The Science Fiction Fan, v. 4, issue 8, whole no. 44, March 1940
Page 20
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20....................................FAN good of the great American public many episodes were omitted completely, it (the picture) holds remarkably well to the original story. Lugosi's appearance of Count Dracula is certainly radically different from that of the book, but somehow it seems to me, at least, to be an improvement. "Dracula" differs from almost all fantastic classics in that it is ridiculously easy to obtain In the Grosset Dunlap edition it can be had, complete as far as I know, for seventy-five cents in almost any bookstore. Together with some scenes from the motion picture, and a couple of sinister little bats on the binding, it is one story that no fantasy fan can have the slightest excuse for not buying. And, I should say, it has converted more people to weird fiction than any story or any author since Poe. Despite its flaws it is a classic. *********************************************************** TRIVIA "Pooh Pooh" to you, Mr. Stardust of our (more or less) esteemed contemporary "Spaceways". Who told you that Olon F. Wiggins isn't competent to publish a fan mag? As a matter of fact we appear to belong to the majority of fan publishers according to your article, inasmuch as your lengthy list of "incompetents" includes a large crowd and a very diverse one. Who would ever have thought that the name of Wiggins would have been found in the same sentence with Sam Moskowitz. Of course we are capable of putting out a good magazine. We have been doing so since long before Spaceways appeared and we'll outlast you and a lot of others. Naturally we aren't perfect-what fan mag is? But we are printing quality articles by good writers on vital subjects. Again "Pooh Pooh" or "Pish Pish".
20....................................FAN good of the great American public many episodes were omitted completely, it (the picture) holds remarkably well to the original story. Lugosi's appearance of Count Dracula is certainly radically different from that of the book, but somehow it seems to me, at least, to be an improvement. "Dracula" differs from almost all fantastic classics in that it is ridiculously easy to obtain In the Grosset Dunlap edition it can be had, complete as far as I know, for seventy-five cents in almost any bookstore. Together with some scenes from the motion picture, and a couple of sinister little bats on the binding, it is one story that no fantasy fan can have the slightest excuse for not buying. And, I should say, it has converted more people to weird fiction than any story or any author since Poe. Despite its flaws it is a classic. *********************************************************** TRIVIA "Pooh Pooh" to you, Mr. Stardust of our (more or less) esteemed contemporary "Spaceways". Who told you that Olon F. Wiggins isn't competent to publish a fan mag? As a matter of fact we appear to belong to the majority of fan publishers according to your article, inasmuch as your lengthy list of "incompetents" includes a large crowd and a very diverse one. Who would ever have thought that the name of Wiggins would have been found in the same sentence with Sam Moskowitz. Of course we are capable of putting out a good magazine. We have been doing so since long before Spaceways appeared and we'll outlast you and a lot of others. Naturally we aren't perfect-what fan mag is? But we are printing quality articles by good writers on vital subjects. Again "Pooh Pooh" or "Pish Pish".
Hevelin Fanzines