Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 6, August-September 1939
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FANTASY DIGEST CONTENTS -WHAT IS A "FAN"? Frederick Shroyer 3 -THEY NEVER COME BACK Sam Moskowitz 4 -CONVENTION SCENES Walter Sullivan 7 -WHO GOES THERE? Harry Warner, Jr. 8 -HOMAGE TO STANLEY WEINBAUM Harry Warner, Jr. 10 -KOLLECTOR'S KORNER Jack Erman 11 -THE METAL RAIDER J. Harvey Haggard 12 WHEN ROCHESTER SPEAKS UP Larry B. Farsaci 14 A VISIT WITH DOC SMITH Erle Korshak 18 I. F. F. FORMED Erle Korshak 19 STRANGE CASE OF RAZBERIPOP N. Ricutner 21 AMAZING MOVIE REVIEW Forrest J Ackerman 22 READER'S COLUMN Readers 23 COVER Robert W. Lowndes 1 FANTASY DIGEST: Vol. 1. No. 6. Issued bi-monthly. Price: 10 cents a copy, 3 issues for 25 cents. Contributions from our readers are welcomed. Editor: ---Ted Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Associate Editors: ---Bob Formanek and Erle Korshak EDITORIAL NOTES We wonder how many readers will agree with us when we say that in our opinion, at least, this issue of FANTASY DIGEST is the best yet? We've managed to obtain a large variety of features. Movie & fiction reviews, humor, news, fiction, biographical & collector's articles, more convention notes, and some "straight" articles. Harry Warner, Jr. Has a good idea in the rating system he has recently adopted. As we, too, would like to know which features are the most popular in FD. So we ask you, in addition to the regular comments, to give each feature a rating from one to ten--no fractions. Thanks. If we get enough replies, we'll publish the results in our next issue. Predicting is always, at best, a risky business. But we're willing to try our luck at it. So here goes: Mark Reinsberg will probably have "Who's Who in Chicago" in by that time. Harry Warner's long-delayed account of his experiences in fandom will be published if they're not side-tracked again. We have no doubt they will make fascinating reading. Don't fail us, Harry! "Claire Voyant" will continue the series of half promise to the effect that another movie article may find its way to our address. Then, Erle Korshak, who has become almost a staff writer, will have another timely article. And that's about as far as we can give a more-or-less accurate forecast. A few words re the cover: It was done in a great hurry by "Doc" Lowndes in answer to an urgent request on our part. In the letter accompanying it he says" "As with all my art (?), it is an attempt to give the outre souck -- strangeness rather than horror. The idea of this one -- space ripping open and an immense alien something coming through seems outre enough to me -- but my execution of it, alas!" Ultimatum: October 2nd is the deadline the "who's Who in Fandom". All biographical sketches must be in by then. And this means Sam Moskowitz, Jimmy Taurasi, John Giunta. Take Heed! Note to Dick Wilson: If you'd like to continue the reciprocal trade subscription, please send the first two issues of "Escape" plus any later ones. Pleasant memories: Erle Korshak's visits. 2nd being at 1:15 A.M. A fine time had in our demon-haunted attic, discussing things & stuff amidst stacks of mags.
FANTASY DIGEST CONTENTS -WHAT IS A "FAN"? Frederick Shroyer 3 -THEY NEVER COME BACK Sam Moskowitz 4 -CONVENTION SCENES Walter Sullivan 7 -WHO GOES THERE? Harry Warner, Jr. 8 -HOMAGE TO STANLEY WEINBAUM Harry Warner, Jr. 10 -KOLLECTOR'S KORNER Jack Erman 11 -THE METAL RAIDER J. Harvey Haggard 12 WHEN ROCHESTER SPEAKS UP Larry B. Farsaci 14 A VISIT WITH DOC SMITH Erle Korshak 18 I. F. F. FORMED Erle Korshak 19 STRANGE CASE OF RAZBERIPOP N. Ricutner 21 AMAZING MOVIE REVIEW Forrest J Ackerman 22 READER'S COLUMN Readers 23 COVER Robert W. Lowndes 1 FANTASY DIGEST: Vol. 1. No. 6. Issued bi-monthly. Price: 10 cents a copy, 3 issues for 25 cents. Contributions from our readers are welcomed. Editor: ---Ted Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Associate Editors: ---Bob Formanek and Erle Korshak EDITORIAL NOTES We wonder how many readers will agree with us when we say that in our opinion, at least, this issue of FANTASY DIGEST is the best yet? We've managed to obtain a large variety of features. Movie & fiction reviews, humor, news, fiction, biographical & collector's articles, more convention notes, and some "straight" articles. Harry Warner, Jr. Has a good idea in the rating system he has recently adopted. As we, too, would like to know which features are the most popular in FD. So we ask you, in addition to the regular comments, to give each feature a rating from one to ten--no fractions. Thanks. If we get enough replies, we'll publish the results in our next issue. Predicting is always, at best, a risky business. But we're willing to try our luck at it. So here goes: Mark Reinsberg will probably have "Who's Who in Chicago" in by that time. Harry Warner's long-delayed account of his experiences in fandom will be published if they're not side-tracked again. We have no doubt they will make fascinating reading. Don't fail us, Harry! "Claire Voyant" will continue the series of half promise to the effect that another movie article may find its way to our address. Then, Erle Korshak, who has become almost a staff writer, will have another timely article. And that's about as far as we can give a more-or-less accurate forecast. A few words re the cover: It was done in a great hurry by "Doc" Lowndes in answer to an urgent request on our part. In the letter accompanying it he says" "As with all my art (?), it is an attempt to give the outre souck -- strangeness rather than horror. The idea of this one -- space ripping open and an immense alien something coming through seems outre enough to me -- but my execution of it, alas!" Ultimatum: October 2nd is the deadline the "who's Who in Fandom". All biographical sketches must be in by then. And this means Sam Moskowitz, Jimmy Taurasi, John Giunta. Take Heed! Note to Dick Wilson: If you'd like to continue the reciprocal trade subscription, please send the first two issues of "Escape" plus any later ones. Pleasant memories: Erle Korshak's visits. 2nd being at 1:15 A.M. A fine time had in our demon-haunted attic, discussing things & stuff amidst stacks of mags.
Hevelin Fanzines