State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1962-1968
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answer anticipated questions about your new life. Your adjustment to the campus will be made easier and more exciting by your participation in Orientation. Your first Orientation event is the Mass Meeting for the Class of 1971 at the field house. Sitting in blocks by group number are your Orientation Leaders and the other freshmen in your group. During the meeting, faculty and student leaders will be introduced. Orientation activities will be briefed for you. The band and the cheerleaders are present to add a festive mood. When the meeting concludes, your group will be the guest of a faculty or staff member and his family. In an informal atmosphere your questions determine the evening's discussion. Talk freely with your host and hostess, your leaders, and each other about any and every phase of the University. When you leave, you will feel more familiar with your new environment and eager to share in more of Orientation. Monday morning classes are dismissed for the Induction Ceremony on the east steps of Old Capitol. This marks the beginning of a new school year and, more important, the beginning of your University career. President Bowen welcomes and challenges students to a new and better year. This ceremony inspires academic achievement and U of I loyalty-we will see you there! A new activity in Orientation this year stimulates interest in student government. Tuesday evening you are invited to a Student Senate meeting and to a reception afterwards where you can meet and talk with Senators and members of the Senate-appointed Student-Faculty Committees. At the Activities Carnival in the Union Friday, campus organizations will be recruiting new members. Each booth in manned and well-supplied with information to explain programs and plans for the year. Relax from your first week of classes at Recreation Night. Saturday night various parts of the Field House are available for group activity, swimming, and dancing. The Dolphin Club will present a program, and there will be gymnastic demonstrations. Sunday evening student religious groups sponsor informal open houses. The conclusion of Orientation Week is the dance sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce to welcome you to Iowa City. Door prizes are given away so...join us for a fun evening! You will still have moments of confusion. If you have taken advantage of the planned programs, willing help of your Orientation Leaders, and on-campus Information Booths, you'll be well on your way to adjusting to your new life. 5
answer anticipated questions about your new life. Your adjustment to the campus will be made easier and more exciting by your participation in Orientation. Your first Orientation event is the Mass Meeting for the Class of 1971 at the field house. Sitting in blocks by group number are your Orientation Leaders and the other freshmen in your group. During the meeting, faculty and student leaders will be introduced. Orientation activities will be briefed for you. The band and the cheerleaders are present to add a festive mood. When the meeting concludes, your group will be the guest of a faculty or staff member and his family. In an informal atmosphere your questions determine the evening's discussion. Talk freely with your host and hostess, your leaders, and each other about any and every phase of the University. When you leave, you will feel more familiar with your new environment and eager to share in more of Orientation. Monday morning classes are dismissed for the Induction Ceremony on the east steps of Old Capitol. This marks the beginning of a new school year and, more important, the beginning of your University career. President Bowen welcomes and challenges students to a new and better year. This ceremony inspires academic achievement and U of I loyalty-we will see you there! A new activity in Orientation this year stimulates interest in student government. Tuesday evening you are invited to a Student Senate meeting and to a reception afterwards where you can meet and talk with Senators and members of the Senate-appointed Student-Faculty Committees. At the Activities Carnival in the Union Friday, campus organizations will be recruiting new members. Each booth in manned and well-supplied with information to explain programs and plans for the year. Relax from your first week of classes at Recreation Night. Saturday night various parts of the Field House are available for group activity, swimming, and dancing. The Dolphin Club will present a program, and there will be gymnastic demonstrations. Sunday evening student religious groups sponsor informal open houses. The conclusion of Orientation Week is the dance sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce to welcome you to Iowa City. Door prizes are given away so...join us for a fun evening! You will still have moments of confusion. If you have taken advantage of the planned programs, willing help of your Orientation Leaders, and on-campus Information Booths, you'll be well on your way to adjusting to your new life. 5
Campus Culture