Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 6, August-September 1939
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22 FANTASY DIGEST By Forrest J. Ackerman Amazing Movie Review: The Man They Could Not Hang, new Columbia Karloffilm, is neither a horror story nor a hoax on the susceptible imagi-nation. Too often a tale with such a title can turn out to be nothing more than a conventional movie about a crook too clever to be caught, or too powerful to be punisht. "The Man They Could Not Hang", however, is a surprising xception! & a welcome one, being a picture one easily could imagine as having been adapted from a story in a stf mag. It deals with a scientist--reputable, quite sane---who woud advance surgery 1000 yrs in a single experiment by making it possible to operate on a patient while dead & revivify him! Karloff's co-worker volunteers to b put to death scientifically, for best chance to b brot back by the invention. During the crucial trial an assistant betrays him to the police. Karloff is interrupted & arrested & the subject of the xperiment stays dead. An unimaginative jury & the world condem him for murder in the first degree & he is sentenced to die. Bfore sentence is passt upon him he makes a 2 min speech in the stirring tradition of the innocent victim, damning the microephalongic society that kills him, vowing vengeance upon the judge, the jury, the prosecutor & all involved. "When U all lie dying," he sayd, "remember me--who offerd U life, & U gave me death---the one man who might have saved U!" After the xecution his corpse is claimed by a trusted follower, who first fixes the broken neck & then brings Karloff back to life. But no side-show freak will he b, "Lazarus the 2nd--50c to look, $1 to touch!"; no, he is not interested, now, in forcing the scoffing world to acknowledge his ability by seeing him, the living proof; they kild the friendly Karloff, he lives again but for retribution, which he accomplishes in a highly dramatic, mysterious, suspenseful, spectacular & scientific manr. "We gave them wings, & they rain bombs & poison gas upon us; we gave them a Voice that cud b heard around the world, & they preacht hatred of all nations other than their own. Even the medicine that was to alleviate suffering, a minority controls to enslave mankind. This invention they shall not misuse!" he declares. Picture has gadgets, story, dialog, direction, significance....a very good scientifilm. THE END -------------------------- THE WHO'S WHO IN FANDOM will be out in October. It will contain over 20 large-size pages, full of information regarding practically all of the important fans. If you have enjoyed the "Who's Who" articles in Fantasy Digest, you'll be sure to like this. The edition will be limited, so don't miss out. 15c Order Now! Write to Ted Diskty, 3136 Smith Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
22 FANTASY DIGEST By Forrest J. Ackerman Amazing Movie Review: The Man They Could Not Hang, new Columbia Karloffilm, is neither a horror story nor a hoax on the susceptible imagi-nation. Too often a tale with such a title can turn out to be nothing more than a conventional movie about a crook too clever to be caught, or too powerful to be punisht. "The Man They Could Not Hang", however, is a surprising xception! & a welcome one, being a picture one easily could imagine as having been adapted from a story in a stf mag. It deals with a scientist--reputable, quite sane---who woud advance surgery 1000 yrs in a single experiment by making it possible to operate on a patient while dead & revivify him! Karloff's co-worker volunteers to b put to death scientifically, for best chance to b brot back by the invention. During the crucial trial an assistant betrays him to the police. Karloff is interrupted & arrested & the subject of the xperiment stays dead. An unimaginative jury & the world condem him for murder in the first degree & he is sentenced to die. Bfore sentence is passt upon him he makes a 2 min speech in the stirring tradition of the innocent victim, damning the microephalongic society that kills him, vowing vengeance upon the judge, the jury, the prosecutor & all involved. "When U all lie dying," he sayd, "remember me--who offerd U life, & U gave me death---the one man who might have saved U!" After the xecution his corpse is claimed by a trusted follower, who first fixes the broken neck & then brings Karloff back to life. But no side-show freak will he b, "Lazarus the 2nd--50c to look, $1 to touch!"; no, he is not interested, now, in forcing the scoffing world to acknowledge his ability by seeing him, the living proof; they kild the friendly Karloff, he lives again but for retribution, which he accomplishes in a highly dramatic, mysterious, suspenseful, spectacular & scientific manr. "We gave them wings, & they rain bombs & poison gas upon us; we gave them a Voice that cud b heard around the world, & they preacht hatred of all nations other than their own. Even the medicine that was to alleviate suffering, a minority controls to enslave mankind. This invention they shall not misuse!" he declares. Picture has gadgets, story, dialog, direction, significance....a very good scientifilm. THE END -------------------------- THE WHO'S WHO IN FANDOM will be out in October. It will contain over 20 large-size pages, full of information regarding practically all of the important fans. If you have enjoyed the "Who's Who" articles in Fantasy Digest, you'll be sure to like this. The edition will be limited, so don't miss out. 15c Order Now! Write to Ted Diskty, 3136 Smith Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Hevelin Fanzines