State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1962-1968
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{Rendering of musical staff banner reading " ON IOWA...PROUDLY..." over top of building with back view of woman facing building} On, Iowa, proudly at the fore, On, Iowa, on forevermore, Ev'ry loyal son will give a rousting toast to you, Ev'ry loyal daughter loves you true. On, Iowa, with your wealth untold, A heritage to us you did unfold. Love of family, love of friends, love of country, too. Makes us proud for what you stand, our dear Old Gold.
{Rendering of musical staff banner reading " ON IOWA...PROUDLY..." over top of building with back view of woman facing building} On, Iowa, proudly at the fore, On, Iowa, on forevermore, Ev'ry loyal son will give a rousting toast to you, Ev'ry loyal daughter loves you true. On, Iowa, with your wealth untold, A heritage to us you did unfold. Love of family, love of friends, love of country, too. Makes us proud for what you stand, our dear Old Gold.
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