Fantasy Fictioneer, v. 1, issue 3, March-April 1940
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Numerous letters on notices printed in fan mag[a]zines advise that many fans plantd[?] come to the Chicon on' masse, in automobiles, sharing the exspence amongst them. Groups from all over the country have anno-unced their intention on coming in this manner. This is a healthy sign in fandom; it shows that the bonds of common interest are tightening. there was a time not so many years back, when inter-city fan communic-ation was confined to the postal-routes, when pilgrimages such as the Chicon will entail, were practily unheard of. If nothing else, fan conventions are anilihating space, bringing about a new order in fan-dom in which fans are evoleing into extroverts---pursuing their hobby with a lust, blazing new trails in a formerly introvert field. Realizing that this, the 3rd Chcon prgoress report, could hardly begin to cover the scene, for a full report I refer you to a down-town hotel in chicago, September 1st-2nd, where the Chicago 1940 Science Fiction Convention will be held. See you there! [centered] Le Grande Finale [centered] ####### [Double line break] [title centered, large rounded letters] Confucius Korshak Say [smaller letters] Erle Korshak There have been many suggestions brought forth concerning activities to be carried out at the 1940 Chicon. Some of these better suggestions have been adopted and will be used. In view of this I now wish to make a suggestion concerning a Convention activity: I was in Chicago's 'Chinatown' district a week or so ago. While eat-ing there I was stricken (mortally) by an idea. Why not a Chinese nite at the Chicon? One night we will have the official Guest Dinner. The second night being open, is the ideal time. Chicago's chinatown is not far from the convention hall. Many small town fans have never saw a Chinatown. The price for a swell Chinese dinner is only 50c or so. For a large group the price would be less. We would all use the Chinese names for the occasion. Bob Tucker would be Master of Ceremonies as Hoy Ping Pong. Reinsberg is known as Mark Hop Ching, Korshak as One Long Pun Korshak. . . There is certainly no obstacle to everyone having a rattling good time and a real fan conclave dinner! So remember you fans who plan to attend the Chicon. The second night is the time to invade Chinatown . . . we will paint the place yellow---- but need i say more! [double line break] [footnote] In an editorial vein, Confucius Pong insert the following quiet thot: [centered] If Herr Hitler pull a Blitzkreig on Chicago this summer, Chicon apt to be pretty dern unattended. And too, Herr Reinsberg is a "non-Ayran", you know. Maybe he won't be there neither.
Numerous letters on notices printed in fan mag[a]zines advise that many fans plantd[?] come to the Chicon on' masse, in automobiles, sharing the exspence amongst them. Groups from all over the country have anno-unced their intention on coming in this manner. This is a healthy sign in fandom; it shows that the bonds of common interest are tightening. there was a time not so many years back, when inter-city fan communic-ation was confined to the postal-routes, when pilgrimages such as the Chicon will entail, were practily unheard of. If nothing else, fan conventions are anilihating space, bringing about a new order in fan-dom in which fans are evoleing into extroverts---pursuing their hobby with a lust, blazing new trails in a formerly introvert field. Realizing that this, the 3rd Chcon prgoress report, could hardly begin to cover the scene, for a full report I refer you to a down-town hotel in chicago, September 1st-2nd, where the Chicago 1940 Science Fiction Convention will be held. See you there! [centered] Le Grande Finale [centered] ####### [Double line break] [title centered, large rounded letters] Confucius Korshak Say [smaller letters] Erle Korshak There have been many suggestions brought forth concerning activities to be carried out at the 1940 Chicon. Some of these better suggestions have been adopted and will be used. In view of this I now wish to make a suggestion concerning a Convention activity: I was in Chicago's 'Chinatown' district a week or so ago. While eat-ing there I was stricken (mortally) by an idea. Why not a Chinese nite at the Chicon? One night we will have the official Guest Dinner. The second night being open, is the ideal time. Chicago's chinatown is not far from the convention hall. Many small town fans have never saw a Chinatown. The price for a swell Chinese dinner is only 50c or so. For a large group the price would be less. We would all use the Chinese names for the occasion. Bob Tucker would be Master of Ceremonies as Hoy Ping Pong. Reinsberg is known as Mark Hop Ching, Korshak as One Long Pun Korshak. . . There is certainly no obstacle to everyone having a rattling good time and a real fan conclave dinner! So remember you fans who plan to attend the Chicon. The second night is the time to invade Chinatown . . . we will paint the place yellow---- but need i say more! [double line break] [footnote] In an editorial vein, Confucius Pong insert the following quiet thot: [centered] If Herr Hitler pull a Blitzkreig on Chicago this summer, Chicon apt to be pretty dern unattended. And too, Herr Reinsberg is a "non-Ayran", you know. Maybe he won't be there neither.
Hevelin Fanzines