State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1962-1968
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Student Senate The Student Senate Office, which is the headquarters for the undergraduate student governing body, is located in the Union. The Senate provides overall student government by including the elected representatives of all student housing areas in the 24-member Senate. Each spring the Senate election committee holds All-Campus Elections at which the Student Body President and other organization officers are elected. The Student Senate is the student's voice, and any student or student group may consult the Senate on any problem of student interest in the Senate's open meetings. Commissions and committees give many students and opportunity to participate directly in student government. Every student helps elect his representatives on the Senate. Remember this and vote in the All-Campus Elections! The Senate cooperates in relation to the Orientation program, the MIss SUI Pageant, and the Central Party Committee selection procedure. Reaching all areas of student life, it supervises all-campus elections, and its Court acts on student traffic appeals, as well as other Senate cases. You may start out on a subcommittee, but your chances of working up to Senate member or even President are as good as anyone else's. You may want to add a little harmony to your life at SUI by entering into student government. Central Party Committee Interested in helping plan, publicize, or decorate for an all-University dance or concert? If so, you'll probably be interested in working with the Central Party Committee. This group has responsibility for all-University parties and entertainments for which admission is charged. To undertake this large task, a governing body of twelve students is chosen each spring by means of nominations from the housing units. Three freshmen, four sophomores, and five juniors are chosen at this time and assume office in the fall. The governing body supervises four CPC subcommittees whose members are chosen each fall by a similar method of housing-unit nominations. However, any student may submit and application for consideration by securing signatures of twenty other SUIowans. CPC selects about fifty subcommittee members each fall, so if you're interested in helping present such functions as the Homecoming Dance, Dad's Day Concert, and other big student attractions, CPC is the group to join. 18
Student Senate The Student Senate Office, which is the headquarters for the undergraduate student governing body, is located in the Union. The Senate provides overall student government by including the elected representatives of all student housing areas in the 24-member Senate. Each spring the Senate election committee holds All-Campus Elections at which the Student Body President and other organization officers are elected. The Student Senate is the student's voice, and any student or student group may consult the Senate on any problem of student interest in the Senate's open meetings. Commissions and committees give many students and opportunity to participate directly in student government. Every student helps elect his representatives on the Senate. Remember this and vote in the All-Campus Elections! The Senate cooperates in relation to the Orientation program, the MIss SUI Pageant, and the Central Party Committee selection procedure. Reaching all areas of student life, it supervises all-campus elections, and its Court acts on student traffic appeals, as well as other Senate cases. You may start out on a subcommittee, but your chances of working up to Senate member or even President are as good as anyone else's. You may want to add a little harmony to your life at SUI by entering into student government. Central Party Committee Interested in helping plan, publicize, or decorate for an all-University dance or concert? If so, you'll probably be interested in working with the Central Party Committee. This group has responsibility for all-University parties and entertainments for which admission is charged. To undertake this large task, a governing body of twelve students is chosen each spring by means of nominations from the housing units. Three freshmen, four sophomores, and five juniors are chosen at this time and assume office in the fall. The governing body supervises four CPC subcommittees whose members are chosen each fall by a similar method of housing-unit nominations. However, any student may submit and application for consideration by securing signatures of twenty other SUIowans. CPC selects about fifty subcommittee members each fall, so if you're interested in helping present such functions as the Homecoming Dance, Dad's Day Concert, and other big student attractions, CPC is the group to join. 18
Campus Culture