Science Fiction Fan, v. 2, issue 8, March 1938
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FAN 17 seen in the developement of fan magazines and activity in the two countries. The ventual result of this gap is another matter. It is my opinion that it will widen and eventually force the two groups into their own camps away from one another. Already one or two British fans have expressed themselves as being "fed up with this American squabbling" and Britishers, I know, have many enemies among prominent American fans. If things go on as they are going, with the added stimulus of their own magazines, fan productions and society, five years will see an almost complete drift-away of the British, except for private correspondence. Such a happening would be a great pity, because both sides have much to give towards a potential whole. AS I see it, this can be prevented in only one way-by a concerted effort on the part of British and American fans to settle all their differences and as Americans put it "get together". This would entail the building of a new society that would really be international and co-operative. This has not been attempted before--of the three main societies both the SFL and ISA were essentially American, while the SFA is supremely British in every way. The ideas society would have hq's in both countries and regular magazine productions, entirely devoted to a process of unification and reconciliation. "rows" would be barred but such controversial subjects as Michelism and cetera could be thrashed out in their pages without abuse or dramatic expressions of self-pity. A steady campaign could be fought for the enlargement of the fan field. Every new writer to the letters section of the magazines would be a potential convert, and with a really large, organized force, pressure might be brought to bear upon some magazine editors and a worthwhile effort to elevate stf be made. It is with fans to decide whether they shall continue on their present war-path or attempt to organize themselves in accordance with the utopias they so eagerly advocate......SY
FAN 17 seen in the developement of fan magazines and activity in the two countries. The ventual result of this gap is another matter. It is my opinion that it will widen and eventually force the two groups into their own camps away from one another. Already one or two British fans have expressed themselves as being "fed up with this American squabbling" and Britishers, I know, have many enemies among prominent American fans. If things go on as they are going, with the added stimulus of their own magazines, fan productions and society, five years will see an almost complete drift-away of the British, except for private correspondence. Such a happening would be a great pity, because both sides have much to give towards a potential whole. AS I see it, this can be prevented in only one way-by a concerted effort on the part of British and American fans to settle all their differences and as Americans put it "get together". This would entail the building of a new society that would really be international and co-operative. This has not been attempted before--of the three main societies both the SFL and ISA were essentially American, while the SFA is supremely British in every way. The ideas society would have hq's in both countries and regular magazine productions, entirely devoted to a process of unification and reconciliation. "rows" would be barred but such controversial subjects as Michelism and cetera could be thrashed out in their pages without abuse or dramatic expressions of self-pity. A steady campaign could be fought for the enlargement of the fan field. Every new writer to the letters section of the magazines would be a potential convert, and with a really large, organized force, pressure might be brought to bear upon some magazine editors and a worthwhile effort to elevate stf be made. It is with fans to decide whether they shall continue on their present war-path or attempt to organize themselves in accordance with the utopias they so eagerly advocate......SY
Hevelin Fanzines