Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 4, December 1939
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6 unorthodox ongoings. Enough of this." (CyK was one the 6 "allegedly barred" by Syk sidekicks at the "W" SFC) ....congratulations on your firm stand re: exclact." Cyril Kornbluth sez & "DOC" LOWNDES, late of the CCC, & another ABC fan (Allegedly Barred, Convention) appraises us & apprises us thus: Vombamikoj miaj:— "Softly at the close of day comes the latest issue of Madge-Voic 2 dispel the gloom & gripe; never never never allow so much time 2 elapse between issues hereafter, please... "NB: si non e vero, e molto ben trovato, the line of Perdue's (from Dante) which potherd U meaneth: 'Altho U have not spoken the truth. U have invented Ur lie very well.' "We come now 2 Juffus letter which, as usual, takes top rank for interest 4 answerability. Before starting out on my answer, which, as customary, will probably be quite unacceptable 2 Fp, twer a good idea 2 let U & other Madge-Voice readers in on a few things that have been going on backstage. Juffus 4 I have been corresponding recently toward the bright end of liquidating the main points of irritation between us, & the pact, as twer, seems 2 b coming along very well...I believe that from now on Jack & I will cooperate as far as possible to th end of fan-progress... We will make every effort not 2 become personal in th future. This is not to state or to imply that Juffus has come around to my way of thinking or vice-versa. (Parenthetical pause, denoting passage of 2 paragrafs. Sorry to have to omit anything, but time is a tyrant & demands the deletion.) Now 2 Fp's comments in latest Madge-Voice. I do believe that my 'Better Case Against Michelism' was an attempt to recognise & criticise the activities of the michelists up 2 the time it was written (July, 1936). It was, howevr, fragmentary, & only intended as an opening for a real criticism from both points of view... "I can assure Juffus that the term michelism was greatly mis-understood... "The greatest stumbling-block has been the issue of Communism... "However, the issue need be confused no longer. At the meeting of the Futurians on July 4th of this year, the matter was thrashed out among all present (a small % of whom were Communists) & the michelist program determined & it is in line with the general theory that I have put forward from the start. Furthermore, by a majority vote, the term 'michelism' for the progressive, socially-conscious movement in fandom was dropped (which is why I always — except when in such a hurry that I don't notice it — put 'michelism' in brackets these days: the term is obsolete) inasmuch as we decided that this thing was 2 big 2 be named after any particular person. "Speaking of the Convention, I cannot but repeat our contention that 2 regard the 'exclusion act' as a tactic resultant entirely out of personal matters is 2 ignore, grossly, a number of important facts. It was not merely six fans who were excluded, it was any & all vestige of free, intellectual discussion on the part of fans, of those things of real, vital interest to them. Again, that it is this dread of free thought & intellectual trends in fandom, which is the keynote of the entire 'exclusion act'. It is true that the final act was motivated 2 a large extent by purely personal feelings: but these personal feelings, these local feuds, originally arose between a faction which demanded intellectuality in fandom & those who dreaded, denied, & sought to suppress it. It has been essentially the representatives of new frontiers of thought in fandom versus reactionary-minded fans. Only when this motivating factor is understood do all the feuds, personal-issues, & resultant actions become comprehensible. "&, at the risk of saying 'I told U so!' let me repeat a statement I made some time ago in the 'Science Fiction Fan'. (Article entitled 'What's New About New Fandom'.) 'We have here an open, reactionary axis,
6 unorthodox ongoings. Enough of this." (CyK was one the 6 "allegedly barred" by Syk sidekicks at the "W" SFC) ....congratulations on your firm stand re: exclact." Cyril Kornbluth sez & "DOC" LOWNDES, late of the CCC, & another ABC fan (Allegedly Barred, Convention) appraises us & apprises us thus: Vombamikoj miaj:— "Softly at the close of day comes the latest issue of Madge-Voic 2 dispel the gloom & gripe; never never never allow so much time 2 elapse between issues hereafter, please... "NB: si non e vero, e molto ben trovato, the line of Perdue's (from Dante) which potherd U meaneth: 'Altho U have not spoken the truth. U have invented Ur lie very well.' "We come now 2 Juffus letter which, as usual, takes top rank for interest 4 answerability. Before starting out on my answer, which, as customary, will probably be quite unacceptable 2 Fp, twer a good idea 2 let U & other Madge-Voice readers in on a few things that have been going on backstage. Juffus 4 I have been corresponding recently toward the bright end of liquidating the main points of irritation between us, & the pact, as twer, seems 2 b coming along very well...I believe that from now on Jack & I will cooperate as far as possible to th end of fan-progress... We will make every effort not 2 become personal in th future. This is not to state or to imply that Juffus has come around to my way of thinking or vice-versa. (Parenthetical pause, denoting passage of 2 paragrafs. Sorry to have to omit anything, but time is a tyrant & demands the deletion.) Now 2 Fp's comments in latest Madge-Voice. I do believe that my 'Better Case Against Michelism' was an attempt to recognise & criticise the activities of the michelists up 2 the time it was written (July, 1936). It was, howevr, fragmentary, & only intended as an opening for a real criticism from both points of view... "I can assure Juffus that the term michelism was greatly mis-understood... "The greatest stumbling-block has been the issue of Communism... "However, the issue need be confused no longer. At the meeting of the Futurians on July 4th of this year, the matter was thrashed out among all present (a small % of whom were Communists) & the michelist program determined & it is in line with the general theory that I have put forward from the start. Furthermore, by a majority vote, the term 'michelism' for the progressive, socially-conscious movement in fandom was dropped (which is why I always — except when in such a hurry that I don't notice it — put 'michelism' in brackets these days: the term is obsolete) inasmuch as we decided that this thing was 2 big 2 be named after any particular person. "Speaking of the Convention, I cannot but repeat our contention that 2 regard the 'exclusion act' as a tactic resultant entirely out of personal matters is 2 ignore, grossly, a number of important facts. It was not merely six fans who were excluded, it was any & all vestige of free, intellectual discussion on the part of fans, of those things of real, vital interest to them. Again, that it is this dread of free thought & intellectual trends in fandom, which is the keynote of the entire 'exclusion act'. It is true that the final act was motivated 2 a large extent by purely personal feelings: but these personal feelings, these local feuds, originally arose between a faction which demanded intellectuality in fandom & those who dreaded, denied, & sought to suppress it. It has been essentially the representatives of new frontiers of thought in fandom versus reactionary-minded fans. Only when this motivating factor is understood do all the feuds, personal-issues, & resultant actions become comprehensible. "&, at the risk of saying 'I told U so!' let me repeat a statement I made some time ago in the 'Science Fiction Fan'. (Article entitled 'What's New About New Fandom'.) 'We have here an open, reactionary axis,
Hevelin Fanzines