Spacewarp, v. 5, issue 5, whole no. 27, June 1949
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accordingly, we intended to try to reduce our price. But, b'gosh, when we started figuring costs we find that even at the present rate we never break even. We would, if our circulation was up around 125 or so -- and stayed there. The idea is, the cost of stencils is a major item in the cost of the finished product, and the larger the circulation, the less percentage of that $3.25 or so each copy has to bear. In giving reduced rates on long-term subscriptions, and in discounts to NFFF members, we're going as far toward price-reduction as we can. If the WARP can't get subscribers at the present rates.....then I guess we've failed in our attempt to make it as interesting as we thought we could. IF YOU read Steve Metchette's poem in this ish with close attention you will probably get a lot more significance from it than if you just give it the casual attention merited by most fanverse. WE HAVE a theory that this Shaw who is dominating the lettercolumn in Super Science Stories is Jack Clements under a new alias. After all there couldn't be two guys like that, could there? REMEMBER, Labor Day is a Sacred Beaver Day! We trust that you will be present in Cincinnati to join in the official commemoration on that joyous occasion. We'll be seeing you there! WE HAVE ON HAND a couple of...shall we say, arresting?.....covers, which will light up the inside of your mailboxes in coming months. One is by Bill James, and may turn out even better than last month's --it's hard to know until we've prepared the hecto portion. The other arrived in the same envelope with Ray Nelson's letter (the one reproduced in part on page 21). It's by Trevor Nelson, and should be carefully screened by at least an inch of lead if you have a geiger counter in the vicinity, or it will run the instrument to death. YOU'LL FIND OUT! THE MUTANT (remember?) is dormant, in case you wonder what's happened to it. Despite the fact that the WARP will soon be back on schedule, I have no intention of undertaking a similar project with regard to that ill-starred zine. But -- and let this serve as notice to the MSFS and to Auslanders alike -- I am launching a one-man campaign to have SOMETHING done about it. Migawd, with all the MSFS members in the Detroit area, someone ought to have a couple of hours' spare time to run off the stencils which are all cut and waiting! IT IS NOW fifteen minutes past midnight on June 14 -- or rather, the morning of June 15. If Roscoe is kind, I'll get this thing run off and into the mail either today or tomorrow. least, I hope so. The lawn needs mowing. Aln[[?]] r-tRapp Roscoe crawls in cluttered corners where the bookstores' treasures stand and despite the dust and darkness guides the groping fannish hand that it misses the obscuring mass of mundane, worthless books and bring up the rare edition for which every stfan looks. And it's Roscoe who puts blinkers on the greedy dealers' eyes so they sell their stf like other pulps, at half the cover price, and it's Roscoe who takes cognizance of what you are always wishin' and arranges that you find the mag in the perfect mint condition. And many other boons befall those true and faithful fen who agree that Roscoe merits being honored among men, and to prove that they are striving to fulfill the Roscoe Goal, submit their names for listing on the Roscoe Honor Roll. (TO BE CONTINUED) 4
accordingly, we intended to try to reduce our price. But, b'gosh, when we started figuring costs we find that even at the present rate we never break even. We would, if our circulation was up around 125 or so -- and stayed there. The idea is, the cost of stencils is a major item in the cost of the finished product, and the larger the circulation, the less percentage of that $3.25 or so each copy has to bear. In giving reduced rates on long-term subscriptions, and in discounts to NFFF members, we're going as far toward price-reduction as we can. If the WARP can't get subscribers at the present rates.....then I guess we've failed in our attempt to make it as interesting as we thought we could. IF YOU read Steve Metchette's poem in this ish with close attention you will probably get a lot more significance from it than if you just give it the casual attention merited by most fanverse. WE HAVE a theory that this Shaw who is dominating the lettercolumn in Super Science Stories is Jack Clements under a new alias. After all there couldn't be two guys like that, could there? REMEMBER, Labor Day is a Sacred Beaver Day! We trust that you will be present in Cincinnati to join in the official commemoration on that joyous occasion. We'll be seeing you there! WE HAVE ON HAND a couple of...shall we say, arresting?.....covers, which will light up the inside of your mailboxes in coming months. One is by Bill James, and may turn out even better than last month's --it's hard to know until we've prepared the hecto portion. The other arrived in the same envelope with Ray Nelson's letter (the one reproduced in part on page 21). It's by Trevor Nelson, and should be carefully screened by at least an inch of lead if you have a geiger counter in the vicinity, or it will run the instrument to death. YOU'LL FIND OUT! THE MUTANT (remember?) is dormant, in case you wonder what's happened to it. Despite the fact that the WARP will soon be back on schedule, I have no intention of undertaking a similar project with regard to that ill-starred zine. But -- and let this serve as notice to the MSFS and to Auslanders alike -- I am launching a one-man campaign to have SOMETHING done about it. Migawd, with all the MSFS members in the Detroit area, someone ought to have a couple of hours' spare time to run off the stencils which are all cut and waiting! IT IS NOW fifteen minutes past midnight on June 14 -- or rather, the morning of June 15. If Roscoe is kind, I'll get this thing run off and into the mail either today or tomorrow. least, I hope so. The lawn needs mowing. Aln[[?]] r-tRapp Roscoe crawls in cluttered corners where the bookstores' treasures stand and despite the dust and darkness guides the groping fannish hand that it misses the obscuring mass of mundane, worthless books and bring up the rare edition for which every stfan looks. And it's Roscoe who puts blinkers on the greedy dealers' eyes so they sell their stf like other pulps, at half the cover price, and it's Roscoe who takes cognizance of what you are always wishin' and arranges that you find the mag in the perfect mint condition. And many other boons befall those true and faithful fen who agree that Roscoe merits being honored among men, and to prove that they are striving to fulfill the Roscoe Goal, submit their names for listing on the Roscoe Honor Roll. (TO BE CONTINUED) 4
Hevelin Fanzines