MFS Bulletin, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 13, January 1943
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 3, Number 1 Page 6
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Clubnotes - MFS MEETING OF DECEMBER 17th - By Manson Brackney The Minneapolis Fantasy Bociety's meeting of December 17th was held at the home of Cliff Simak in St Louis Park, and despite the small attendance - only Cliff, Carl Jacobi, Ollie Saari, Sam Russell, John Gergen, and Manson Brackney were able to be present - due to the inclement weather, and the distance to Cliff's home, the meeting was one of the best, the most science-fictional that we've held for quite some time. Until nine o'clock most of the time was spent in fangabbing and discussing things that had transpired between meetings, such as the lastest issue of The Fantasite, news of interest, and other things too numerous to mention. It was then that Cliff brought out things too numerous to mention. It was then that Cliff brought out his latest story, which Sam Russell read to the assemblage; there followed a discussion of the tale, all thinking it was very good, even though not quite finished. There came a knocking at the door, and Johnny Gergen came in, late. There then ensued the usual greetingd by the members, the exchange of news, and then Cliff read a part of another story that was quite different from the other, being humorous enough to send Ollie into paroxysms of laughter. The group then adjourned to the table where they immediately proceeded to eat all the sandwiches, cookiesm and pickles; and drank up the Simak coffee ration for the next six weeks. Ollie is still aursing a wound from the tines of a fork, received when he reached for the last pickle. After chewing up the napkins and licking the varnish off the table, the fans once more repaired to the living room and again became absorbed in fangabbing. At one o'clock we all bid Cliff good-bye and started for home in Ollie's StfNash, first stopping for some ice-cream at the White Way cafe - thence to home. WINDY CITY WAMPIRE MEETING OF DECEMBER 27th - By Walt Liebscher Neil DeJack, Frank Robinson, and Bob Camden, who was home for the holidays, ran across a huge pile or Quarterlies, the Amazing Annual, some issues of Strange Tales, an issue of Miracle, and assorted other items, including an almost complete rum of Clayton Astoundings. The Sunday after that (December 27th), we were all at Robinson's house, dividing the mags up. You see, they paid 30 bucks for the whole mess of mags, and what a mess they were when they finished dividing them. Camden was minus two fingers - seem as if he reached for the Annual and Robinson bit his digits off. Later on, these two were pounding bumps in each others' heads for the same item. Frank and Niel were arguing over the three issues of Amazing containing Skylark of Space, and during the ensuing struggle Niel sliced off Frank's ear (he had a glass helmet on) with his razor. Niel tore off his right arm. Seems as if he had his eye on a pile of Qarterlies, and had attempted to grab them and run, not knowing that Cambed had and anchor attached. I horned in as I had my eye on the Quarterly containing Taine's White Lily, and consequently have to type with my
Clubnotes - MFS MEETING OF DECEMBER 17th - By Manson Brackney The Minneapolis Fantasy Bociety's meeting of December 17th was held at the home of Cliff Simak in St Louis Park, and despite the small attendance - only Cliff, Carl Jacobi, Ollie Saari, Sam Russell, John Gergen, and Manson Brackney were able to be present - due to the inclement weather, and the distance to Cliff's home, the meeting was one of the best, the most science-fictional that we've held for quite some time. Until nine o'clock most of the time was spent in fangabbing and discussing things that had transpired between meetings, such as the lastest issue of The Fantasite, news of interest, and other things too numerous to mention. It was then that Cliff brought out things too numerous to mention. It was then that Cliff brought out his latest story, which Sam Russell read to the assemblage; there followed a discussion of the tale, all thinking it was very good, even though not quite finished. There came a knocking at the door, and Johnny Gergen came in, late. There then ensued the usual greetingd by the members, the exchange of news, and then Cliff read a part of another story that was quite different from the other, being humorous enough to send Ollie into paroxysms of laughter. The group then adjourned to the table where they immediately proceeded to eat all the sandwiches, cookiesm and pickles; and drank up the Simak coffee ration for the next six weeks. Ollie is still aursing a wound from the tines of a fork, received when he reached for the last pickle. After chewing up the napkins and licking the varnish off the table, the fans once more repaired to the living room and again became absorbed in fangabbing. At one o'clock we all bid Cliff good-bye and started for home in Ollie's StfNash, first stopping for some ice-cream at the White Way cafe - thence to home. WINDY CITY WAMPIRE MEETING OF DECEMBER 27th - By Walt Liebscher Neil DeJack, Frank Robinson, and Bob Camden, who was home for the holidays, ran across a huge pile or Quarterlies, the Amazing Annual, some issues of Strange Tales, an issue of Miracle, and assorted other items, including an almost complete rum of Clayton Astoundings. The Sunday after that (December 27th), we were all at Robinson's house, dividing the mags up. You see, they paid 30 bucks for the whole mess of mags, and what a mess they were when they finished dividing them. Camden was minus two fingers - seem as if he reached for the Annual and Robinson bit his digits off. Later on, these two were pounding bumps in each others' heads for the same item. Frank and Niel were arguing over the three issues of Amazing containing Skylark of Space, and during the ensuing struggle Niel sliced off Frank's ear (he had a glass helmet on) with his razor. Niel tore off his right arm. Seems as if he had his eye on a pile of Qarterlies, and had attempted to grab them and run, not knowing that Cambed had and anchor attached. I horned in as I had my eye on the Quarterly containing Taine's White Lily, and consequently have to type with my
Hevelin Fanzines