Vanguard Boojum, v. 1, issue 1
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Vanguard Boojum page five (... continued) dle. (W.k. is Wahoo for Cleopatra's) ... Maybe there is some wisdom in stopping disc purchases until tape appears, but not for me. Tape is being opposed hammer and tongs by established companies, who may succeed in smothering it for a decade; and when it does come out it will have no repertory to speak of for another ten years. The companies involved in the venture will be pretty sure to confine themselves to standard works and sure-fire "semi-classical" items at first, besides using most of their available material for jazz spools. I can hear such things any Sunday on the radio, and any other day I'm home to listen to WQXR and WNYC. I don't own them on discs and don't want them on tape. When I pay money for recorded music it goes for compositions I like which are not given concert or radio performance often. While waiting for tape to reach some of these, such an item as Milhaud's "Protee Suite" (substitute nay unusual item that you like) will have come in on discs and gone out of print, and I'll be an old man with a copper-colored beard before I get a tape version. I have only to review my collection of out-of-print discs, including the one kindly supplied me from your library, to realize how wise it is from my standpoint to buy whatever interests me right now, before it's too late. ... The "Feeble" like the Lyons "Prayer for Joyce" and damon's "Foible" is an essentially simple story -- in this case, the fable of the Goose who laid the Golden Eggs -- told in a series of multiple puns designed to make it tell several other stories simultaneously: this is the main element of the technique Joyce used in "Finnegans Wake". The Goose is Vanguard; the narrator who "Dictatored a few lyons to his sequitury, one Em," is your columnist; the Fly is Stanley, the Bird yourself. These hints should be all you need; I suggest, however, that if you have any more difficulty, just try reading it aloud -- that invariably works if the texture is not too dense, as it certainly is not here. ... One of the L&B Machine Co,'s customers, one Em, has called our attention to a misprint in our current ad in your paper; the apparatus offered for sale should be: "The L & B Supersonic Souzearouts Silkscreen Synthesizer." STUFFANONSENSE The funniest yet, and the extras you have offered us will be slipped into our next mailing as far as they go -- counting out Vanguardifs, we'll probably be able to get the bonus to most of the paid list. ... Tops on an excellent list is "Date Wanted -- Rush," with "More d'Lowndes" a close second. "Impromptu" is least good but still enjoyable. VANGUARD AMATEUR Welcome to Cpl. Lopez. The stands question gets another beating around in Fan-Tods review, which please see. ... Mygawd, look at the treasury! Upon consideration I agree with damon and Larry that some of these shekels ought to go out to where they are needed. ... Oh yes, surrealistic poetry: well, "Cristobal Colon" in the 7th Tumbrils is a fair example of a surrealistic technique, stemming from the Dada styles of the early 1900's. Most surrealistic writing depends largely upon free association; I don't believe any of the poetry in Renascence has fallen into that class so far -- largely because that magazine's editors think the modern surrealist group a sterile clique, leftovers of a no-longer vital movement. VANGUARD VARIORUM One wonders if Brother Van Vogt's colossal opinion of his own work can be described as sane thinking in a world that enjoys martyring the self-satisfied even when
Vanguard Boojum page five (... continued) dle. (W.k. is Wahoo for Cleopatra's) ... Maybe there is some wisdom in stopping disc purchases until tape appears, but not for me. Tape is being opposed hammer and tongs by established companies, who may succeed in smothering it for a decade; and when it does come out it will have no repertory to speak of for another ten years. The companies involved in the venture will be pretty sure to confine themselves to standard works and sure-fire "semi-classical" items at first, besides using most of their available material for jazz spools. I can hear such things any Sunday on the radio, and any other day I'm home to listen to WQXR and WNYC. I don't own them on discs and don't want them on tape. When I pay money for recorded music it goes for compositions I like which are not given concert or radio performance often. While waiting for tape to reach some of these, such an item as Milhaud's "Protee Suite" (substitute nay unusual item that you like) will have come in on discs and gone out of print, and I'll be an old man with a copper-colored beard before I get a tape version. I have only to review my collection of out-of-print discs, including the one kindly supplied me from your library, to realize how wise it is from my standpoint to buy whatever interests me right now, before it's too late. ... The "Feeble" like the Lyons "Prayer for Joyce" and damon's "Foible" is an essentially simple story -- in this case, the fable of the Goose who laid the Golden Eggs -- told in a series of multiple puns designed to make it tell several other stories simultaneously: this is the main element of the technique Joyce used in "Finnegans Wake". The Goose is Vanguard; the narrator who "Dictatored a few lyons to his sequitury, one Em," is your columnist; the Fly is Stanley, the Bird yourself. These hints should be all you need; I suggest, however, that if you have any more difficulty, just try reading it aloud -- that invariably works if the texture is not too dense, as it certainly is not here. ... One of the L&B Machine Co,'s customers, one Em, has called our attention to a misprint in our current ad in your paper; the apparatus offered for sale should be: "The L & B Supersonic Souzearouts Silkscreen Synthesizer." STUFFANONSENSE The funniest yet, and the extras you have offered us will be slipped into our next mailing as far as they go -- counting out Vanguardifs, we'll probably be able to get the bonus to most of the paid list. ... Tops on an excellent list is "Date Wanted -- Rush," with "More d'Lowndes" a close second. "Impromptu" is least good but still enjoyable. VANGUARD AMATEUR Welcome to Cpl. Lopez. The stands question gets another beating around in Fan-Tods review, which please see. ... Mygawd, look at the treasury! Upon consideration I agree with damon and Larry that some of these shekels ought to go out to where they are needed. ... Oh yes, surrealistic poetry: well, "Cristobal Colon" in the 7th Tumbrils is a fair example of a surrealistic technique, stemming from the Dada styles of the early 1900's. Most surrealistic writing depends largely upon free association; I don't believe any of the poetry in Renascence has fallen into that class so far -- largely because that magazine's editors think the modern surrealist group a sterile clique, leftovers of a no-longer vital movement. VANGUARD VARIORUM One wonders if Brother Van Vogt's colossal opinion of his own work can be described as sane thinking in a world that enjoys martyring the self-satisfied even when
Hevelin Fanzines