Fantasy Fictioneer, v. 1, issue 1, Novemeber-December 1939
Page 3
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Nov.-Dec. FANTASY FICTIONEER 3 [centered] PROVISIONAL CONSTITUTION of ILLINI FANTASY FICTIONEERS WHEREAS (1): The organization has been functioning known as the "illini Fantasy Fictioneers"; and WHEREAS (2): The purpose of the IFF is to unify Illinois fandom, and work for the advancement and better understanding of fantasy fandom everywhere; and WHEREAS (3): The IFF is founded on the democratic principles as out-lined in the Constitution of the United States: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN AS FOLLOWS: (a) The IFF is goverened by it's Director, in conjunction with the fol-lowing Executive Officers: Corresponding Secretary & Treasure, and Executive Advisor. These officers shall be directly responsible to the mem-bers by their actions, which shall be outlined further in this Consti-tution. Provisions shall be made for the creation of temporary offices. There shall also be a Club Editor to handle the organ or publications of the IFF. (b) The management of the IFF shall be based upon the interpretation of the Director in regards to the U.S. Consitution and its application to the IFF. All voting, elections, official acts, and decisions shall fol-low the aforementioned Constitution as closely as the Executive Officers deem it practical, and for the well-being of the IFF. (c) The policies of the IFF shall be to render unfair, unjust or un-wise actions of the management of the IFF unpermittable. Any Officer who is proved by impartial audience as violating the principles of jus-tice and fair-play in regards to the IFF and it's membership, shall be liable to impeachment and censure by the Participating Membership. (d) Members of the IFF shall be divided into two classifications, nam-ed as follows: (1): Participating, and (2): Non-Participating. Partic-ipating Members are those living in the confines of the geographical boundries of the state of Illinois, and to those whose home state is Illinois but must spend part of each year elsewhere. Absence from Ill-noise for more than one year forfeits a Participating Membership. Non-Participating Members are those who do not reside within Illinois. (e) The privleges of Participating Members include: right to vote and hold office, right to participate in official capacities, and privelge of receiving and contributing to, as wellas free advertising in the off-icial organ of the IFF, right to receive any other privleges of any mem-ber. The Non-Participating Member cannot vote, hold office, or, unless by special act, represent the IFF in an official manner. All other pri-vleges are his (or hers). (f) The duties of the Officers are: Director - to govern in the manner as outlined above; Corresponding Secretary & Treasurer - to handle off-icial correspondence, all funds and dues, dispersion of said funds to various investments (said investments to be first okayed by the Execu-tive Director), and all other handling of funds necessary, including regular reports, and official declarations. The Executive Advisor - can speak and act only in an advisory capacity, and then only in coll-aboration with the Director and the Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. The Club Editor must handle, edit, prepare and publish the official club organ, to be known as the "FANTASY FICTIONEER", and any other official publications of the IFF.
Nov.-Dec. FANTASY FICTIONEER 3 [centered] PROVISIONAL CONSTITUTION of ILLINI FANTASY FICTIONEERS WHEREAS (1): The organization has been functioning known as the "illini Fantasy Fictioneers"; and WHEREAS (2): The purpose of the IFF is to unify Illinois fandom, and work for the advancement and better understanding of fantasy fandom everywhere; and WHEREAS (3): The IFF is founded on the democratic principles as out-lined in the Constitution of the United States: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN AS FOLLOWS: (a) The IFF is goverened by it's Director, in conjunction with the fol-lowing Executive Officers: Corresponding Secretary & Treasure, and Executive Advisor. These officers shall be directly responsible to the mem-bers by their actions, which shall be outlined further in this Consti-tution. Provisions shall be made for the creation of temporary offices. There shall also be a Club Editor to handle the organ or publications of the IFF. (b) The management of the IFF shall be based upon the interpretation of the Director in regards to the U.S. Consitution and its application to the IFF. All voting, elections, official acts, and decisions shall fol-low the aforementioned Constitution as closely as the Executive Officers deem it practical, and for the well-being of the IFF. (c) The policies of the IFF shall be to render unfair, unjust or un-wise actions of the management of the IFF unpermittable. Any Officer who is proved by impartial audience as violating the principles of jus-tice and fair-play in regards to the IFF and it's membership, shall be liable to impeachment and censure by the Participating Membership. (d) Members of the IFF shall be divided into two classifications, nam-ed as follows: (1): Participating, and (2): Non-Participating. Partic-ipating Members are those living in the confines of the geographical boundries of the state of Illinois, and to those whose home state is Illinois but must spend part of each year elsewhere. Absence from Ill-noise for more than one year forfeits a Participating Membership. Non-Participating Members are those who do not reside within Illinois. (e) The privleges of Participating Members include: right to vote and hold office, right to participate in official capacities, and privelge of receiving and contributing to, as wellas free advertising in the off-icial organ of the IFF, right to receive any other privleges of any mem-ber. The Non-Participating Member cannot vote, hold office, or, unless by special act, represent the IFF in an official manner. All other pri-vleges are his (or hers). (f) The duties of the Officers are: Director - to govern in the manner as outlined above; Corresponding Secretary & Treasurer - to handle off-icial correspondence, all funds and dues, dispersion of said funds to various investments (said investments to be first okayed by the Execu-tive Director), and all other handling of funds necessary, including regular reports, and official declarations. The Executive Advisor - can speak and act only in an advisory capacity, and then only in coll-aboration with the Director and the Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. The Club Editor must handle, edit, prepare and publish the official club organ, to be known as the "FANTASY FICTIONEER", and any other official publications of the IFF.
Hevelin Fanzines