Fantasy Fictioneer, v. 1, issue 1, Novemeber-December 1939
Page 4
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4 FANTASY FICTIONEER Nov.-Dec. (g) The three Executive Officers shall constitute the Executive Board, and in collaboration shall be empowered with the right to creatre new permanent and temporay Executive and Non-Executive positions when such a need arises. The Director must then consult the Participating Member-ship and choose a candidate, who must be elected by a joint meeting of the Executive Board, either by proxy or in actuallity. (h) The Director, in collaboration with the Exec[u]tive Board, may pro-pose amendments, resolutions, or New Executive positions for admittance into the IFF Constitution. Before being written into the Constitution, these newarticles must be ratified by a majority vote of the acting Par-ticipating Members. (i) Matters of dues, assesments, other privleges, unforseen matters, that need special handling or actions, and any other matter not provided for in the articles in this Consitution shall bethe charge of the Officer or Participating Member if [i]nfluences most, to be stipulated by the Director. [justified] ### (-as proposed October 13, 1939) RESOLUTIONS, AMENDMENTS, AND SPECIAL ACTS official declared by the Executive assembly: under tempory Constitution that daye created: RESOLUTION 1. (Resolved:) That, by right of precedence, action, recog-nition by others concerned, and undertaking, the "Illini Fantasy Fict-ioneers" are, and shallbe known as, the official sponsors of the Chicago 1940 World Science Fiction Convention, and shall be recognized by fan-dom as such. (Sept. 30, 1939) SPECIAL ACT 1. (By Assembly of the elected Executive Officers:) In view of the official sponsorship of the IFF of the Chicago 1940 World S-F Convention, the Executive Board deems it necessary for the creation of a special Executive Office to handle the Convention with authority. BE IT KNOWN THEREFORE, that the Office of Chairman of the Convention Comm-ittee has been created, ratified by a majority vote, and subsequently filled this 30th day of September 1939. The the capacity of the Chair-man of the Convention Committee shall be an Executive one, with the Cha-irman empowered to create his own commitee's necessary to the Conven-tion independent of the IFF, but responsible by his management of Con-vention affairs to the Executive Board and the Membership-at-large. BE IT KNOWN ALSO, that the Chairman of the Convention Committee is not em-powered to speak or act in any official capacity for the IFF, but that any act relative to the Convention, it's management, and it's welfare is authorized to be made by the Chairman of the Convention Committee. This Act, and subsequently the Office of, the Chairman of the Convention Com-mittee shall expire upon completion of the 1940 Chicago Science Fiction Convention and all business and affairs thereto. [centered] ### [two line breaks] The Los Angeles fans support the IFF and the 1940 Chicago WORLDS SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION! Ackerman, Morojo, Bradbury, Pogo, Hodgkins and others displyed their confidence in the IFF by join-ing early. Why not you? [D]ues are but fifty cents per year, re-turns are many. Get in [tou]ch with Secretary Richard Meyer, now!
4 FANTASY FICTIONEER Nov.-Dec. (g) The three Executive Officers shall constitute the Executive Board, and in collaboration shall be empowered with the right to creatre new permanent and temporay Executive and Non-Executive positions when such a need arises. The Director must then consult the Participating Member-ship and choose a candidate, who must be elected by a joint meeting of the Executive Board, either by proxy or in actuallity. (h) The Director, in collaboration with the Exec[u]tive Board, may pro-pose amendments, resolutions, or New Executive positions for admittance into the IFF Constitution. Before being written into the Constitution, these newarticles must be ratified by a majority vote of the acting Par-ticipating Members. (i) Matters of dues, assesments, other privleges, unforseen matters, that need special handling or actions, and any other matter not provided for in the articles in this Consitution shall bethe charge of the Officer or Participating Member if [i]nfluences most, to be stipulated by the Director. [justified] ### (-as proposed October 13, 1939) RESOLUTIONS, AMENDMENTS, AND SPECIAL ACTS official declared by the Executive assembly: under tempory Constitution that daye created: RESOLUTION 1. (Resolved:) That, by right of precedence, action, recog-nition by others concerned, and undertaking, the "Illini Fantasy Fict-ioneers" are, and shallbe known as, the official sponsors of the Chicago 1940 World Science Fiction Convention, and shall be recognized by fan-dom as such. (Sept. 30, 1939) SPECIAL ACT 1. (By Assembly of the elected Executive Officers:) In view of the official sponsorship of the IFF of the Chicago 1940 World S-F Convention, the Executive Board deems it necessary for the creation of a special Executive Office to handle the Convention with authority. BE IT KNOWN THEREFORE, that the Office of Chairman of the Convention Comm-ittee has been created, ratified by a majority vote, and subsequently filled this 30th day of September 1939. The the capacity of the Chair-man of the Convention Committee shall be an Executive one, with the Cha-irman empowered to create his own commitee's necessary to the Conven-tion independent of the IFF, but responsible by his management of Con-vention affairs to the Executive Board and the Membership-at-large. BE IT KNOWN ALSO, that the Chairman of the Convention Committee is not em-powered to speak or act in any official capacity for the IFF, but that any act relative to the Convention, it's management, and it's welfare is authorized to be made by the Chairman of the Convention Committee. This Act, and subsequently the Office of, the Chairman of the Convention Com-mittee shall expire upon completion of the 1940 Chicago Science Fiction Convention and all business and affairs thereto. [centered] ### [two line breaks] The Los Angeles fans support the IFF and the 1940 Chicago WORLDS SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION! Ackerman, Morojo, Bradbury, Pogo, Hodgkins and others displyed their confidence in the IFF by join-ing early. Why not you? [D]ues are but fifty cents per year, re-turns are many. Get in [tou]ch with Secretary Richard Meyer, now!
Hevelin Fanzines