weltenraum. 1924. Under "Interplanetary Voyages." Alte probleme; neure losungen in den exakten wissenschaften. 5 authors. Gauswindt, Hermann. Das jungste gericht. Kindermann, Eberhard Christian. (written very early; I only took down the catalogue number.) Marquis Raoul. Irons-nous dans la lune? 1932. Riddell, John Leonard. Orrin Lindsay's plan of aerial navigation. 1847.Valier, Max. Auf kuhner fahrt zum Mars. International Prize for Astronautics. Deisch, Noel. The Navigation of Space. 1934. WPA Bibliography of Aeronautics. Part 49. Rocket Propulsion. 1937. 27 mimeographed pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We said you would have to know French and German in order to be able to read fan mags. Methinks I'll take up Russian, just to annoy you people.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do these guys who write articles about fantastic music always leave out the ballet? Fantasy is the essence of ballet, and there rarely is a performance given without at least one fantastic number. The other week I witnessed performances of the Ballet Russe for the first time, and was completely delighted. Les Presages (Tschaikowsky's Fifth Symphony), The Swan Lake, Scheherezade ... where the leading female wears a silvery garment and bushy white wig and is fantasy just to look at. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Milty's Mag Page two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gail, Otto Willi. Mit Raketenkraft ins weltenall. 1928. Goddard, Robert Hutchings. Liquid propellant rocket development. (Smithsonian report) 1936. Hohmann, Walter. Die erreichbarkeit der himmelskerper. 1925. Lasser, David. The Conquest of Space. 1931. Ley, Willy. Die Fahrt ins weltell. 1921 " " Grundriss einer geschiechte der rakete. 1932. " " Did Moglichkeit der weltraumfahrt. 1928. Linke, Felix. Das raketenweltraumschiff. 1928. Mandl, Vladimir. Problem mezihvezdne dopravy. 1932 " " Die rakete cuz hohenforschung. 1934 Nebel, Rudolf. Raketenflug. 1932. Noordung, Hermann. Das problem der befahrung des weltraums. 1929. Oberth, Hermann. Wage zur Raumschiffart. 1929. Phlp, Charles G. Stratosphere and rocket flight. 1935. Die Rakete; offizielles organ des Vereins fur Raumschiffart. 1927-29. Roy, Maurice. Recherches theoretiques sur le rendement et les conditions de realisation des systemes motopropulseurs a reaction. Sanger, Eugen. Raketen-flugtechnik. 1933. Scherchevsky, Alexander Boris. Die rakete fur fahrt und flug. 1929. Valier, Max. Raketenfahrt. 1930. " " Der vorstoss in den weltenraum. 1924. Under "Interplanetary Voyages." Alte probleme; neure losungen in den exakten wissenschaften. 5 authors. Gauswindt, Hermann. Das jungste gericht. Kindermann, Eberhard Christian. (written very early; I only took down the catalogue number.) Marquis Raoul. Irons-nous dans la lune? 1932. Riddell, John Leonard. Orrin Lindsay's plan of aerial navigation. 1847.Valier, Max. Auf kuhner fahrt zum Mars. International Prize for Astronautics. Deisch, Noel. The Navigation of Space. 1934. WPA Bibliography of Aeronautics. Part 49. Rocket Propulsion. 1937. 27 mimeographed pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We said you would have to know French and German in order to be able to read fan mags. Methinks I'll take up Russian, just to annoy you people.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do these guys who write articles about fantastic music always leave out the ballet? Fantasy is the essence of ballet, and there rarely is a performance given without at least one fantastic number. The other week I witnessed performances of the Ballet Russe for the first time, and was completely delighted. Les Presages (Tschaikowsky's Fifth Symphony), The Swan Lake, Scheherezade ... where the leading female wears a silvery garment and bushy white wig and is fantasy just to look at. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hevelin Fanzines