Timebinder, v. 2, issue 2, whole no. 6, Spring 1946
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decision, and then having the courage to make that decision. I have tried to give them, also, the greater courage to change their course when additional data and experience may have shown that their first conclusion was erronous. I have tried to help them learn the importance of keeping always an open mind; to be tolerant; to be intellectually honest; to be upright and useful members of their community. I was “almost” a good family man, I hope I am correct in my belief that I am “pretty near” a good father, using that latter expression as a little higher degree of success than “almost”. I have a gift for making friends, but not so good a gist for keeping them. Although I have many good friends who have been in that category for many, many years, yet there have been far more who were once real friends who are so no longer. In some way I manage to estrange them after a time, even while I want nothing so much as to keep them. For I value a good, sincere friendship above almost all other things in this world. I try to be accessible to their thoughts and ideas, willing to subordinate my own when I feel that theirs are better. Perhaps I am too opinionated and stubborn, so that often I do not think theirs better than my own when I really should. That, I cannot properly evaluate. I do try to keep an open mind, and to survey questions from all sides, giving full credit to each item. But judgment can be so often faulty. I admit I like to argue; that I many times do so in very heated manner. But many, many times I will argue on either side of the question, whether with or against my own beliefs, just for the fun and mental stimulation of an evening’s delightful conversation. That fact leads me to believe that I am not too opinionated or sure of my own rightness of belief. But again, honestly, I cannot properly evaluate this matter. Perhaps that is why ‘I often lose formerly close friends. I know to my sorrow that I have a quick and hot temper – that I “fly off the handle”. But I do NOT hold grudges – I let off the steam and then, to me, the matter is closed. Perhaps it is NOT closed to the others, and that is why I lose them. Again, I know not. I am “almost” a good friend. O like to be generous, and to do things for others. I do, really, get far more pleasure out of giving than receiving, although I am human enough to enjoy receiving. Yet I know I am not a good receiver. I often spoil the pleasure of others by not accepting that which they wish to give me in the generous -6-
decision, and then having the courage to make that decision. I have tried to give them, also, the greater courage to change their course when additional data and experience may have shown that their first conclusion was erronous. I have tried to help them learn the importance of keeping always an open mind; to be tolerant; to be intellectually honest; to be upright and useful members of their community. I was “almost” a good family man, I hope I am correct in my belief that I am “pretty near” a good father, using that latter expression as a little higher degree of success than “almost”. I have a gift for making friends, but not so good a gist for keeping them. Although I have many good friends who have been in that category for many, many years, yet there have been far more who were once real friends who are so no longer. In some way I manage to estrange them after a time, even while I want nothing so much as to keep them. For I value a good, sincere friendship above almost all other things in this world. I try to be accessible to their thoughts and ideas, willing to subordinate my own when I feel that theirs are better. Perhaps I am too opinionated and stubborn, so that often I do not think theirs better than my own when I really should. That, I cannot properly evaluate. I do try to keep an open mind, and to survey questions from all sides, giving full credit to each item. But judgment can be so often faulty. I admit I like to argue; that I many times do so in very heated manner. But many, many times I will argue on either side of the question, whether with or against my own beliefs, just for the fun and mental stimulation of an evening’s delightful conversation. That fact leads me to believe that I am not too opinionated or sure of my own rightness of belief. But again, honestly, I cannot properly evaluate this matter. Perhaps that is why ‘I often lose formerly close friends. I know to my sorrow that I have a quick and hot temper – that I “fly off the handle”. But I do NOT hold grudges – I let off the steam and then, to me, the matter is closed. Perhaps it is NOT closed to the others, and that is why I lose them. Again, I know not. I am “almost” a good friend. O like to be generous, and to do things for others. I do, really, get far more pleasure out of giving than receiving, although I am human enough to enjoy receiving. Yet I know I am not a good receiver. I often spoil the pleasure of others by not accepting that which they wish to give me in the generous -6-
Hevelin Fanzines